official apps
If you need to mount a whiteboard in the app, please refer to board.tsx
import type { NetlessApp, AppContext } from "@netless/window-manager";
const HelloWorld: NetlessApp = {
kind: "Hello World",
setup: (context: AppContext) => {
context.mountView(context.getBox().$content); // optional: mount the View to the box
kind: HelloWorld.kind,
src: HelloWorld,
kind: "Hello World",
options: {
scenePath: "/hello-world", // If you need to use the whiteboard in the app, you must declare scenePath
const Counter: NetlessApp<{ count: number }> = {
kind: "Counter",
setup: context => {
const storage =;
storage.ensureState({ count: 0 });
const box = context.getBox(); // box is the window opened for this application
const $content = box.$content; // Get the content of the window
const countDom = document.createElement("div");
countDom.innerText = storage.state.count.toString();
// Listen for state change callbacks
storage.addStateChangedListener(diff => {
if (diff.count) {
// diff will give newValue and oldValue
countDom.innerText = diff.count.newValue.toString();
const incButton = document.createElement("button");
incButton.innerText = "Inc";
const incButtonOnClick = () => {
storage.setState({ count: storage.state.count + 1 });
incButton.addEventListener("click", incButtonOnClick);
const decButton = document.createElement("button");
decButton.innerText = "Dec";
const decButtonOnClick = () => {
storage.setState({ count: storage.state.count - 1 });
decButton.addEventListener("click", decButtonOnClick);
// listen for events
const event1Disposer = context.addMagixEventListener("event1", msg => {
console.log("event1", msg);
// Send a message to other people who have the app open
context.dispatchMagixEvent("event1", { count: 10 });
// When the application is destroyed, pay attention to clean up the listener
context.emitter.on("destroy", () => {
incButton.removeEventListener("click", incButtonOnClick);
decButton.removeEventListener("click", decButtonOnClick);