Utils for gathering, aggregation and handling metadata from DICOM files.
From pip
pip install dicom-csv
or from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/neuro-ml/dicom-csv
cd dicom-csv
pip install -e .
>>> from dicom_csv import join_tree
>>> folder = '/path/to/folder/'
>>> meta = join_tree(folder, verbose=2)
>>> meta.head(3)
AccessionNumber | AcquisitionDate | ... | WindowCenter | WindowWidth |
000002621237 | 20200922 | ... | -500.0 | 1500.0 |
000002621237 | 20200922 | ... | -40.0 | 400.0 |
000002621237 | 20200922 | ... | -500.0 | 1500.0 |
3 rows x 155 columns |
from a series of dicom files (each containing 2D image)
from dicom_csv import join_tree, order_series, stack_images
from pydicom import dcmread
from pathlib import Path
# 1. Collect metadata from all dicom files
folder = Path('/path/to/folder/')
meta = join_tree(folder, verbose=2)
# 2. Select series to load
uid = '...' # unique identifier of a series you want to load,
# you could list them by `meta.SeriesInstanceUID.unique()`
series = meta.query("SeriesInstanceUID==@uid")
# 3. Read files & combine them into a single volume
images2d = [dcmread(folder / row[1].PathToFolder / row[1].FileName) for row in series.iterrows()]
image3d = stack_images(order_series(images2d))
You can find the documentation here.