Releases: nextcloud/bookmarks
- clickBookmark's DB query was not migrated (@blizzz)
- Fix bookmarks filter (@marcelklehr)
- Fix Nullpointer exception if user is not logged in (@marcelklehr)
- Use query param to inject tags (@marcelklehr)
- Fix internalBookmarksController#import (@marcelklehr)
- Allow omitting params in editBookmark (@marcelklehr @blizzz)
- Return empty tags if none found (@marcelklehr @blizzz)
- Re-add PublicController to container (@marcelklehr)
- makes add_url more wide for see the +-picture (@blackcrack)
- rename tag (@marcelklehr)
- delete tag (@marcelklehr)
- findUniqueBookmark: Return all tags (@marcelklehr)
- README: tags param was wrong (@marcelklehr)
- README: Added companion apps that work with Bookmarks app. (@e-alfred)
- Adjust CI to new Nextcloud 12 and per-13 (master) (@blizzz)
ENHANCEMENT: Rest API got CRUD methods (@marcelklehr)
ENHANCEMENT: Nextcloud 12 compatible (@blizzz)
ENHANCEMENT: screenshot added for the app store (@adsworth)
ENHANCEMENT: include "nofollow" and "noopener" to bookmarks links (@brantje)
FIX: encode requesttoken in url (@LukasReschke @blizzz)
FIX: unit tests for renaming tags (@marcelklehr)
FIX: move to query builder, fixed also renaming tags (@marcelklehr)
BREAKING: removed ownCloud support - was not working and OC maintains its own version (@blizzz)
INFRASTRUCTURE: tests against PHP 7.1 (@blizzz)
INFRASTRUCTURE: tests against app store xsd (@Henni)
INFRASTRUCTURE: phpunit related adjustements, taking out PHP 5.5 tests (@blizzz)
ENHANCEMENT: ready for Nextcloud 11
ENHANCEMENT: faster bookmarking due to making less requests
ENHANCEMENT: some under the hood overhaul
FIX: info.xml metadata was cleaned of deprecated elements and updated (thx @eppfel)
FIX: no hardcoded naming of the underlying server software (also thx @zerojay)
FIX: avoid 500 (server error) when accessing bookmarks or using bookmarklet while being logged out
FIX: don't fail adding a bookmark on cURL error 18
FIX: do not fail adding a bookmark when the website is unavailable to the server
NOTE: I do not have access to the original bookmarks app on the ownCloud app store anymore. The app will be definitely available via the Nextcloud app store (default in Nextcloud 11).
- ENHANCEMENT: accept pages that return 401-403, show error message on other error codes
- FIX: viewBox of SVG to allow proper scaling in Firefox
- FIX: undefined offset warning
- NOTE: The release branch against all ownCloud and Nextcloud versions up from 9 is now master (i.e. stable9.1 and stable9 branches are now abandoned). This is also the reason for skipping 0.8.
- Restore broken tag selection functionality
- increase title size to 4096, and cut title and description before writing to DB
- Fix overwrite of bookmarks when importing links without URL
- Fixed PHP fatal error: Controller could not resolve namespace of Helper class.
- Restore broken tag selection functionality
- increase title size to 4096, and cut title and description before writing to DB
- Fix overwrite of bookmarks when importing links without URL
- Fixed PHP fatal error: Controller could not resolve namespace of Helper class.
- First release for ownCloud 9.0 \o/
- Auto-close bookmarklet after save
- Fix of renaming tags with Sqlite (Known issue: broken with other DBs)
- Fix bookmarking of URLs with special chars
- Do not override user-provided title when bookmarking via bookmarklet
- Improve encoding detection