ZAML - Zebra (Hybrid) AI Markup Language
Inspired by YAML, Markdown, AIML and PHP template syntax Smarty, ZAML is a human readable marked up language which could be easily transformed into computer data structure.
ZAML could be used in:
- AI training sample
- Named-entity recognition (NER).
- Chatting bot definition, like AIML.
- Marking tags during information extraction to build knowledge graph.
- Results of AI parsed text.
- Source code of rich text editor with AI assisted.
- Any other field needs labeling text related to AI
- ZAML should directly based on plain text of natural language, that is to say, a plain text without any additional marker or sign is valid ZAML.
- ZAML could contains some of Markdown markers for formatting, as long as there are no conflicts with ZAML.
- ZAML could contains one or more section for defining structured data, e.g. key => value pair, enumeration, reference map, attachment list.
- ZAML should be human readable, additional markers should not deeply affect reading.
- ZAML contains text markers, a marker is consists of it's text, and additional properties. A marker could be:
- Article, section scope properties.
- Naming entities.
- Article citation from knowledge database with original reference.
- User uploaded document attachment as reference.
- ZAML should be easily converted to:
- Plain text of natural language.
- JSON serializable data structure, used for later processing by computer program.
- ZAML should be extensible for holding more type of information in the future.
- ZAML syntax should be as simple, as short, as clear as it could be.
- If characters used by markers appears in natural language, it should be escaped.
Tag, Marker types are capital letters, attributes using lower cased letters.
Literals are used in attributes of tag and markers.
Type | Sample | Description |
string |
"example\n string" , Hello |
Quotes could be omitted if the string does not need to be escaped |
number |
128 , 1e10 , -6 |
Expressed in literal form |
boolean |
TRUE , True , true , FALSE , False , false |
Expressed in literal form, if used in attribute value, could be omitted if the value is True |
date |
2018-07-04 , 2018-07-04T10:01:24.000Z |
Date time expressed in JSON date format |
Expression is a syntax used to demonstrate ZAML language format
Expression | Define | Description |
<space> |
One ore more white space, may includes line break | |
<front-matter> |
--- |
One ore more white space, may includes line break |
<label> |
#<label-name> |
Label |
<attribute> |
<key>=<value> |
should be encoded in URI component format |
<truthy> |
<key> |
Boolean true attribute literal |
<attribute-list> |
`(( | |
<metadata-list> |
`(( | )?){n}` |
Attributes are attached with block and inline block.
Metadata is used for defining value for the whole ZAML document, also for BLOCK
tag, similar to YAML front matter.
Metadata is parsed similar as block attributes, but <truthy>
boolean is not supported.
It is stored in node.metadata
of the AST node.
dateCreated: 2018-07-24
author: Peter
Tag is one of the type: plain natural language part, defining markup etc., except for natural language, other tag is start with: {
)? }
, and end with {/<TYPE>}
Tag content may not be inserted into the text when displayed to the user, and could be used by reference.
Tag name is case-insensitive, so {block}...{/block}
is valid
Tag is used for defining a block of ZAML source, which could be inserted into other part of doc by reference.
Block could be nested, the wrapped content of a block is also valid ZAML.
{BLOCK intention=statement}
Jack says {INLINE}he would come here tomorrow{/INLINE}.
{QUOTE from=@jack}
I'll be here tomorrow!
Simple format:
Jack says {he would come here tomorrow}.
I'll be here tomorrow!
Pattern: &[
Reference marker from DEF
Marker defines additional info for specified word.
A word marked by marker must be inline.
Pattern: [
( {
? (<space>
) ? }
) ?
Naming entities could be simple (Some name)
or followed by naming type definition:
Type | Format | Description |
PER , P |
{PER name:string lastName:string firstName:string} |
A natural person |
USR , U |
{USR id:string} |
A user in the system |
ORG , O |
{ORG fullName:string} |
Company or other organization |
LOC , L |
{LOC name:string longitude:float latitude:float} |
Location, district, area |
{LINK url:string} |
The text is a time |
{DATE value:date relative:boolean} |
The text is a time |
{PHONE value:string type:enum<string>} |
Phone number, type could be mobile , home , work or none |
{ADDRESS url:string} |
Url |
{EAN_CODE value:string isbnType:string value:string groupName:string valid:boolean} |
EAN13, ISBN 10, ISBN 13 |
{ID_CARD.CN value:string district:string birthDate:date valid:boolean} |
Chinese ID card number |
{PLATE.CN value:string type:enum<string> district:string valid:boolean} |
Chinese vehicle registration plate |
{FDA_NO.CN value:string} |
CFDA licensed number |
{LAW.JUDGE.CN value:string title:string} |
Chinese court judgement verdict |
[石小猛]{P} // default for PER
[Micheal Jackson]{PER}
[小米]{ORG fullName=小米科技} // Attribute
[香坊万达电影院]{LOC} // Exact position
[华山南路144号]{LOC} // Exact position
[31.008001N,103.607728E]{LOC} // Geo position of coordinates
Named reference:
甲方: [武汉人工不智能技有限公司]{ORG}
[甲方] # None typed entity should be passed as named reference whenever possible
Pattern: $[
( <attribute-list>
) ? }
is used as prefix because it is visually like paper clip 📎.
Attribute | Description |
type |
Document type, could be DOC , IMAGE , TEXT , PRESENTATION , SPREADSHEET , etc. |
url |
Relative path or absolute url of the document |
id |
A identifier of the document in database or other storage |
version |
Document version in string or number |
A custom schema could be used in the url
$[The first Contract]{DOC type=image url="my-schema://BEHlIwbhJf"}
$[合同文档.docx]{DOC url="doc-schema://BEHlIwbhJf" version=2.0}
There is something I should tell you.
{BLOCK intention=statement}
Jack says he would come here tomorrow:
{QUOTE from=Jack}
“[I]{PER name=Jack}'ll be [here]{LOC} [tomorrow]{DATE value=2018-07-25}.”
So we can meet together, here is the link []{LINK url=}
There is something I should tell you.
Jack says he would come here tomorrow:
“I'll be here tomorrow.”
So we can meet together, here is the link