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This repository contains the source code for the TFT Guide flutter app. The app uses supabase to load and sync remote data with a local SQLite database. This allows for seamless data access, even in offline scenarios, ensuring the user experience remains smooth and uninterrupted.

Getting Started


We are using asdf to manage the dependencies. Make sure you have it installed and then run the following command to install the required versions:

asdf install

If you don't have asdf installed or prefer not to use it, you can install Flutter directly by following the officialFlutter installation guide. Make sure to use the version specified in the .tool-versions file to avoid compatibility issues.

Local Development

The project uses environment variables for configuration. Follow the steps below to set up the local environment:

  1. Create an env.json file in the project root directory. Use the env.example.json file as a template:

    cp .env.example.json .env.json
  2. Populate the env.json file with the required values:

    Open env.json and fill in the supabase_url, supabase_anon_key, github_owner, and github_repo fields using the information from your GitHub and supabase project:

    • supabase_url: Available in your Supabase project settings under Project Settings > API.
    • supabase_anon_key: Available in the same API section.
    • github_owner: The owner of the GitHub repository.
    • github_repo: The name of the GitHub repository.
  3. Run the app:

    Use the following command to start the application with the environment variables loaded from env.json:

    flutter run --dart-define-from-file=.env.json

Code generation for translations

We are using slang to manage the translations.

Run the following command to generate the translations:

make i18n

Code style

In our project, we follow a consistent code style to ensure readability, maintainability, and collaboration among team members. Adhering to a unified code style not only improves code quality but also enhances the overall development process.

To ensure adherence to our code style guidelines, we have developed custom lint rules and metrics (cosee_lints).

To format and analyze the codebase, you can run the following command:

make style

Code style enforcement with lefthook

To automatically format staged code before committing, we use lefthook as a pre-commit hook. Our configuration ensures that only staged Dart files in the app directory are formatted with dart format.

lefthook install

Create a release APK

To generate a release APK for your application, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a file in the android root directory. Use the file as a template:

    cp android/ android/
  2. Create a keystore file:

    • Option 1: Using Android Studio

      You can generate a keystore directly from Android Studio by following the official guide.

    • Option 2: Using the Command Line

      Alternatively, use the keytool command to generate a keystore:

      keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/app/tft_guide.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias tft_guide
  3. Set up secrets in GitHub (optional, for GitHub Actions):

    Next, you need to set up the following secrets in your GitHub repository:

    • KEY_PASSWORD: The password for the key.
    • STORE_PASSWORD: The password for the keystore.
    • KEY_ALIAS: The alias of the key, by default it is tft_guide.
    • KEYSTORE: The base64-encoded version of your keystore file.

Encoding the keystore file

  1. Run the following command to encode your tft_guide.jks file:

    base64 -i android/app/tft_guide.jks -w 0 > android/app/tft_guide_base64
  2. Copy the content of tft_guide_base64, and then paste it into the KEYSTORE secret on GitHub.

Generate the release APK

Once your keystore and are set up, you can generate the release APK by running the following command:

make apk


To execute the tests, run the following command in your terminal:

make test

This will run the test in random order. If you want to specify a seed for randomizing the test order, you can use the following command:

make test seed=1

Running integration tests

To execute the integration tests, use the following command:

make test-integration

Make sure the app is uninstalled before running integration tests.

Golden tests

We utilize Golden Tests for our UI testing process. These tests are specifically designed to verify the visual output of our application and guarantee consistent appearance across UI components, thus mitigating any potential UI regression issues.

The golden files for our UI tests are located in the test/ui/**/goldens directory.

To update these golden files, simply execute the following command:

make update-goldens

This will update all golden files, so be careful when running this command to ensure that all changes to the UI are intentional.