The observed structure of a protein if its ligand is not bound. In contrast to holo structure
- Ligands/proteins can exist in different conformations. Usually, "conformation" refers to the same chemical composition but with altered bond-angles between two/multiple ligands or proteins. See also orientation.
The observed structure of a protein in its ligand bound state. In contrast to apo structure
- In contrast to conformation, the bond angles are the same between two/multiple ligands (as well as the chemical composition), but the orientation in space (transition, global rotation) is differs between two/multiple orientations.
A ligand pose describes the binding-mode of a ligand in a protein binding site. Typically, this is considered to be a combination of orientation & conformation
The RMSD measures the average distance between atoms of 2 protein or ligand structures via the equation
where a_i refers to the atoms of molecule 1, and b_i to the atoms of molecule 2, respectively. The subscripts x, y, z are denoting the x-y-z coordinates for every atom.
The RMSD is most commonly calculated without taking hydrogen-atoms into consideration (typically only C-alpha or main-chain atoms in proteins).
(overlay between 2 ligand structures, RMSD = 1.9959 Angstrom)