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Color Palette |
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The color palette options used for this website. You can toggle from theme to theme with ⌘ → & ⌘ ←. You can toggle between light and dark mode of each theme with ⌘ ↑ & ⌘ ↓.
The variables, back, middle, and front refer to background colors. Primary, secondary, tertiary, muted refer to text and component colors. Rose, corn, and grass are special colors. And highlight-primary is used for highlighting text.
I'm using an opinionated fork of Shiki called Fuyu-Shiki-Twoslash for syntax highlighting. And Shiki-Twoslash for typescript code blocks. The theme for all code blocks, no matter what theme you are looking at in the site is Dracula right now.
The font is Dank Mono.
Theme is by Zeno Rocha
Theme is by Alvaro Saburido
Theme is by Sven Greb