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This repository contains my practical project works for Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree program. As part of working from home due to COVID-19, I decided to utilize my free time and do something to upskill myself with help of available free resources. With such interest I started with Udacity Cloud Developer Nano Degree

Project Status

udacity-c2-frontend CI udacity-c2-basic-server CI udacity-c2-restapi CI project-c2-udagram CI

Getting Started

Folder Structure

  • exercises - contains sample works as part of the labs from the chapters.
  • project - contains actual project work submitted as part of the assignments for the curriculam


The samples and projects found in this repository are created using Visual Studio Code and Node.js/NPM/ExpressJS stack and it require certain global NPM components and project NPM components(project.json). I used Windows 10 and

Install NodeJS

Install NodeJS LTS version 10.

  • If you are in Windows, you can use the msi installers (x86 or x64) in this link for the easiest way to set up NodeJS (notice that these direct links evolve over time, so check the latest v10 from the above directory).
  • If you have NodeJS already installed, check that you have the correct version by using node -v. It should return version 10.19.0.

Install Visual Studio Code IDE

You can use any code editor or IDE that supports client-side development to build your web part, such as:

Optional Tools

Following are some tools that might come in handy as well:

Setup Python Environment

pip upgrade pip 


pip install awscli 
pip install awsebcli

Global NPM Components

npm install -g 

Project NPM components

You may require to visit the respective folder after cloning this repository and run :

npm install 


You can use the source code in repository under MIT License without any warranty or support. Free to use, without any royalty.

Completion Certificate

Completion Cert


MIT License © 2020