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A Terraform module that knows how to deploy NixOS onto a target host.

This allow to describe an infrastructure as code with Terraform and delegate the machine configuration with NixOS. All directed by Terraform.

The advantage of this method is that if any of the Nix code changes, the difference will be detected on the next "terraform plan".


Either pass a "config" which is a dynamic nixos configuration and a "config_pwd", or a "nixos_config", a path to a nixos configuration.nix file. If you have defined your NixOs configuration in a Flake, use "nixos_config" to specify the name of the attribue and set "flake" to true.

Secret handling

Keys can be passed to the "keys" attribute. Each key will be installed under /var/keys/${key} with the content as the value.

For services to access one of the keys, add the service user to the "keys" group.

The target machine needs jq installed prior to the deployment (as part of the base image). If jq is not found it will try to use a version from <nixpkgs>.

Disabling sandboxing

Unfortunately some time it's required to disable the nix sandboxing. To do so, add ["--option", "sandbox", "false"] to the "extra_build_args" parameter.

If that doesn't work, make sure that your user is part of the nix "trusted-users" list.

Non-root target_user

It is possible to connect to the target host using a user that is not root under certain conditions:

  • sudo needs to be installed on the machine
  • the user needs password-less sudo access on the machine

This would typically be provisioned in the base image.

Binary cache configuration

One thing that might be surprising is that the binary caches (aka substituters) are taken from the machine configuration. This implies that the user Nix configuration will be ignored in that regard.


  • bash 4.0+
  • nix
  • openssh
  • readlink with -f (coreutils or busybox)

Known limitations

The deployment machine requires Nix with access to a remote builder with the same system as the target machine.

Because Nix code is being evaluated at "terraform plan" time, deploying a lot of machine in the same target will require a lot of RAM.

All the secrets share the same "keys" group.

When deploying as non-root, it assumes that passwordless sudo is available.

The target host must already have NixOS installed.

config including computed values

The module doesn't work when <computed> values from other resources are interpolated with the "config" attribute. Because it happens at evaluation time, terraform will render an empty drvPath.

see also:


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12


Name Version
external n/a
null n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
NIX_PATH Allow to pass custom NIX_PATH string "" no
build_on_target Avoid building on the deployer. Must be true or false. Has no effect when deploying from an incompatible system. Unlike remote builders, this does not require the deploying user to be trusted by its host. string false no
config NixOS configuration to be evaluated. This argument is required unless 'nixos_config' is given string "" no
config_pwd Directory to evaluate the configuration in. This argument is required if 'config' is given string "" no
extra_build_args List of arguments to pass to the nix builder list(string) [] no
extra_eval_args List of arguments to pass to the nix evaluation list(string) [] no
hermetic Treat the provided nixos configuration as a hermetic expression and do not evaluate using the ambient system nixpkgs. Useful if you customize eval-modules or use a pinned nixpkgs. bool false no
flake Treat the provided nixos_config as the name of the NixOS configuration to use in the flake located in the current directory. Useful if you customize eval-modules or use a pinned nixpkgs. bool false no
keys A map of filename to content to upload as secrets in /var/keys map(string) {} no
nixos_config Path to a NixOS configuration string "" no
ssh_agent Whether to use an SSH agent. True if not ssh_private_key is passed bool null no
ssh_private_key Content of private key used to connect to the target_host string "" no
ssh_private_key_file Path to private key used to connect to the target_host string "" no
target_host DNS host to deploy to string n/a yes
target_port SSH port used to connect to the target_host number 22 no
target_system Nix system string string "x86_64-linux" no
target_user SSH user used to connect to the target_host string "root" no
triggers Triggers for deploy map(string) {} no


Name Description
id random ID that changes on every nixos deployment