Hi there!
I'm learning to code, interested in data analytics and data science, aiming to be hired by mid of 2021.
This repository is for SQL exercises done by me while learning SQL on various platforms and courses.
List of course:
- Learn SQL -- on codecademy.com
- SQL exercises -- on sql-ex.ru
- SQL course -- on stepik.org. NB! The course is in Russian.
- SQL data analysis course -- data analysis course by karpov.courses
- SQL module -- from data analyst course by Yandex Praktikum
- SQL Bolt -- a series of interactive lessons and exercises designed to help you quickly learn SQL right in your browser. SQL Bolt
- Databases for Developers: SQL Foundations -- 12-part boot camp that helps to get started with Oracle Database and SQL. SQL Foundations
It's extremely important to write a readable code.
Please, read and follow SQL style guide. I personally enjoyed the one by Simon Holywell that you can find here: https://www.sqlstyle.guide/
Also I find the web-site below being very helpful. It automatically formats your SQL queries returning a beautiful and clear code. https://codebeautify.org/sqlformatter
Enjoy using these tools!
Hope this repo will help you to assess my SQL skills or will be just fun for you to look through.
Fell free to contact me via nktn.lx@gmal.com
Follow me on twitter: @nktn_lx
And here on github: github.com/nktnlx