Deadline: May 20th (Thursday) at 15:00pm
Pleae take a look at the following document for environment setup, creating branch, and making a pull request.
Additionally, you need the library DelFEM2 in pba-<username>/3rd_party
$ cd pba-<username> # go to the top of local repository
$ git submodule update --init 3rd_party/delfem2
(DelFEM2 is a collection of useful C++ codes written by the instructer.)
Compile the code in this folder using cmake
, use the out-of-source build too keep this directory clean.
Run the program and take a screenshot image of the resulting window.
Paste the screenshot below by editing this markdown document.
=== paset screenshot here ===
Optimize the position of the blue point using the Newton-Raphson method such that it will minimise the sum of the squared distance between black points. The Newton-Raphson method requires gradient and hessian of the energy with respect to the position. Fill the code around line #90 to analytically compute the graiend and hessian of the squared distance. Paste the screenshot image of the result below.
=== paset screenshot here ===