var OFF = 0, WARN = 1, ERROR = 2; module.exports = exports = { "env": { "es6": true, "node": true, "browser": true }, "extends": "eslint:recommended", // "ecmaFeatures": { // // env=es6 doesn't include modules, which we are using // "modules": true // }, // "rules": { "no-console": "off" }, "globals": { "W": "writable", "node": "writable", "J": "writable", "JSUS": "writable" } // // "rules": { // // Possible Errors (overrides from recommended set) // "no-extra-parens": ERROR, // "no-unexpected-multiline": ERROR, // // All JSDoc comments must be valid // "valid-jsdoc": [ ERROR, { // "requireReturn": false, // "requireReturnDescription": false, // "requireParamDescription": true, // "prefer": { // "return": "returns" // } // }], // // // Best Practices // // // Allowed a getter without setter, but all setters require getters // "accessor-pairs": [ ERROR, { // "getWithoutSet": false, // "setWithoutGet": true // }], // "block-scoped-var": WARN, // "consistent-return": ERROR, // "curly": ERROR, // "default-case": WARN, // // the dot goes with the property when doing multiline // "dot-location": [ WARN, "property" ], // "dot-notation": WARN, // "eqeqeq": [ ERROR, "smart" ], // "guard-for-in": WARN, // "no-alert": ERROR, // "no-caller": ERROR, // "no-case-declarations": WARN, // "no-div-regex": WARN, // "no-else-return": WARN, // "no-empty-label": WARN, // "no-empty-pattern": WARN, // "no-eq-null": WARN, // "no-eval": ERROR, // "no-extend-native": ERROR, // "no-extra-bind": WARN, // "no-floating-decimal": WARN, // "no-implicit-coercion": [ WARN, { // "boolean": true, // "number": true, // "string": true // }], // "no-implied-eval": ERROR, // "no-invalid-this": ERROR, // "no-iterator": ERROR, // "no-labels": WARN, // "no-lone-blocks": WARN, // "no-loop-func": ERROR, // "no-magic-numbers": WARN, // "no-multi-spaces": ERROR, // "no-multi-str": WARN, // "no-native-reassign": ERROR, // "no-new-func": ERROR, // "no-new-wrappers": ERROR, // "no-new": ERROR, // "no-octal-escape": ERROR, // "no-param-reassign": ERROR, // "no-process-env": WARN, // "no-proto": ERROR, // "no-redeclare": ERROR, // "no-return-assign": ERROR, // "no-script-url": ERROR, // "no-self-compare": ERROR, // "no-throw-literal": ERROR, // "no-unused-expressions": ERROR, // "no-useless-call": ERROR, // "no-useless-concat": ERROR, // "no-void": WARN, // // Produce warnings when something is commented as TODO or FIXME // "no-warning-comments": [ WARN, { // "terms": [ "TODO", "FIXME" ], // "location": "start" // }], // "no-with": WARN, // "radix": WARN, // "vars-on-top": ERROR, // // Enforces the style of wrapped functions // "wrap-iife": [ ERROR, "outside" ], // "yoda": ERROR, // // // Strict Mode - for ES6, never use strict. // "strict": [ ERROR, "never" ], // // // Variables // "init-declarations": [ ERROR, "always" ], // "no-catch-shadow": WARN, // "no-delete-var": ERROR, // "no-label-var": ERROR, // "no-shadow-restricted-names": ERROR, // "no-shadow": WARN, // // We require all vars to be initialized (see init-declarations) // // If we NEED a var to be initialized to undefined, // // it needs to be explicit // "no-undef-init": OFF, // "no-undef": ERROR, // "no-undefined": OFF, // "no-unused-vars": WARN, // // Disallow hoisting - let & const don't allow hoisting anyhow // "no-use-before-define": ERROR, // // // Node.js and CommonJS // "callback-return": [ WARN, [ "callback", "next" ]], // "global-require": ERROR, // "handle-callback-err": WARN, // "no-mixed-requires": WARN, // "no-new-require": ERROR, // // Use path.concat instead // "no-path-concat": ERROR, // "no-process-exit": ERROR, // "no-restricted-modules": OFF, // "no-sync": WARN, // // // ECMAScript 6 support // "arrow-body-style": [ ERROR, "always" ], // "arrow-parens": [ ERROR, "always" ], // "arrow-spacing": [ ERROR, { "before": true, "after": true }], // "constructor-super": ERROR, // "generator-star-spacing": [ ERROR, "before" ], // "no-arrow-condition": ERROR, // "no-class-assign": ERROR, // "no-const-assign": ERROR, // "no-dupe-class-members": ERROR, // "no-this-before-super": ERROR, // "no-var": WARN, // "object-shorthand": [ WARN, "never" ], // "prefer-arrow-callback": WARN, // "prefer-spread": WARN, // "prefer-template": WARN, // "require-yield": ERROR, // // // Stylistic - everything here is a warning because of style. // "array-bracket-spacing": [ WARN, "always" ], // "block-spacing": [ WARN, "always" ], // "brace-style": [ WARN, "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": false } ], // "camelcase": WARN, // "comma-spacing": [ WARN, { "before": false, "after": true } ], // "comma-style": [ WARN, "last" ], // "computed-property-spacing": [ WARN, "never" ], // "consistent-this": [ WARN, "self" ], // "eol-last": WARN, // "func-names": WARN, // "func-style": [ WARN, "declaration" ], // "id-length": [ WARN, { "min": 2, "max": 32 } ], // "indent": [ WARN, 4 ], // "jsx-quotes": [ WARN, "prefer-double" ], // // "linebreak-style": [ WARN, "unix" ], // "lines-around-comment": [ WARN, { "beforeBlockComment": true } ], // "max-depth": [ WARN, 8 ], // "max-len": [ WARN, 132 ], // "max-nested-callbacks": [ WARN, 8 ], // "max-params": [ WARN, 8 ], // "new-cap": WARN, // "new-parens": WARN, // "no-array-constructor": WARN, // "no-bitwise": OFF, // "no-continue": OFF, // "no-inline-comments": OFF, // "no-lonely-if": WARN, // "no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": WARN, // "no-multiple-empty-lines": WARN, // "no-negated-condition": OFF, // "no-nested-ternary": WARN, // "no-new-object": WARN, // "no-plusplus": OFF, // "no-spaced-func": WARN, // "no-ternary": OFF, // "no-trailing-spaces": WARN, // "no-underscore-dangle": WARN, // "no-unneeded-ternary": WARN, // "object-curly-spacing": [ WARN, "always" ], // "one-var": OFF, // "operator-assignment": [ WARN, "never" ], // "operator-linebreak": [ WARN, "after" ], // "padded-blocks": [ WARN, "never" ], // "quote-props": [ WARN, "consistent-as-needed" ], // // "quotes": [ WARN, "single" ], // "require-jsdoc": [ WARN, { // "require": { // "FunctionDeclaration": true, // "MethodDefinition": true, // "ClassDeclaration": false // } // }], // "semi-spacing": [ WARN, { "before": false, "after": true }], // "semi": [ ERROR, "always" ], // "sort-vars": OFF, // "space-after-keywords": [ WARN, "always" ], // "space-before-blocks": [ WARN, "always" ], // "space-before-function-paren": [ WARN, "never" ], // "space-before-keywords": [ WARN, "always" ], // "space-in-parens": [ WARN, "never" ], // "space-infix-ops": [ WARN, { "int32Hint": true } ], // "space-return-throw-case": ERROR, // "space-unary-ops": ERROR, // "spaced-comment": [ WARN, "always" ], // "wrap-regex": WARN // } };