A curated list of NodeCG v0.6 bundles and resources.
Inspired by the awesome list project.
Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing.
Want to suggest a bundle for inclusion? Open a PR!
- lfg-twichapi - Lets other bundles easily query the Twitch API on behalf of a logged in user.
- lfg-sublistener - Easy Twitch subscription events for NodeCG
- nodecg-follow - A Twitch Follow notifier for NodeCG
- bubu-followers - NodeCG Twitch Followers
- bubu-twitchalerts - NodeCG bundle to connect to the TwitchAlerts API.
- bubu-twitchalerts-donations - NodeCG bundle to track donations made through TwitchAlerts.
- lfg-streamtip - Easy StreamTip integration for NodeCG
- lfg-doncorleone - Listens for donations to a given account on Barry's Donation Tracker and emits API events for other bundles to use.
- lfg-imraising - Simple ImRaising integration for NodeCG
- nodecg-strawpoll - Show poll results from strawpoll.
- nodecg-transition - A bundle that allows for video transitions between scenes
- nodecg-nowplaying - Shows currently playing song in a number of players.
- evl-countdown-timer - nodecg countdown timer
- mmcn-google-tts - NodeCG extension providing access to Google TTS.
- cod-stats - NodeCG bundle for showing COD AW stats from http://www.codcp.com/
- lfg-hypetrain - Easy 'hype trains' for NodeCG
- lfg-filter - Word filter for NodeCG.
Licensing may apply to to the following Bundles. Please read their info pages/Readmes.
- lange-notify - A real crackerjack notification animation.
- extv-player - Displays 3 hand-entered stats for a single player http://www.extelevision.com/
- extv-lowerthird - It's a lowerthird! http://www.extelevision.com/
- extv-casters - Display a bar at the bottom of the screen with two names (used for commentators) http://www.extelevision.com/
- extv-roster - Displays a roster rundown for a 6v6 team http://www.extelevision.com/
- extv-scoreboard - eXtv scoreboard graphic with boX capability http://www.extelevision.com/
- prime-socialmedia - Display social media links at a set interval or on demand.
- nodecg-player - A lowerthird with dashboard input.
- toth3-overlay - The main broadcast assets for Tip of the Hats 2015
- agdq15-layouts - The on-stream graphics used during Awesome Games Done Quick 2015.
- sgdq15-layouts - The on-stream graphics used during Summer Games Done Quick 2015.
- nodecg-omnilays - Guilty Gear Xrd Stream Overlay for the fightinggame-scene.
To the extent possible under law, the NodeCG team has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.