A curated list of NodeCG v0.8 bundles and resources.
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Intro to NodeCG
NodeCG is a broadcast graphics framework and application. It provides an API and structure for making dynamic graphical assets for broadcast use. NodeCG graphics packages are called "bundles". NodeCG is primarily aimed at Twitch broadcasters using Open Broadcaster Software, but is usable in any environment that can render HTML, including CasparCG.
Still not clear on what NodeCG is and what it is used for? These videos go over some of the more prominent uses of NodeCG:
- Tip of the Hats 2015 Graphics Overview
- Tip of the Hats 2016 Graphics Overview
- Awesome Games Done Quick 2016 Graphics Overview
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NodeCG bundles (or suites of bundles) that provide an entire production system by themselves. They're generally targeted at a specific game or type of show, though some may be more generalized.
- sgdq16-layouts - The on-stream graphics used during Summer Games Done Quick 2016.
- toth4-overlay - The main broadcast assets for Tip of the Hats 2016.
- b2aExtraLife - A stream bundle created for Extra Life 2016. It will track donation totals, show a list of donors, and display games played and other messages.
Bundles which provide alerts on an overlay.
- prime-alerts - Basic follow, sub and tip alerts that listen to nodecg-beam messages.
Bundles which provide some form of visual information on an overlay.
- nodecg-recentfollower - Displays the most recent follower from Beam or Twitch using node-beam-service and node-twitch-service.
- lfg-twichapi - Lets other bundles easily query the Twitch API on behalf of a logged in user.
- nodecg-twitch-service - Tracks Twitch events and emits them as events for other bundles.
- nodecg-beam - Tracks Beam Follows, Subscriptions and Hosts and emits them as events for other bundles.
- nodecg-beam-service - Tracks Beam events using constellation-client and provides Beam info via Replicants.
- prime-manual-alerts - Manual emits follow, subscription, host and tip events which prime-alerts can listen to.
These are Polymer elements meant to be used as part of a dashboard panel. Think of them as building blocks that can be used to speed up development time of a panel.
- nodecg-toggle - Toggles the boolean state of a Replicant.
- nodecg-toast - An implementation of paper-toast designed to work well in NodeCG dashboard panels.
- nodecg-replicant-input - A
element that has two-way binding with a Replicant. - nodecg-position-select - A UI element for quickly selecting a position preset, useful when making graphics that the user may need to reposition.
- nodecg-replicant - A declarative way of using Replicants, best used as part of other Polymer elements.
- nodecg-message-button - A
which sends a message to a bundle when clicked. - nodecg-show-hide - A dashboard element which provides show & hide
To the extent possible under law, the NodeCG team has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.