I have marked with a * those which I think are absolutely essential Items for each section are sorted by oldest to newest.
- In bash, 'ctrl-r' searches your command history as you type
- Input from the commandline as if it were a file by replacing 'command < file.in' with 'command <<< "some input text"'
- '^' is a sed-like operator to replace chars from last command 'ls docs; ^docs^web^' is equal to 'ls web'. The second argument can be empty.
- '!!' expands to the last typed command. Useful for root commands: 'cat /etc/...' [permission denied] 'sudo !!'
- '!!:n' selects the nth argument of the last command, and '!$' the last arg 'ls file1 file2 file3; cat !!:1-2' shows all files and cats only 1 and 2
- 'ESC-.' fetches the last parameter of the previous command
- Related, include 'shopt -s histverify histreedit' on your .bashrc to double-check all expansions before submitting a command
- 'nohup ./long_script &' to leave stuff in background even if you logout
- 'cd -' change to the previous directory you were working on
- 'ctrl-x ctrl-e' opens an editor to work with long or complex command lines
- Use traps for cleaning up bash scripts on exit http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_12_02.html
- 'shopt -s cdspell' automatically fixes your 'cd folder' spelling mistakes
- Add 'set editing-mode vi' in your ~/.inputrc to use the vi keybindings for bash and all readline-enabled applications (python, mysql, etc)
Aggregate history of all terminals in the same .history. On your .bashrc:
shopt -s histappend export HISTSIZE=100000 export HISTFILESIZE=100000 export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a;history -c;history -r;$PROMPT_COMMAND" ```
Pressed 'Ctrl-s' by accident and the terminal is frozen? Unfreeze: 'Ctrl-Q'
- function lt() { ls -ltrsa "$@" | tail; }
- function psgrep() { ps axuf | grep -v grep | grep "$@" -i --color=auto; }
- function fname() { find . -iname "*$@*"; }
- function remove_lines_from() { grep -F -x -v -f $2 $1; }
removes lines from $1 if they appear in $2
- alias pp="ps axuf | pager"
- alias sum="xargs | tr ' ' '+' | bc" ## Usage: echo 1 2 3 | sum
- function mcd() { mkdir $1 && cd $1; }
- ':set spell' activates vim spellchecker. Use ']s' and '[s' to move between mistakes, 'zg' adds to the dictionary, 'z=' suggests correctly spelled words
- check my .vimrc https://github.com/cfenollosa/dotfiles/blob/master/.vimrc
- 'htop' instead of 'top'
- 'ranger' is a nice console file manager for vi fans
- Use 'apt-file' to see which package provides that file you're missing
- 'dict' is a commandline dictionary
- Learn to use 'find' and 'locate' to look for files
- Compile your own version of 'screen' from the git sources. Most versions have a slow scrolling on a vertical split or even no vertical split at all. Alternatively, use 'tmux', though it is not as ubiquitous as 'screen'.
- 'trash-cli' sends files to the trash instead of deleting them forever. Be very careful with 'rm' or maybe make a wrapper to avoid deleting '' by accident (e.g. you want to type 'rm tmp' but type 'rm tmp *')
- 'file' gives information about a file, as image dimensions or text encoding
- 'sort -u' to check for duplicate lines
- 'echo start_backup.sh | at midnight' starts a command at the specified time
- Pipe any command over 'column -t' to nicely align the columns
- Google 'magic sysrq' to bring a Linux machine back from the dead
- 'diff --side-by-side fileA.txt fileB.txt | pager' to see a nice diff
- 'j.py' https://github.com/rupa/j2 remembers your most used folders and is an incredible substitute to browse directories by name instead of 'cd'
- 'dropbox_uploader.sh' lets you upload by commandline via Dropbox's API without the official client https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader
- learn to use 'pushd' to save time navigating folders (j.py is better though)
- if you liked the 'psgrep' alias, check 'pgrep' as it is far more powerful
- never run 'chmod o+x * -R', capitalize the X to avoid executable files. If you want only executable folders: 'find . -type d -exec chmod g+x {} ;'
- 'xargs' gets its input from a pipe and runs some command for each argument
- run jobs in parallel easily: 'ls *.png | parallel -j4 convert {} {.}.jpg'
- grep has a '-c' switch that counts occurences. Don't pipe grep to 'wc -l'.
- 'man hier' explains the filesystem folders for new users
- 'tree' instead of 'ls -R'
- Recover corrupt zip files: First, make copies and ALWAYS WORK ON A COPY First: 'zip -F corrupt_copy1.zip --out recover1.zip' Then: 'zip -FF corrupt_copy2.zip --out recover2.zip' Last: 'ditto -x -k corrupt_copy3.zip --out out_folder/' Merge the contents of the two recovered zipfiles and the out_folder. You will be able to recover most of the data.
- Use GNU datamash for basic numerical, textual and statistical operations on text files: 'seq 10 | datamash sum 1 mean 1'
- Don't know where to start? SMB is usually better than NFS for newbies. If really you know what you are doing, then NFS is the way to go.
- If you use 'sshfs_mount' and suffer from disconnects, use '-o reconnect,workaround=truncate:rename'
- 'python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080' or 'python3 -mhttp.server localhost 8080' shares all the files in the current folder over HTTP.
- 'ssh -R 12345:localhost:22 -N server.com' forwards server.com's port 12345 to your local ssh port, even if you machine is behind a firewall/NAT. 'ssh localhost -p 12345' from server.com will get you in your machine.
- Read on 'ssh-agent' to strenghten your ssh connections using private keys, while avoiding typing passwords every time you ssh.
- 'socat TCP4-LISTEN:1234,fork TCP4:' forwards your port 1234 to another machine's port 22. Very useful for quick NAT redirection.
- Some tools to monitor network connections and bandwith: 'lsof -i' monitors network connections in real time 'iftop' shows bandwith usage per connection 'nethogs' shows the bandwith usage per process
- Use this trick on .ssh/config to directly access 'host2' which is on a private network, and must be accessed by ssh-ing into 'host1' first Host host2 ProxyCommand ssh -T host1 'nc %h %p' HostName host2
- Pipe a compressed file over ssh to avoid creating large temporary .tgz files 'tar cz folder/ | ssh server "tar xz"' or even better, use 'rsync'
- ssmtp can use a Gmail account as SMTP and send emails from the command line. 'echo "Hello, User!" | mail user@domain.com' ## Thanks to Adam Ziaja. Configure your /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf:
(CC) by-nc, Carlos Fenollosa carlos.fenollosa@gmail.com Retrieved from http://cfenollosa.com/misc/tricks.txt Last modified: Mon 13 Feb 2017 09:31:38 CET