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Vim Plugins

Ruan Yulong edited this page Oct 11, 2015 · 37 revisions

Vim Plugins

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After this thread I thought it'd be nice to have this here since a lot of node users are also vim users.

Of course, if you don't use Pathogen (or Vundle), you're not really a vim user.


  • Node.vim Tools and utilities to make Vim superb for developing with Node.js. Like Rails.vim for Ruby on Rails.


  • Tabular Align declarations, equals signs, etc.
  • JSLint Lint your code from Vim
  • JSHint JSHint plugin




  • SnipMate Text-Mate like snippets
  • nodejs-snippets node specific snippet for SnipMate. Consider forking and improving


  • vim-node A dictionary for node
  • vim-nodejs-complete nodejs's omnifunc function, ctrl-x_ctrl-o to complete
  • vim-nodejs-complete (local completion) This is a fork of 'vim-nodejs-complete' that adds local module completion by searching through the 'node_modules' directory/subdirectories and processing the .js and package.json files.
  • tern_for_vim gives a more sophisticated omnifunc function than vim-nodejs-complete





These plugins are not specific to node.js development but are widely used in the community

User config

Show off your vim skills by including a link to your pimped out ~/.vim

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