diff --git a/assets/images/ports/xcode/editor-syntax_types.png b/assets/images/ports/xcode/editor-syntax_types.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f885fa3f Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/ports/xcode/editor-syntax_types.png differ diff --git a/assets/images/ports/xcode/overview.png b/assets/images/ports/xcode/overview.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..afec3fc6 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/ports/xcode/overview.png differ diff --git a/assets/images/ports/xcode/repository-hero.ai b/assets/images/ports/xcode/repository-hero.ai new file mode 100755 index 00000000..509719c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/images/ports/xcode/repository-hero.ai @@ -0,0 +1,12430 @@ +%PDF-1.5 %âãÏÓ +1 0 obj <>/OCGs[5 0 R 27 0 R]>>/Pages 3 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream + + + + + application/pdf + + + Nord Xcode - Repository Hero + + + + + Arctic Ice Studio + + + + + Copyright (C) 2017-present Arctic Ice Studio (https://www.arcticicestudio.com) Copyright (C) 2017-present Sven Greb (https://www.svengreb.de) + + + + + Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows) + 2019-06-21T07:55:59+02:00 + 2019-12-18T16:54:55+01:00 + 2019-12-18T16:54:55+01:00 + + + + 256 + 188 + JPEG + /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgAvAEAAwER AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 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B=93 + RGB + PROCESS + 158 + 0 + 93 + + + R=212 G=20 B=90 + RGB + PROCESS + 212 + 20 + 90 + + + R=237 G=30 B=121 + RGB + PROCESS + 237 + 30 + 121 + + + R=199 G=178 B=153 + RGB + PROCESS + 199 + 178 + 153 + + + R=153 G=134 B=117 + RGB + PROCESS + 153 + 134 + 117 + + + R=115 G=99 B=87 + RGB + PROCESS + 115 + 99 + 87 + + + R=83 G=71 B=65 + RGB + PROCESS + 83 + 71 + 65 + + + R=198 G=156 B=109 + RGB + PROCESS + 198 + 156 + 109 + + + R=166 G=124 B=82 + RGB + PROCESS + 166 + 124 + 82 + + + R=140 G=98 B=57 + RGB + PROCESS + 140 + 98 + 57 + + + R=117 G=76 B=36 + RGB + PROCESS + 117 + 76 + 36 + + + R=96 G=56 B=19 + RGB + PROCESS + 96 + 56 + 19 + + + R=66 G=33 B=11 + RGB + PROCESS + 66 + 33 + 11 + + + + + + Kalt + 1 + + + + C=56 M=0 Y=20 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 101 + 200 + 208 + + + C=51 M=43 Y=0 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 131 + 139 + 197 + + + C=26 M=41 Y=0 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 186 + 155 + 201 + + + + + + Graustufen + 1 + + + + R=0 G=0 B=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + R=26 G=26 B=26 + RGB + 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+(Adobe Path Blends) (Adobe Angleichungen-Zusatzmodul) (Live Blends.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Adobe Symbolism) (Adobe Symbolism) (Symbolism.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) (Adobe Musterpinsel-Zusatzmodul) (ArtOnPath.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) (Adobe Musterpinsel-Zusatzmodul) (ArtOnPath.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) (Adobe Bildpinsel-Zusatzmodul) (ArtOnPath.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) (Adobe Bildpinsel-Zusatzmodul) (ArtOnPath.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) (Adobe Kalligrafiepinsel-Zusatzmodul) (Calligraphic Brush Tool.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Adobe Scatter Brush Tool) (Adobe Spezialpinsel-Zusatzmodul) (Scatter Brush Tool.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Adobe Scatter Brush Tool) (Adobe Spezialpinsel-Zusatzmodul) (Scatter Brush Tool.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Adobe Pattern Editor Plugin Group) (Adobe Pattern Editor Plugin Group) (Swatch Libraries.aip) +%AI8_PluginGroupInfo +(Pathfinder Suite) (Adobe Zusammengesetzte Form) (PathFinder Suite.aip) +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +9 Bn +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Blauer Himmel) +(Blauer Himmel) 0 2 Bd +[ +0.591974 +0 +0.148531 +0 +0.239216 +0.870588 +0.929412 +4 %_Br +[ +0.591974 0 0.148531 0 0.239216 0.870588 0.929412 2 0 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.591974 0 0.148531 0 0.239216 0.870588 0.929412 2 0 6 50 100 Bs +0.591974 0 0.148531 0 0.239216 0.870588 0.929412 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.591974 0 0.148531 0 0.239216 0.870588 0.929412 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Goldstaub) +(Goldstaub) 0 4 Bd +[ +< +21202121222122222323222323242324242524242525252526262626272727272728282929292929 +2A2A2A2A2B2B2B2B2B2B2B2C2C2C2C2D2D2D2D2D2E2E2F2F30303030303131313132313232323232 +333333333434 +> +< +2D2F30313234343637393B3C3D3E4041434345464749494B4C4D4E4F50525354555658595B5C5D5E +5F616164656768696B6B6D6E6F70727374767778797A7B7D7E8081828384858688888A8B8D8E8F91 +919394959698 +> +< +F4F4F4F5F5F5F5F5F6F6F6F7F7F7F7F7F8F8F8F9F9F9FAFAFAFBFBFBFBFBFCFCFCFCFDFDFEFEFEFE +FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF +FFFFFFFFFFFF +> +< +030404040404050506060606060707070708080808080808090909090A0A0A0B0B0B0B0C0C0D0D0D +0D0D0E0E0E0E0F0F0F0F0F1010101011111011111211121213131414141515161616161717171717 +181819191A19 +> +< +E5E5E4E4E3E3E2E2E1E1E1E0E0DFDFDEDEDDDDDDDCDCDBDBDADAD9D9D8D8D8D7D7D6D6D5D5D4D4D4 +D3D3D2D2D1D1D0D0D0CFCFCECECDCDCCCCCCCBCBCACAC9C9C8C8C7C7C7C6C6C5C5C4C4C3C3C3C2C2 +C1C1C0C0BFBF +> +< +C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E +9D9C9B999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A898887868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A7978777675 +74737271706F +> +0 +4 %_Br +< +171717181818181818181919191A1A1A1A1B1B1B1B1B1C1C1D1D1D1D1D1D1E1E1E1F1F20202021 +> +< +69686765646261605E5D5B5A5856555352514F4C4B4948464543413F3E3C3A3837353332302F2D +> +< +FAFAFAFAFAFAF9FAFAFAFAF9F9F9F9F9F8F8F8F7F7F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F5F5F5F4F5F5F4F4F4F4F4 +> +< +030303030303030303030303030404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040403 +> +0.898039 +< +9E9FA0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBFC0C1C2C3C4C5 +> +< +030303030303030202020202020202020202020201010101010101010101010100000000000000 +> +4 %_Br +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000102040406 +060808090A0C0E0E0F0F1111131414151517 +> +< +A5A5A5A4A4A3A3A3A3A2A1A0A09F9E9E9D9B9B9A99989796959594939191908F8E8C8B8B89888685 +848281817F7D7C7A7978767472706F6D6B69 +> +< +F0F0F0F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F2F2F2F3F3F3F4F4F4F4F4F5F5F6F6F6F7F7F7F8F8F9F9FAFAFAFAFAFAFA +FAFBFBFBFBFCFCFCFCFCFCFBFBFBFBFBFAFA +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +000000000000010101010101010102020203 +> +< +FFFFFFFEFEFEFEFDFDFDFCFCFCFBFBFBFAFAF9F9F9F8F8F7F7F6F6F5F5F4F4F3F3F2F2F1F1F0F0EF +EFEEEEEDEDECEBEBEAEAE9E9E8E7E7E6E6E5 +> +< +73737374747575767677777878797A7A7B7C7C7D7E7E7F808181828384848586878889898A8B8C8D +8E8F90909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000001010101010101010101010101010101010101020202020202 +020202020202020202020303030303030303 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.202823 0.594781 1 0.099977 0.74902 0.435294 0 2 1 6 50 99.4382 %_BS +%_0.202823 0.594781 1 0.099977 0.74902 0.435294 0 2 1 6 50 99.4382 Bs +0.12842 0.177859 0.957183 0.013581 0.898039 0.772549 0 2 1 6 50 86.5168 %_BS +%_0.12842 0.177859 0.957183 0.013581 0.898039 0.772549 0 2 1 6 50 86.5168 Bs +0.090089 0.413703 0.981842 0.01062 0.898039 0.619608 0.011765 2 1 6 50 55.211 %_BS +%_0.090089 0.413703 0.981842 0.01062 0.898039 0.619608 0.011765 2 1 6 50 55.211 Bs +0 0.648035 0.942992 0 1 0.45098 0 2 1 6 59.5506 0 %_BS +%_0 0.648035 0.942992 0 1 0.45098 0 2 1 6 59.5506 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 1) +(Unnamed gradient 1) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090B0C0D0F10111213141718191A1B1C1E1F21222324252728292A +> +< +00000102030405060708090A0A0B0C0C0D0E1011111213141516171819191A1B1B1C1D +> +< +000001020304050708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1C1D1E1F2021 +> +< +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDC +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDC +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDC +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.81 0 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.81 0 1 6 50 100 Bs +1 0 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_1 0 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 17) +(Unnamed gradient 17) 1 2 Bd +[ +< +26252423222121201E1D1B1A191716151413131211100F0D0C0B09080605050403010000 +> +< +1F1E1D1D1C1B1A19181716151413131211100F0E0D0C0C0B0A0A09070605040302010000 +> +< +2120201F1E1D1C1C1B1A1817161615141312100F0F0E0D0C0B0A09080605040302010000 +> +< +000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +> +< +DFE0E1E2E3E4E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEFEFF0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFAFBFCFDFEFF +> +< +DCDDDEDFE0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEFF0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF +> +< +DBDCDDDEDFE0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEEEFF0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.150576 0.121614 0.130159 0.000183 0.87451 0.862745 0.858824 2 0.85 6 50 9.81595 %_BS +%_0.150576 0.121614 0.130159 0.000183 0.87451 0.862745 0.858824 2 0.85 6 50 9.81595 Bs +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 2) +(Unnamed gradient 2) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +B7B8B8B9B9BABBBBBCBDBDBEBEBFC0C0C1C1C2C2C3C3C4C4C5C6C6C7C7C7C8C8C9CACACBCBCCCCCD +CDCECECFCFD0D1D1D2D2D3D3D4D4D5D5D6D6D7D7D8D8D9D9DA +> +< +515251535253555455575657575859595A5C5B5C5B5D5E5D5F605F61606163626364636564656766 +6869686A696B6C6B6D6E6D6F6E6F7170727373747475777678 +> +0 +0 +0 +< +9D9C9C9B9B9A999998979796969594949392929191908F8F8E8D8D8C8C8B8A8A8988888787868585 +84838382828180807F7E7E7D7D7C7B7B7A7979787877767675 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDDDCDBDAD9D8D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBE +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.854643 0.468879 0 0 0 0.458824 0.745098 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.854643 0.468879 0 0 0 0.458824 0.745098 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 28) +(Unnamed gradient 28) 1 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090A0C0D0F10111314151617181A1B1C1D1E1F20212324262728292A2B2D2E30 +31323335363738393A3C3D3E404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F5051525354565758595A +> +< +00000100010203040504060708090908090A0B0C0C0C0D0D0E0F100F101112131413141516171816 +1718191A1B1A1B1C1D1E1F1E1F20212223222324252627262728292A2B2A2B2C2D2E2F2E2F30 +> +< +0000000103040304050707080909090B0C0B0C0D0E0E0F100F10111312131415151717171818191A +1B1B1C1C1C1E1D1E1F20202122232223242425252625262829282829282A2B2C2B2D2E2F2F2F +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000001000101010101010202020202020203030303030404 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1 +> +< +FFFEFDFDFCFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0EFEEEEEDECEBEAE9E9E8E7E6E5E4E4E3E2E1E0DFDF +DEDDDCDBDADAD9D8D7D6D5D5D4D3D2D1D0D0CFCECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C7C6C6C5C4C3C2C1C1C0BF +> +< +FFFEFEFDFCFBFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0F0EFEEEEEDECEBEBEAE9E8E8E7E6E6E5E4E3E3 +E2E1E0E0DFDEDEDDDCDBDBDAD9D8D8D7D6D6D5D4D3D3D2D1D0D0CFCECECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C8C7 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 3) +(Unnamed gradient 3) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393B3C3D3E3F4142434445464748494A4B4C4D4F50505152535454 +5556575858595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636364656667686969 +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000100000000000000010000 +010002010002010201000201020101030204040305040606 +> +0 +0 +< +DAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2 +B1B0AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A +> +< +F1F1F0F0EFEFEFEEEEEDEDEDECECEBEBEBEAEAE9E9E9E8E8E7E7E7E6E6E5E5E5E4E4E4E3E3E2E2E2 +E1E1E0E0E0DFDFDEDEDEDDDDDCDCDCDBDBDADADAD9D9D8D8 +> +1 +4 %_Br +[ +0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 7) +(Unnamed gradient 7) 0 2 Bd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+%_133.7324 60.373 136.5703 57.1172 136.5703 52.1934 c +%_136.5703 46.3496 131.3105 41.5098 124.5508 40.7578 c +%_117.9248 40.0234 111.7686 42.9121 108.8008 47.2168 c +%_108.7314 47.3184 108.5996 47.3555 108.4873 47.3047 c +%_108.375 47.2539 108.3164 47.1289 108.3467 47.0098 c +%_111.3652 35.3066 125.1426 30.1328 135.2344 37.5039 C +%_128.6211 30.002 118.2285 29.8984 109.5127 37.5898 c +%_109.4219 37.6699 109.2871 37.6738 109.1904 37.5996 c +%_109.0938 37.5273 109.0635 37.3945 109.1172 37.2871 c +%_111.7842 31.8789 118.3701 25.4668 127.7227 26.4023 c +%_136.2793 27.2578 141.2441 35.416 142.2461 42.0938 C +%_142.8027 33.5723 140.8525 27.5566 133.4922 21.9473 c +%_133.3955 21.873 133.3652 21.7402 133.4199 21.6309 c +%_133.4746 21.5234 133.5996 21.4688 133.7168 21.502 c +%_140.502 23.4629 145.9473 26.9277 148.7656 34.0469 C +%_148.7656 27.8848 146.627 21.6738 141.2402 17.5352 c +%_141.1426 17.4609 141.1133 17.3301 141.168 17.2207 c +%_141.2227 17.1113 141.3467 17.0566 141.4639 17.0898 c 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+%_230.7344 131.5967 230.6387 131.6885 230.5195 131.6982 c +%_224.1309 132.2529 219.75 128.4463 217.0039 123.8203 c +%_214.209 119.1152 209.4336 115.4102 203.793 116.1504 c +%_203.6738 116.166 203.5605 116.0957 203.5195 115.9824 c +%_203.4805 115.8691 203.5254 115.7422 203.6289 115.6807 c +%_206.4258 113.9961 209.5 113.2969 213.4922 114.6289 C +%_207.6973 109.7197 199.4453 106.8867 191.6523 109.4014 c +%_191.543 109.4375 191.4238 109.3945 191.3613 109.2979 c +%_191.2988 109.2012 191.3105 109.0752 191.3867 108.9902 c +%_197.2949 102.4258 209.0762 102.2949 216.4961 107.6172 C +%_213.459 103.3008 209.4277 100.1328 202.2031 99.1387 c +%_202.0879 99.123 201.998 99.0313 201.9844 98.916 c +%_201.9727 98.7998 202.0391 98.6904 202.1484 98.6504 c +%_210.4395 95.5723 218.748 98.6953 225.5938 106.8652 C +%_222.6016 100.4883 217.6875 95.3809 210.8262 92.8535 c +%_210.7109 92.8115 210.6426 92.6934 210.6641 92.5742 c +%_210.6836 92.4531 210.7871 92.3643 210.9082 92.3613 c +%_214.8516 92.2803 218.3945 93.2188 223.1738 95.9316 C +%_219.666 90.2422 220.4336 80.293 225.543 73.6738 c +%_225.6133 73.582 225.7383 73.5498 225.8457 73.5957 c +%_225.9512 73.6426 226.0137 73.7549 225.9941 73.8691 c +%_224.8145 81.0703 227.293 89.1992 231.6035 93.5117 C +%_229.4512 85.8799 231.5977 78.9355 237.5 73.8672 c +%_237.5703 73.8066 237.6699 73.79 237.7559 73.8232 c +%_237.8438 73.8564 237.9043 73.9355 237.918 74.0273 c +%_239.1523 83.4453 249.6875 93.002 258.5195 93.8027 c +%_258.6445 93.8135 258.7422 93.9141 258.75 94.0381 c +%_258.7578 94.1621 258.6758 94.2754 258.5527 94.3027 c +%_254.2734 95.2715 249.8613 94.793 246.1641 93.2715 C +%_248.8242 96.2051 252.1035 98.3828 255.7188 99.5176 c +%_255.8359 99.5537 255.9082 99.668 255.8945 99.7891 c +%_255.8809 99.9102 255.7813 100.0039 255.6602 100.0127 c +%_251.1504 100.3242 246.7363 99.0068 242.9297 96.4746 C +%_247.291 103.0957 253.9102 108.0195 262.3574 109.9805 c +%_262.4785 110.0088 262.5605 110.1191 262.5547 110.2432 c +%_262.5469 110.3672 262.4512 110.4668 262.3281 110.4805 c +%_250.4102 111.7822 240.582 107.1621 234.1074 98.5625 C +%_235.7559 103.4629 240.4727 108.3184 247.0527 111.1816 c +%_252.8984 113.7266 258.9023 114.1279 263.4746 112.6914 c +%_263.5801 112.6582 263.6973 112.6982 263.7598 112.791 c +%_263.8223 112.8828 263.8184 113.0059 263.748 113.0938 c +%_f +%_210.8438 37.5215 m +%_215.6504 48.0078 215.3086 56.207 211.4375 66.5762 c +%_211.3926 66.6934 211.2715 66.7607 211.1484 66.7363 c +%_211.0254 66.7109 210.9395 66.5996 210.9453 66.4746 c +%_211.5664 53.8535 208.1191 44.8203 200.6465 38.668 C +%_208.8965 48.5195 205 68.2275 191.8242 68.2275 c +%_182.2393 68.2275 174.3086 60.252 172.3691 50.7031 c +%_172.3447 50.582 172.4111 50.459 172.5273 50.416 c +%_172.6426 50.3711 172.7734 50.416 172.8359 50.5215 c +%_175.6787 55.2832 180.2451 58.373 185.2939 58.373 c +%_193.4277 58.373 195.834 51.9063 195.834 47.375 c +%_195.834 41.1875 190.9082 36.0313 187.1279 36.0313 c +%_183.6904 36.0313 182.0869 38.8555 182.0869 40.959 c +%_182.0869 44.8574 185.085 48.125 188.4639 49.123 c +%_188.583 49.1582 188.6611 49.2773 188.6436 49.4023 c +%_188.624 49.5273 188.5186 49.6191 188.3936 49.6211 c +%_184.2861 49.6465 180.8154 47.7656 178.7627 44.0527 C +%_178.4932 46.9277 178.4902 48.7383 179.4033 51.7754 c +%_179.4385 51.8926 179.3848 52.0176 179.2773 52.0742 c +%_179.168 52.1309 179.0352 52.1016 178.9609 52.0059 c +%_171.6045 42.6133 175.125 26.3809 180.9404 19.6484 C +%_175.4082 23.6309 170.5234 32.2813 170.6006 44.041 c +%_170.6016 44.1641 170.5156 44.2676 170.3955 44.291 c +%_170.2754 44.3164 170.1563 44.25 170.1113 44.1367 c +%_166.0029 33.8848 168.1826 14.8887 179.3926 4.28516 C +%_176.5088 3.88867 173.5254 3.93945 170.2676 4.97852 c +%_170.1523 5.01367 170.0273 4.96484 169.9688 4.85938 c +%_169.9102 4.75195 169.9336 4.61914 170.0273 4.54102 c +%_174.1191 1.08594 179.8418 0 185.2939 0 C +%_180.5967 5.5 182.1572 16.5547 189.6494 16.5547 c +%_194.9961 16.5547 197.4238 8.25586 193.2949 3.77344 c +%_193.2168 3.6875 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48.2988 234.5449 48.2168 234.4238 48.2188 c +%_223.7441 48.5098 215.1445 45.2129 208.4395 39.2559 C +%_215.3086 38.832 221.0137 34.5156 220.9961 29.4102 c +%_220.9961 29.291 220.9121 29.1875 220.7949 29.1621 c +%_220.6797 29.1387 220.5605 29.1973 220.5117 29.3066 c +%_219.3906 31.7949 215.7637 33.0879 211.9297 32.1875 c +%_207.75 31.2051 204.9297 27.998 205.6289 25.0215 c +%_206.0996 23.0078 208.0645 21.6191 210.5801 21.2344 c +%_210.707 21.2148 210.8008 21.1055 210.7969 20.9766 c +%_210.793 20.8496 210.6953 20.7441 210.5664 20.7305 c +%_209.498 20.6289 208.3867 20.625 207.25 20.7344 c +%_200.7598 21.3516 195.7363 25.3281 195.3008 29.9121 C +%_190.5889 29.3652 186.417 26.7539 184.9229 23.1387 c +%_184.8779 23.0293 184.7646 22.9668 184.6475 22.9844 c +%_184.5322 23.002 184.4443 23.0977 184.4346 23.2148 c +%_184.0576 27.9648 185.6924 31.0527 189.4053 34.0684 C +%_184.0205 32.0098 177.959 31.9043 172.1484 34.6055 c +%_172.043 34.6563 171.9844 34.7715 172.0059 34.8867 c +%_172.0293 35.002 172.1289 35.0859 172.2461 35.0898 c +%_177.125 35.2793 180.6631 36.8457 183.9795 40.1621 C +%_165.7227 35.0273 150.8906 46.3633 156.0234 63.2129 c +%_156.0586 63.3301 156.1699 63.4043 156.291 63.3926 c +%_156.4121 63.3809 156.5078 63.2852 156.5176 63.1641 c +%_157.4355 53.4492 164.2207 47.0469 174.3789 46.0879 C +%_168.9922 48.1465 163.3789 53.0625 162.8223 61.6211 c +%_162.8145 61.7441 162.8945 61.8535 163.0137 61.8848 c +%_163.1328 61.9141 163.2559 61.8535 163.3066 61.7422 c +%_166.1055 55.5879 171.6035 52.4785 177.4668 51.9297 C +%_171.1328 54.5117 167.0703 60.5332 165.8965 68.3516 c +%_165.877 68.4746 165.9512 68.5918 166.0703 68.6309 c +%_166.1875 68.668 166.3164 68.6152 166.373 68.5039 c +%_170.2383 60.9219 178.5293 55.7109 188.8213 59.6934 c +%_199.4375 63.8027 204.0938 76.0781 205.123 84.7324 c +%_205.1387 84.8555 205.2383 84.9492 205.3613 84.957 c +%_205.4844 84.9629 205.5938 84.8809 205.623 84.7617 c +%_209.3418 69.0723 202.0391 52.8125 188.9873 45.9219 C +%_196.082 47.9238 202.4258 52.1816 206.0137 59.2754 C +%_214.3066 60.293 220.0176 63.1387 222.8711 68.5156 c +%_222.9277 68.6211 223.0508 68.6738 223.166 68.6406 c +%_223.2813 68.6055 223.3574 68.4941 223.3477 68.375 c +%_223.166 66.2656 222.4063 62.0449 219.2734 60.1035 C +%_226.2383 60.1152 231.7793 59.2109 237.0723 57.0898 c +%_237.1836 57.0449 237.25 56.9277 237.2266 56.8086 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_207.7402 110.2773 m +%_207.8398 110.2129 207.9688 110.2227 208.0566 110.3047 c +%_208.1426 110.3848 208.1602 110.5137 208.1016 110.6172 c +%_206.4824 113.4141 207.9609 117.4297 211.1523 117.4297 c +%_216.873 117.4297 219.623 106.6602 218.748 96.8379 C +%_216.5859 102.5918 214.7148 104.8926 211.4004 107.6328 c +%_211.3066 107.709 211.1719 107.7109 211.0781 107.6328 c +%_210.9844 107.5566 210.957 107.4238 211.0156 107.3164 c +%_215.8711 98.2383 216.9121 91.252 216.9121 83.2324 C +%_215.4492 89.1895 213.7168 92.5527 208.7852 97.6133 c +%_208.6992 97.7012 208.5625 97.7148 208.4609 97.6445 c +%_208.3594 97.5742 208.3223 97.4414 208.373 97.3301 c +%_213.6719 85.7383 213.2676 72.8828 209.3203 63.0664 c +%_209.2813 62.9688 209.3066 62.8574 209.3828 62.7852 c +%_209.4609 62.7129 209.5723 62.6973 209.668 62.7422 c +%_214.873 65.293 217.9316 66.9688 222.4199 73.1328 C +%_221.0625 80.5313 222.1914 84.1797 225.5918 90.3262 C +%_221.6543 80.4102 223.75 66.4336 233.7793 60.7363 c +%_233.8887 60.6738 234.0273 60.7012 234.1035 60.8008 c +%_234.1816 60.9004 234.1758 61.041 234.0879 61.1328 c +%_230.3066 65.0879 227.5566 71.7676 229.9316 79.0586 C +%_228.4023 68.6699 237.5273 59.9453 247.7109 59.9453 c +%_257.3105 59.9453 263.8613 67.4531 263.3203 74.8848 c +%_262.7832 82.25 257.877 85.8555 253.6484 87.3828 c +%_253.5371 87.4238 253.4121 87.3809 253.3496 87.2813 c +%_253.2852 87.1816 253.2988 87.0508 253.3828 86.9668 c +%_258.9922 81.2734 259.7598 70.4746 249.7988 67.207 C +%_255.6582 72.2637 253.4883 84.0352 244.1094 84.9316 c +%_243.9922 84.9414 243.8828 84.8711 243.8457 84.7598 c +%_243.8066 84.6504 243.8496 84.5273 243.9492 84.4648 c +%_245.957 83.1855 247.627 80.6934 247.627 77.8906 c +%_247.627 73.2168 244.2051 71.3789 241.9512 71.3789 c +%_238.5293 71.3789 235.6914 74.6348 235.6914 79.5605 c +%_235.6914 85.4023 240.9512 90.2441 247.7109 90.9941 c +%_254.3379 91.7305 260.4941 88.8398 263.4609 84.5352 c +%_263.5313 84.4336 263.6621 84.3984 263.7754 84.4492 c +%_263.8867 84.5 263.9453 84.623 263.916 84.7422 c +%_260.8965 96.4453 247.1191 101.6191 237.0273 94.25 C +%_243.6406 101.75 254.0332 101.8555 262.75 94.1641 c +%_262.8398 94.084 262.9746 94.0781 263.0723 94.1523 c +%_263.168 94.2266 263.1992 94.3574 263.1445 94.4668 c +%_260.4785 99.873 253.8926 106.2852 244.5391 105.3516 c +%_235.9824 104.4961 231.0176 96.3359 230.0156 89.6602 C +%_229.459 98.1816 231.4102 104.1953 238.7695 109.8047 c +%_238.8672 109.8789 238.8965 110.0117 238.8418 110.1211 c +%_238.7871 110.2305 238.6621 110.2852 238.5449 110.25 c +%_231.7598 108.291 226.3145 104.8262 223.4961 97.707 C +%_223.4961 103.8672 225.6348 110.0781 231.0215 114.2168 c +%_231.1191 114.291 231.1484 114.4238 231.0938 114.5332 c +%_231.0391 114.6406 230.916 114.6953 230.7988 114.6621 c +%_227.3457 113.6797 224.627 112.1738 222.6602 109.4785 C +%_221.3496 120.5781 216.1387 127.168 210.1348 127.168 c +%_206.0098 127.168 202.9297 124.1348 202.9297 119.2988 c +%_202.9297 116.4688 204.418 112.4961 207.7402 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 18.6602 m +%_111.6758 14.7559 118.0527 13.2676 124.9453 14.6719 C +%_124.4355 10.3691 125.2793 5.88086 126.5566 3.18555 c +%_126.6094 3.07813 126.7305 3.01953 126.8477 3.04883 c +%_126.9648 3.07813 127.0449 3.18555 127.041 3.30664 c +%_126.666 12.0723 131.6641 19.1484 140.4902 22.2148 C +%_133.584 17.459 131.5645 8.02148 134.8516 3.15039 c +%_134.9199 3.05078 135.0469 3.01172 135.1582 3.05664 c +%_135.2695 3.10156 135.334 3.21875 135.3125 3.33789 c +%_134.9395 5.39844 135.918 8.02148 138.0254 10.0625 c +%_140.9316 12.877 144.875 13.5156 146.8359 11.4922 c +%_148.7969 9.4668 148.0332 5.54492 145.1289 2.73242 c +%_144.0684 1.70508 142.8691 0.96875 141.6797 0.546875 c +%_141.5664 0.505859 141.498 0.392578 141.5137 0.275391 c +%_141.5273 0.15625 141.623 0.064453 141.7422 0.054688 c +%_148.1309 -0.5 152.5117 3.30664 155.2578 7.93164 c +%_158.0527 12.6367 162.8281 16.3438 168.4688 15.6035 c +%_168.5879 15.5879 168.7012 15.6582 168.7422 15.7715 c +%_168.7813 15.8848 168.7363 16.0098 168.6328 16.0723 c +%_165.8359 17.7559 162.7617 18.4551 158.7695 17.125 C +%_164.5645 22.0332 172.8164 24.8652 180.6104 22.3516 c +%_180.7197 22.3164 180.8389 22.3594 180.9014 22.4551 c +%_180.9639 22.5508 180.9541 22.6777 180.876 22.7637 c +%_174.9668 29.3281 163.1855 29.459 155.7656 24.1348 C +%_158.8027 28.4512 162.834 31.6211 170.0586 32.6133 c +%_170.1738 32.6289 170.2637 32.7227 170.2773 32.8379 c +%_170.2891 32.9531 170.2227 33.0625 170.1133 33.1035 c +%_161.8223 36.1797 153.5137 33.0586 146.668 24.8867 C +%_149.6602 31.2656 154.5742 36.373 161.4355 38.9004 c +%_161.5508 38.9414 161.6191 39.0586 161.5977 39.1797 c +%_161.5781 39.3008 161.4746 39.3887 161.3535 39.3906 c +%_157.4102 39.4727 153.8672 38.5332 149.0879 35.8203 C +%_152.5957 41.5117 151.8281 51.459 146.7188 58.0801 c +%_146.6484 58.1719 146.5234 58.2031 146.416 58.1582 c +%_146.3105 58.1113 146.248 57.998 146.2676 57.8828 c +%_147.4473 50.6836 144.9688 42.5547 140.6582 38.2422 C +%_142.8105 45.873 140.6641 52.8184 134.7617 57.8848 c +%_134.6914 57.9453 134.5918 57.9629 134.5059 57.9297 c +%_134.418 57.8965 134.3574 57.8184 134.3438 57.7266 c +%_133.1094 48.3086 122.5742 38.752 113.7422 37.9512 c +%_113.6172 37.9395 113.5195 37.8398 113.5117 37.7148 c +%_113.5039 37.5898 113.5859 37.4785 113.709 37.4512 c +%_117.9883 36.4824 122.4004 36.9609 126.0977 38.4805 C +%_123.4375 35.5488 120.1582 33.3711 116.543 32.2363 c +%_116.4258 32.1992 116.3535 32.0859 116.3672 31.9648 c +%_116.3809 31.8438 116.4805 31.748 116.6016 31.7402 c +%_121.1113 31.4297 125.5254 32.7461 129.332 35.2793 C +%_124.9707 28.6582 118.3516 23.7344 109.9043 21.7715 c +%_109.7832 21.7441 109.7012 21.6328 109.707 21.5098 c +%_109.7148 21.3867 109.8105 21.2871 109.9336 21.2734 c +%_121.8516 19.9707 131.6797 24.5918 138.1543 33.1914 C +%_136.5059 28.2891 131.7891 23.4355 125.209 20.5723 c +%_119.3633 18.0273 113.3594 17.625 108.7871 19.0625 c +%_108.6816 19.0957 108.5645 19.0547 108.502 18.9629 c +%_108.4395 18.8691 108.4434 18.7461 108.5137 18.6602 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 94.2324 m +%_156.6113 83.7461 156.9531 75.5469 160.8242 65.1777 c +%_160.8691 65.0605 160.9902 64.9922 161.1133 65.0176 c +%_161.2363 65.043 161.3223 65.1543 161.3164 65.2773 c +%_160.6953 77.9004 164.1426 86.9316 171.6152 93.0859 C +%_163.3652 83.2324 167.2617 63.5254 180.4385 63.5254 c +%_190.0244 63.5254 197.9531 71.502 199.8926 81.0508 c +%_199.918 81.1719 199.8516 81.293 199.7344 81.3379 c +%_199.6191 81.3828 199.4883 81.3379 199.4258 81.2305 c +%_196.584 76.4688 192.0176 73.3789 186.9697 73.3789 c +%_178.834 73.3789 176.4277 79.8457 176.4277 84.3789 c +%_176.4277 90.5645 181.3545 95.7207 185.1357 95.7207 c +%_188.5732 95.7207 190.1768 92.8984 190.1768 90.7949 c +%_190.1768 86.8965 187.1787 83.6289 183.8018 82.6309 c +%_183.6807 82.5938 183.6045 82.4766 183.6221 82.3516 c +%_183.6396 82.2266 183.7451 82.1328 183.8721 82.1328 c +%_187.9775 82.1074 191.4473 83.9863 193.5 87.7012 C +%_193.7695 84.8262 193.7715 83.0156 192.8594 79.9766 c +%_192.8242 79.8594 192.877 79.7344 192.9844 79.6777 c +%_193.0938 79.623 193.2266 79.6504 193.3008 79.748 c +%_200.6582 89.1406 197.1367 105.3711 191.3223 112.1055 C +%_196.8535 108.123 201.7383 99.4707 201.6621 87.7109 c +%_201.6602 87.5898 201.7461 87.4844 201.8672 87.4609 c +%_201.9863 87.4375 202.1055 87.502 202.1504 87.6152 c +%_206.2598 97.8691 204.0801 116.8633 192.8691 127.4668 C +%_195.7539 127.8652 198.7363 127.8145 201.9941 126.7754 c +%_202.1094 126.7383 202.2344 126.7891 202.293 126.8945 c +%_202.3516 127 202.3281 127.1328 202.2344 127.2109 c +%_198.1426 130.666 192.4199 131.752 186.9697 131.752 C +%_191.666 126.252 190.1064 115.1992 182.6162 115.1992 c +%_177.2656 115.1992 174.8379 123.498 178.9668 127.9805 c +%_179.0449 128.0664 179.0547 128.1934 178.9922 128.291 c +%_178.9277 128.3887 178.8066 128.4297 178.6953 128.3926 c +%_173.916 126.7363 168.75 122.6035 168.75 117.375 c +%_168.75 112.334 173.5625 107.9805 180.5537 108.3242 C +%_171.7324 105.8203 162.5 108.5918 157.6699 114.5781 c +%_157.5957 114.6699 157.4648 114.6992 157.3594 114.6445 c +%_157.252 114.5918 157.1973 114.4707 157.2266 114.3535 c +%_160.0176 103.6387 169.1934 99.1543 180.667 100.6484 C +%_171.3848 96.8906 157.416 100.166 151.2422 107.957 c +%_151.1699 108.0488 151.043 108.0801 150.9355 108.0293 c +%_150.8301 107.9805 150.7715 107.8633 150.7949 107.748 c +%_152.166 101.1328 155.6582 96.1875 161.418 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 74.9453 m +%_26.7178 75.0645 26.8213 75.1504 26.9424 75.1523 c +%_39.8486 75.2871 51.6963 78.4199 60.9141 86.667 C +%_52.8838 81.1094 37.9717 79.1563 29.3867 83.0488 c +%_29.2764 83.0986 29.2178 83.2188 29.2451 83.3369 c +%_29.2715 83.4551 29.3779 83.5371 29.499 83.5332 c +%_40.1787 83.2441 48.7783 86.54 55.4834 92.498 C +%_48.6143 92.9199 42.9092 97.2383 42.9268 102.3428 c +%_42.9268 102.4619 43.0107 102.5645 43.1279 102.5898 c +%_43.2441 102.6152 43.3623 102.5547 43.4111 102.4463 c +%_44.5322 99.957 48.1592 98.666 51.9941 99.5664 c +%_56.1738 100.5469 58.9941 103.7559 58.2949 106.7314 c +%_57.8232 108.7461 55.8584 110.1348 53.3428 110.5186 c +%_53.2158 110.5371 53.123 110.6484 53.126 110.7764 c +%_53.1299 110.9043 53.2285 111.0098 53.3564 111.0215 c +%_54.4248 111.124 55.5361 111.1279 56.6738 111.0195 c +%_63.1641 110.4023 68.1875 106.4238 68.623 101.8418 C +%_73.3359 102.3887 77.5078 104.998 79.002 108.6152 c +%_79.0469 108.7236 79.1621 108.7871 79.2773 108.7695 c +%_79.3926 108.75 79.4805 108.6553 79.4902 108.5391 c +%_79.8672 103.7871 78.2324 100.7002 74.5195 97.6846 C +%_79.9043 99.7441 85.9648 99.8496 91.7754 97.1465 c +%_91.8809 97.0977 91.9395 96.9824 91.918 96.8672 c +%_91.8945 96.752 91.7949 96.668 91.6777 96.6641 c +%_86.7988 96.4736 83.2617 94.9082 79.9473 91.5918 C +%_98.2012 96.7256 113.0332 85.3906 107.9004 68.5391 c +%_107.8652 68.4238 107.7539 68.3486 107.6328 68.3613 c +%_107.5117 68.373 107.416 68.4688 107.4063 68.5898 c +%_106.4883 78.3037 99.7031 84.7051 89.5449 85.666 C +%_94.9316 83.6055 100.5449 78.6895 101.1016 70.1318 c +%_101.1094 70.0098 101.0293 69.8984 100.9102 69.8691 c +%_100.791 69.8398 100.668 69.8984 100.6172 70.0098 c +%_97.8184 76.1641 92.3203 79.2754 86.457 79.8223 C +%_92.791 77.2422 96.8535 71.2207 98.0273 63.4023 c +%_98.0469 63.2793 97.9727 63.1602 97.8535 63.123 c +%_97.7363 63.084 97.6074 63.1387 97.5508 63.248 c +%_93.6855 70.8311 85.3945 76.042 75.1035 72.0605 c +%_64.4863 67.9512 59.8291 55.6738 58.7998 47.0195 c +%_58.7852 46.8984 58.6846 46.8047 58.5615 46.7969 c +%_58.4395 46.7891 58.3291 46.8711 58.3008 46.9922 c +%_54.5811 62.6797 61.8838 78.9414 74.9375 85.832 C +%_67.8418 83.8291 61.498 79.5723 57.9102 72.4775 C +%_49.6162 71.459 43.9063 68.6152 41.0527 63.2383 c +%_40.9961 63.1309 40.8721 63.0781 40.7568 63.1133 c +%_40.6416 63.1465 40.5654 63.2578 40.5752 63.3789 c +%_40.7578 65.4883 41.5166 69.709 44.6494 71.6494 C +%_37.6846 71.6387 32.1436 72.543 26.8506 74.6621 c +%_26.7393 74.708 26.6738 74.8262 26.6963 74.9453 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 21.4746 m +%_56.084 21.541 55.9541 21.5293 55.8672 21.4492 c +%_55.7813 21.3672 55.7627 21.2383 55.8213 21.1367 c +%_57.4414 18.3398 55.9619 14.3223 52.7705 14.3223 c +%_47.0498 14.3223 44.2998 25.0918 45.1748 34.916 C +%_47.3379 29.1602 49.208 26.8613 52.5225 24.1211 c +%_52.6162 24.043 52.751 24.043 52.8447 24.1191 c +%_52.9385 24.1973 52.9658 24.3281 52.9082 24.4355 c +%_48.0518 33.5156 47.0107 40.502 47.0107 48.5215 C +%_48.4736 42.5625 50.2061 39.1992 55.1377 34.1406 c +%_55.2236 34.0527 55.3604 34.0391 55.4629 34.1074 c +%_55.5645 34.1777 55.6016 34.3105 55.5498 34.4238 c +%_50.252 46.0137 50.6563 58.8711 54.6025 68.6875 c +%_54.6416 68.7852 54.6172 68.8965 54.54 68.9688 c +%_54.4629 69.0391 54.3506 69.0566 54.2549 69.0098 c +%_49.0498 66.459 45.9912 64.7832 41.5029 58.6211 C +%_42.8604 51.2227 41.7314 47.5723 38.3311 41.4258 C +%_42.2686 51.3438 40.1729 65.3203 30.1436 71.0176 c +%_30.0342 71.0791 29.8955 71.0518 29.8193 70.9531 c +%_29.7412 70.8535 29.748 70.7119 29.835 70.6211 c +%_33.6162 66.666 36.3662 59.9863 33.9912 52.6934 C +%_35.5205 63.082 26.3955 71.8086 16.2119 71.8086 c +%_6.6123 71.8086 0.061523 64.2988 0.602539 56.8672 c +%_1.13965 49.502 6.0459 45.8984 10.2744 44.3691 c +%_10.3857 44.3301 10.5107 44.3711 10.5742 44.4707 c +%_10.6377 44.5723 10.624 44.7012 10.541 44.7871 c +%_4.93066 50.4785 4.16309 61.2793 14.124 64.5469 C +%_8.26465 59.4902 10.4346 47.7168 19.8135 46.8223 c +%_19.9307 46.8105 20.04 46.8809 20.0781 46.9922 c +%_20.1162 47.1035 20.0732 47.2266 19.9746 47.2891 c +%_17.9658 48.5664 16.2959 51.0605 16.2959 53.8633 c +%_16.2959 58.5371 19.7178 60.373 21.9717 60.373 c +%_25.3936 60.373 28.2314 57.1172 28.2314 52.1934 c +%_28.2314 46.3496 22.9717 41.5098 16.2119 40.7578 c +%_9.58594 40.0234 3.42969 42.9121 0.461914 47.2168 c +%_0.392578 47.3184 0.260742 47.3555 0.148438 47.3047 c +%_0.036133 47.2539 -0.022461 47.1289 0.007813 47.0098 c +%_3.02637 35.3066 16.8037 30.1328 26.8955 37.5039 C +%_20.2822 30.002 9.88965 29.8984 1.17383 37.5898 c +%_1.08301 37.6699 0.948242 37.6738 0.851563 37.5996 c +%_0.754883 37.5273 0.724609 37.3945 0.77832 37.2871 c +%_3.44531 31.8789 10.0313 25.4668 19.3838 26.4023 c +%_27.9404 27.2578 32.9053 35.416 33.9072 42.0938 C +%_34.4639 33.5723 32.5137 27.5566 25.1533 21.9473 c +%_25.0566 21.873 25.0264 21.7402 25.0811 21.6309 c +%_25.1357 21.5234 25.2607 21.4688 25.3779 21.502 c +%_32.1631 23.4629 37.6084 26.9277 40.4268 34.0469 C +%_40.4268 27.8848 38.2881 21.6738 32.9014 17.5352 c +%_32.8037 17.4609 32.7744 17.3301 32.8291 17.2207 c +%_32.8838 17.1113 33.0078 17.0566 33.125 17.0898 c +%_36.5781 18.0742 39.2959 19.5781 41.2627 22.2754 C +%_42.5732 11.1758 47.7842 4.58398 53.7881 4.58398 c +%_57.9131 4.58398 60.9932 7.61719 60.9932 12.4551 c +%_60.9932 15.2852 59.5049 19.2578 56.1826 21.4746 c +%_f +%_155.4102 113.0938 m +%_152.248 116.998 145.8711 118.4863 138.9785 117.082 C +%_139.4883 121.3828 138.6445 125.873 137.3672 128.5664 c +%_137.3145 128.6758 137.1934 128.7334 137.0762 128.7051 c +%_136.959 128.6758 136.8789 128.5684 136.8828 128.4473 c +%_137.2578 119.6807 132.2598 112.6035 123.4336 109.5371 C +%_130.3398 114.293 132.3594 123.7305 129.0723 128.6035 c +%_129.0039 128.7021 128.877 128.7412 128.7656 128.6953 c +%_128.6543 128.6504 128.5898 128.5332 128.6113 128.416 c +%_128.9844 126.3555 128.0059 123.7314 125.8984 121.6895 c +%_122.9922 118.875 119.0488 118.2363 117.0879 120.2598 c +%_115.127 122.2852 115.8906 126.207 118.7949 129.0215 c +%_119.8555 130.0488 121.0547 130.7832 122.2441 131.2061 c +%_122.3574 131.2461 122.4258 131.3594 122.4102 131.4775 c +%_122.3965 131.5967 122.3008 131.6885 122.1816 131.6982 c +%_115.793 132.2529 111.4121 128.4463 108.666 123.8203 c +%_105.8711 119.1152 101.0957 115.4102 95.4551 116.1504 c +%_95.3359 116.166 95.2227 116.0957 95.1816 115.9824 c +%_95.1426 115.8691 95.1875 115.7422 95.291 115.6807 c +%_98.0879 113.9961 101.1621 113.2969 105.1543 114.6289 C +%_99.3594 109.7197 91.1074 106.8867 83.3145 109.4014 c +%_83.2051 109.4375 83.0859 109.3945 83.0234 109.2979 c +%_82.9609 109.2012 82.9727 109.0752 83.0488 108.9902 c +%_88.957 102.4258 100.7383 102.2949 108.1582 107.6172 C +%_105.1211 103.3008 101.0898 100.1328 93.8652 99.1387 c +%_93.75 99.123 93.6602 99.0313 93.6465 98.916 c +%_93.6348 98.7998 93.7012 98.6904 93.8105 98.6504 c +%_102.1016 95.5723 110.4102 98.6953 117.2559 106.8652 C +%_114.2637 100.4883 109.3496 95.3809 102.4883 92.8535 c +%_102.373 92.8115 102.3047 92.6934 102.3262 92.5742 c +%_102.3457 92.4531 102.4492 92.3643 102.5703 92.3613 c +%_106.5137 92.2803 110.0566 93.2188 114.8359 95.9316 C +%_111.3281 90.2422 112.0957 80.293 117.2051 73.6738 c +%_117.2754 73.582 117.4004 73.5498 117.5078 73.5957 c +%_117.6133 73.6426 117.6758 73.7549 117.6563 73.8691 c +%_116.4766 81.0703 118.9551 89.1992 123.2656 93.5117 C +%_121.1133 85.8799 123.2598 78.9355 129.1621 73.8672 c +%_129.2324 73.8066 129.332 73.79 129.418 73.8232 c +%_129.5059 73.8564 129.5664 73.9355 129.5801 74.0273 c +%_130.8145 83.4453 141.3496 93.002 150.1816 93.8027 c +%_150.3066 93.8135 150.4043 93.9141 150.4121 94.0381 c +%_150.4199 94.1621 150.3379 94.2754 150.2148 94.3027 c +%_145.9355 95.2715 141.5234 94.793 137.8262 93.2715 C +%_140.4863 96.2051 143.7656 98.3828 147.3809 99.5176 c +%_147.498 99.5537 147.5703 99.668 147.5566 99.7891 c +%_147.543 99.9102 147.4434 100.0039 147.3223 100.0127 c +%_142.8125 100.3242 138.3984 99.0068 134.5918 96.4746 C +%_138.9531 103.0957 145.5723 108.0195 154.0195 109.9805 c +%_154.1406 110.0088 154.2227 110.1191 154.2168 110.2432 c +%_154.209 110.3672 154.1133 110.4668 153.9902 110.4805 c +%_142.0723 111.7822 132.2441 107.1621 125.7695 98.5625 C +%_127.418 103.4629 132.1348 108.3184 138.7148 111.1816 c +%_144.5605 113.7266 150.5645 114.1279 155.1367 112.6914 c +%_155.2422 112.6582 155.3594 112.6982 155.4219 112.791 c +%_155.4844 112.8828 155.4805 113.0059 155.4102 113.0938 c +%_f +%_102.5059 37.5215 m +%_107.3125 48.0078 106.9707 56.207 103.0996 66.5762 c +%_103.0547 66.6934 102.9336 66.7607 102.8105 66.7363 c +%_102.6875 66.7109 102.6016 66.5996 102.6074 66.4746 c +%_103.2285 53.8535 99.7813 44.8203 92.3086 38.668 C +%_100.5586 48.5195 96.6621 68.2275 83.4863 68.2275 c +%_73.9004 68.2275 65.9697 60.252 64.0303 50.7031 c +%_64.0059 50.582 64.0723 50.459 64.1885 50.416 c +%_64.3037 50.3711 64.4346 50.416 64.4971 50.5215 c +%_67.3398 55.2832 71.9063 58.373 76.9551 58.373 c +%_85.0898 58.373 87.4961 51.9063 87.4961 47.375 c +%_87.4961 41.1875 82.5703 36.0313 78.7891 36.0313 c +%_75.3516 36.0313 73.748 38.8555 73.748 40.959 c +%_73.748 44.8574 76.7461 48.125 80.125 49.123 c +%_80.2441 49.1582 80.3223 49.2773 80.3047 49.4023 c +%_80.2852 49.5273 80.1797 49.6191 80.0547 49.6211 c +%_75.9473 49.6465 72.4766 47.7656 70.4238 44.0527 C +%_70.1543 46.9277 70.1514 48.7383 71.0645 51.7754 c +%_71.0996 51.8926 71.0459 52.0176 70.9385 52.0742 c +%_70.8291 52.1309 70.6963 52.1016 70.6221 52.0059 c +%_63.2656 42.6133 66.7861 26.3809 72.6016 19.6484 C +%_67.0693 23.6309 62.1846 32.2813 62.2617 44.041 c +%_62.2627 44.1641 62.1768 44.2676 62.0566 44.291 c +%_61.9365 44.3164 61.8174 44.25 61.7725 44.1367 c +%_57.6641 33.8848 59.8438 14.8887 71.0537 4.28516 C +%_68.1699 3.88867 65.1865 3.93945 61.9287 4.97852 c +%_61.8135 5.01367 61.6885 4.96484 61.6299 4.85938 c +%_61.5713 4.75195 61.5947 4.61914 61.6885 4.54102 c +%_65.7803 1.08594 71.5029 0 76.9551 0 C +%_72.2578 5.5 73.8184 16.5547 81.3105 16.5547 c +%_86.6582 16.5547 89.0859 8.25586 84.957 3.77344 c +%_84.8789 3.6875 84.8691 3.55859 84.9316 3.46289 c +%_84.9961 3.36523 85.1172 3.32227 85.2285 3.36133 c +%_90.0078 5.01563 95.1738 9.15039 95.1738 14.377 c +%_95.1738 19.4199 90.3613 23.7715 83.373 23.4277 C +%_92.1914 25.9336 101.4238 23.1602 106.2539 17.1758 c +%_106.3281 17.082 106.459 17.0547 106.5645 17.1074 c +%_106.6719 17.1621 106.7266 17.2832 106.6973 17.3984 c +%_103.9063 28.1152 94.7305 32.5977 83.2578 31.1055 C +%_92.5391 34.8613 106.5078 31.5859 112.6816 23.7949 c +%_112.7539 23.7031 112.8809 23.6738 112.9883 23.7227 c +%_113.0938 23.7734 113.1523 23.8906 113.1289 24.0039 c +%_111.7578 30.6191 108.2656 35.5664 102.5059 37.5215 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 56.8086 m +%_128.8672 56.6895 128.7637 56.6016 128.6426 56.6016 c +%_115.7363 56.4648 103.8887 53.334 94.6719 45.0859 C +%_102.7012 50.6445 117.6133 52.5957 126.1992 48.7051 c +%_126.3086 48.6543 126.3672 48.5332 126.3398 48.416 c +%_126.3145 48.2988 126.207 48.2168 126.0859 48.2188 c +%_115.4063 48.5098 106.8066 45.2129 100.1016 39.2559 C +%_106.9707 38.832 112.6758 34.5156 112.6582 29.4102 c +%_112.6582 29.291 112.5742 29.1875 112.457 29.1621 c +%_112.3418 29.1387 112.2227 29.1973 112.1738 29.3066 c +%_111.0527 31.7949 107.4258 33.0879 103.5918 32.1875 c +%_99.4121 31.2051 96.5918 27.998 97.291 25.0215 c +%_97.7617 23.0078 99.7266 21.6191 102.2422 21.2344 c +%_102.3691 21.2148 102.4629 21.1055 102.459 20.9766 c +%_102.4551 20.8496 102.3574 20.7441 102.2285 20.7305 c +%_101.1602 20.6289 100.0488 20.625 98.9121 20.7344 c +%_92.4219 21.3516 87.3984 25.3281 86.9629 29.9121 C +%_82.25 29.3652 78.0781 26.7539 76.584 23.1387 c +%_76.5391 23.0293 76.4258 22.9668 76.3086 22.9844 c +%_76.1934 23.002 76.1055 23.0977 76.0957 23.2148 c +%_75.7188 27.9648 77.3535 31.0527 81.0664 34.0684 C +%_75.6816 32.0098 69.6201 31.9043 63.8096 34.6055 c +%_63.7041 34.6563 63.6455 34.7715 63.667 34.8867 c +%_63.6904 35.002 63.79 35.0859 63.9072 35.0898 c +%_68.7861 35.2793 72.3242 36.8457 75.6406 40.1621 C +%_57.3838 35.0273 42.5518 46.3633 47.6846 63.2129 c +%_47.7197 63.3301 47.8311 63.4043 47.9521 63.3926 c +%_48.0732 63.3809 48.1689 63.2852 48.1787 63.1641 c +%_49.0967 53.4492 55.8818 47.0469 66.04 46.0879 C +%_60.6533 48.1465 55.04 53.0625 54.4834 61.6211 c +%_54.4756 61.7441 54.5557 61.8535 54.6748 61.8848 c +%_54.7939 61.9141 54.917 61.8535 54.9678 61.7422 c +%_57.7666 55.5879 63.2646 52.4785 69.1279 51.9297 C +%_62.7939 54.5117 58.7314 60.5332 57.5576 68.3516 c +%_57.5381 68.4746 57.6123 68.5918 57.7314 68.6309 c +%_57.8486 68.668 57.9775 68.6152 58.0342 68.5039 c +%_61.8994 60.9219 70.1904 55.7109 80.4824 59.6934 c +%_91.0996 63.8027 95.7559 76.0781 96.7852 84.7324 c +%_96.8008 84.8555 96.9004 84.9492 97.0234 84.957 c +%_97.1465 84.9629 97.2559 84.8809 97.2852 84.7617 c +%_101.0039 69.0723 93.7012 52.8125 80.6484 45.9219 C +%_87.7441 47.9238 94.0879 52.1816 97.6758 59.2754 C +%_105.9688 60.293 111.6797 63.1387 114.5332 68.5156 c +%_114.5898 68.6211 114.7129 68.6738 114.8281 68.6406 c +%_114.9434 68.6055 115.0195 68.4941 115.0098 68.375 c +%_114.8281 66.2656 114.0684 62.0449 110.9355 60.1035 C +%_117.9004 60.1152 123.4414 59.2109 128.7344 57.0898 c +%_128.8457 57.0449 128.9121 56.9277 128.8887 56.8086 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 110.2773 m +%_99.502 110.2129 99.6309 110.2227 99.7188 110.3047 c +%_99.8047 110.3848 99.8223 110.5137 99.7637 110.6172 c +%_98.1445 113.4141 99.623 117.4297 102.8145 117.4297 c +%_108.5352 117.4297 111.2852 106.6602 110.4102 96.8379 C +%_108.248 102.5918 106.377 104.8926 103.0625 107.6328 c +%_102.9688 107.709 102.834 107.7109 102.7402 107.6328 c +%_102.6465 107.5566 102.6191 107.4238 102.6777 107.3164 c +%_107.5332 98.2383 108.5742 91.252 108.5742 83.2324 C +%_107.1113 89.1895 105.3789 92.5527 100.4473 97.6133 c +%_100.3613 97.7012 100.2246 97.7148 100.123 97.6445 c +%_100.0215 97.5742 99.9844 97.4414 100.0352 97.3301 c +%_105.334 85.7383 104.9297 72.8828 100.9824 63.0664 c +%_100.9434 62.9688 100.9688 62.8574 101.0449 62.7852 c +%_101.123 62.7129 101.2344 62.6973 101.3301 62.7422 c +%_106.5352 65.293 109.5938 66.9688 114.082 73.1328 C +%_112.7246 80.5313 113.8535 84.1797 117.2539 90.3262 C +%_113.3164 80.4102 115.4121 66.4336 125.4414 60.7363 c +%_125.5508 60.6738 125.6895 60.7012 125.7656 60.8008 c +%_125.8438 60.9004 125.8379 61.041 125.75 61.1328 c +%_121.9688 65.0879 119.2188 71.7676 121.5938 79.0586 C +%_120.0645 68.6699 129.1895 59.9453 139.373 59.9453 c +%_148.9727 59.9453 155.5234 67.4531 154.9824 74.8848 c +%_154.4453 82.25 149.5391 85.8555 145.3105 87.3828 c +%_145.1992 87.4238 145.0742 87.3809 145.0117 87.2813 c +%_144.9473 87.1816 144.9609 87.0508 145.0449 86.9668 c +%_150.6543 81.2734 151.4219 70.4746 141.4609 67.207 C +%_147.3203 72.2637 145.1504 84.0352 135.7715 84.9316 c +%_135.6543 84.9414 135.5449 84.8711 135.5078 84.7598 c +%_135.4688 84.6504 135.5117 84.5273 135.6113 84.4648 c +%_137.6191 83.1855 139.2891 80.6934 139.2891 77.8906 c +%_139.2891 73.2168 135.8672 71.3789 133.6133 71.3789 c +%_130.1914 71.3789 127.3535 74.6348 127.3535 79.5605 c +%_127.3535 85.4023 132.6133 90.2441 139.373 90.9941 c +%_146 91.7305 152.1563 88.8398 155.123 84.5352 c +%_155.1934 84.4336 155.3242 84.3984 155.4375 84.4492 c +%_155.5488 84.5 155.6074 84.623 155.5781 84.7422 c +%_152.5586 96.4453 138.7813 101.6191 128.6895 94.25 C +%_135.3027 101.75 145.6953 101.8555 154.4121 94.1641 c +%_154.502 94.084 154.6367 94.0781 154.7344 94.1523 c +%_154.8301 94.2266 154.8613 94.3574 154.8066 94.4668 c +%_152.1406 99.873 145.5547 106.2852 136.2012 105.3516 c +%_127.6445 104.4961 122.6797 96.3359 121.6777 89.6602 C +%_121.1211 98.1816 123.0723 104.1953 130.4316 109.8047 c +%_130.5293 109.8789 130.5586 110.0117 130.5039 110.1211 c +%_130.4492 110.2305 130.3242 110.2852 130.207 110.25 c +%_123.4219 108.291 117.9766 104.8262 115.1582 97.707 C +%_115.1582 103.8672 117.2969 110.0781 122.6836 114.2168 c +%_122.7813 114.291 122.8105 114.4238 122.7559 114.5332 c +%_122.7012 114.6406 122.5781 114.6953 122.4609 114.6621 c +%_119.0078 113.6797 116.2891 112.1738 114.3223 109.4785 C +%_113.0117 120.5781 107.8008 127.168 101.7969 127.168 c +%_97.6719 127.168 94.5918 124.1348 94.5918 119.2988 c +%_94.5918 116.4688 96.0801 112.4961 99.4023 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 18.6602 m +%_3.33691 14.7559 9.71387 13.2676 16.6064 14.6719 C +%_16.0967 10.3691 16.9404 5.88086 18.2178 3.18555 c +%_18.2705 3.07813 18.3916 3.01953 18.5088 3.04883 c +%_18.626 3.07813 18.7061 3.18555 18.7021 3.30664 c +%_18.3271 12.0723 23.3252 19.1484 32.1514 22.2148 C +%_25.2451 17.459 23.2256 8.02148 26.5127 3.15039 c +%_26.5811 3.05078 26.708 3.01172 26.8193 3.05664 c +%_26.9307 3.10156 26.9951 3.21875 26.9736 3.33789 c +%_26.6006 5.39844 27.5791 8.02148 29.6865 10.0625 c +%_32.5928 12.877 36.5361 13.5156 38.4971 11.4922 c +%_40.458 9.4668 39.6943 5.54492 36.79 2.73242 c +%_35.7295 1.70508 34.5303 0.96875 33.3408 0.546875 c +%_33.2275 0.505859 33.1592 0.392578 33.1748 0.275391 c +%_33.1885 0.15625 33.2842 0.064453 33.4033 0.054688 c +%_39.792 -0.5 44.1729 3.30664 46.9189 7.93164 c +%_49.7139 12.6367 54.4893 16.3438 60.1299 15.6035 c +%_60.249 15.5879 60.3623 15.6582 60.4033 15.7715 c +%_60.4424 15.8848 60.3975 16.0098 60.2939 16.0723 c +%_57.4971 17.7559 54.4229 18.4551 50.4307 17.125 C +%_56.2256 22.0332 64.4775 24.8652 72.2715 22.3516 c +%_72.3809 22.3164 72.5 22.3594 72.5625 22.4551 c +%_72.625 22.5508 72.6152 22.6777 72.5371 22.7637 c +%_66.6279 29.3281 54.8467 29.459 47.4268 24.1348 C +%_50.4639 28.4512 54.4951 31.6211 61.7197 32.6133 c +%_61.835 32.6289 61.9248 32.7227 61.9385 32.8379 c +%_61.9502 32.9531 61.8838 33.0625 61.7744 33.1035 c +%_53.4834 36.1797 45.1748 33.0586 38.3291 24.8867 C +%_41.3213 31.2656 46.2354 36.373 53.0967 38.9004 c +%_53.2119 38.9414 53.2803 39.0586 53.2588 39.1797 c +%_53.2393 39.3008 53.1357 39.3887 53.0146 39.3906 c +%_49.0713 39.4727 45.5283 38.5332 40.749 35.8203 C +%_44.2568 41.5117 43.4893 51.459 38.3799 58.0801 c +%_38.3096 58.1719 38.1846 58.2031 38.0771 58.1582 c +%_37.9717 58.1113 37.9092 57.998 37.9287 57.8828 c +%_39.1084 50.6836 36.6299 42.5547 32.3193 38.2422 C +%_34.4717 45.873 32.3252 52.8184 26.4229 57.8848 c +%_26.3525 57.9453 26.2529 57.9629 26.167 57.9297 c +%_26.0791 57.8965 26.0186 57.8184 26.0049 57.7266 c +%_24.7705 48.3086 14.2354 38.752 5.40332 37.9512 c +%_5.27832 37.9395 5.18066 37.8398 5.17285 37.7148 c +%_5.16504 37.5898 5.24707 37.4785 5.37012 37.4512 c +%_9.64941 36.4824 14.0615 36.9609 17.7588 38.4805 C +%_15.0986 35.5488 11.8193 33.3711 8.2041 32.2363 c +%_8.08691 32.1992 8.01465 32.0859 8.02832 31.9648 c +%_8.04199 31.8438 8.1416 31.748 8.2627 31.7402 c +%_12.7725 31.4297 17.1865 32.7461 20.9932 35.2793 C +%_16.6318 28.6582 10.0127 23.7344 1.56543 21.7715 c +%_1.44434 21.7441 1.3623 21.6328 1.36816 21.5098 c +%_1.37598 21.3867 1.47168 21.2871 1.59473 21.2734 c +%_13.5127 19.9707 23.3408 24.5918 29.8154 33.1914 C +%_28.167 28.2891 23.4502 23.4355 16.8701 20.5723 c +%_11.0244 18.0273 5.02051 17.625 0.448242 19.0625 c +%_0.342773 19.0957 0.225586 19.0547 0.163086 18.9629 c +%_0.100586 18.8691 0.104492 18.7461 0.174805 18.6602 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_53.0791 94.2324 m +%_48.2725 83.7461 48.6143 75.5469 52.4854 65.1777 c +%_52.5303 65.0605 52.6514 64.9922 52.7744 65.0176 c +%_52.8975 65.043 52.9834 65.1543 52.9775 65.2773 c +%_52.3564 77.9004 55.8037 86.9316 63.2764 93.0859 C +%_55.0264 83.2324 58.9229 63.5254 72.0996 63.5254 c +%_81.6855 63.5254 89.6152 71.502 91.5547 81.0508 c +%_91.5801 81.1719 91.5137 81.293 91.3965 81.3379 c +%_91.2813 81.3828 91.1504 81.3379 91.0879 81.2305 c +%_88.2461 76.4688 83.6797 73.3789 78.6309 73.3789 c +%_70.4951 73.3789 68.0889 79.8457 68.0889 84.3789 c +%_68.0889 90.5645 73.0156 95.7207 76.7969 95.7207 c +%_80.2344 95.7207 81.8379 92.8984 81.8379 90.7949 c +%_81.8379 86.8965 78.8398 83.6289 75.4629 82.6309 c +%_75.3418 82.5938 75.2656 82.4766 75.2832 82.3516 c +%_75.3008 82.2266 75.4063 82.1328 75.5332 82.1328 c +%_79.6387 82.1074 83.1094 83.9863 85.1621 87.7012 C +%_85.4316 84.8262 85.4336 83.0156 84.5215 79.9766 c +%_84.4863 79.8594 84.5391 79.7344 84.6465 79.6777 c +%_84.7559 79.623 84.8887 79.6504 84.9629 79.748 c +%_92.3203 89.1406 88.7988 105.3711 82.9844 112.1055 C +%_88.5156 108.123 93.4004 99.4707 93.3242 87.7109 c +%_93.3223 87.5898 93.4082 87.4844 93.5293 87.4609 c +%_93.6484 87.4375 93.7676 87.502 93.8125 87.6152 c +%_97.9219 97.8691 95.7422 116.8633 84.5313 127.4668 C +%_87.416 127.8652 90.3984 127.8145 93.6563 126.7754 c +%_93.7715 126.7383 93.8965 126.7891 93.9551 126.8945 c +%_94.0137 127 93.9902 127.1328 93.8965 127.2109 c +%_89.8047 130.666 84.082 131.752 78.6309 131.752 C +%_83.3281 126.252 81.7676 115.1992 74.2773 115.1992 c +%_68.9268 115.1992 66.499 123.498 70.6279 127.9805 c +%_70.7061 128.0664 70.7158 128.1934 70.6533 128.291 c +%_70.5889 128.3887 70.4678 128.4297 70.3564 128.3926 c +%_65.5771 126 +endstream endobj 41 0 obj <>stream +.7363 60.4111 122.6035 60.4111 117.375 c +%_60.4111 112.334 65.2236 107.9805 72.2148 108.3242 C +%_63.3936 105.8203 54.1611 108.5918 49.3311 114.5781 c +%_49.2568 114.6699 49.126 114.6992 49.0205 114.6445 c +%_48.9131 114.5918 48.8584 114.4707 48.8877 114.3535 c +%_51.6787 103.6387 60.8545 99.1543 72.3281 100.6484 C +%_63.0459 96.8906 49.0771 100.166 42.9033 107.957 c +%_42.8311 108.0488 42.7041 108.0801 42.5967 108.0293 c +%_42.4912 107.9805 42.4326 107.8633 42.4561 107.748 c +%_43.8271 101.1328 47.3193 96.1875 53.0791 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_135.0352 184.5869 m +%_135.0566 184.7061 135.1602 184.792 135.2813 184.7939 c +%_148.1875 184.9287 160.0352 188.0615 169.2529 196.3086 C +%_161.2227 190.751 146.3105 188.7979 137.7256 192.6904 c +%_137.6152 192.7402 137.5566 192.8604 137.584 192.9785 c +%_137.6104 193.0967 137.7168 193.1787 137.8379 193.1748 c +%_148.5176 192.8857 157.1172 196.1816 163.8223 202.1396 C +%_156.9531 202.5615 151.248 206.8799 151.2656 211.9844 c +%_151.2656 212.1035 151.3496 212.2061 151.4668 212.2314 c +%_151.583 212.2568 151.7012 212.1963 151.75 212.0879 c +%_152.8711 209.5986 156.498 208.3076 160.333 209.208 c +%_164.5127 210.1885 167.333 213.3975 166.6338 216.373 c +%_166.1621 218.3877 164.1973 219.7764 161.6816 220.1602 c +%_161.5547 220.1787 161.4619 220.29 161.4648 220.418 c +%_161.4688 220.5459 161.5674 220.6514 161.6953 220.6631 c +%_162.7637 220.7656 163.875 220.7695 165.0127 220.6611 c +%_171.5029 220.0439 176.5264 216.0654 176.9619 211.4834 C +%_181.6748 212.0303 185.8467 214.6396 187.3408 218.2568 c +%_187.3857 218.3652 187.501 218.4287 187.6162 218.4111 c +%_187.7314 218.3916 187.8193 218.2969 187.8291 218.1807 c +%_188.2061 213.4287 186.5713 210.3418 182.8584 207.3262 C +%_188.2432 209.3857 194.3027 209.4912 200.1133 206.7881 c +%_200.2188 206.7393 200.2773 206.624 200.2559 206.5088 c +%_200.2324 206.3936 200.1328 206.3096 200.0156 206.3057 c +%_195.1367 206.1152 191.5996 204.5498 188.2861 201.2334 C +%_206.5391 206.3672 221.3711 195.0322 216.2383 178.1807 c +%_216.2031 178.0654 216.0918 177.9902 215.9707 178.0029 c +%_215.8496 178.0146 215.7539 178.1104 215.7441 178.2314 c +%_214.8262 187.9453 208.041 194.3467 197.8828 195.3076 C +%_203.2695 193.2471 208.8828 188.3311 209.4395 179.7734 c +%_209.4473 179.6514 209.3672 179.54 209.248 179.5107 c +%_209.1289 179.4814 209.0059 179.54 208.9551 179.6514 c +%_206.1563 185.8057 200.6582 188.917 194.7949 189.4639 C +%_201.1289 186.8838 205.1914 180.8623 206.3652 173.0439 c +%_206.3848 172.9209 206.3105 172.8018 206.1914 172.7646 c +%_206.0742 172.7256 205.9453 172.7803 205.8887 172.8896 c +%_202.0234 180.4727 193.7324 185.6836 183.4424 181.7021 c +%_172.8252 177.5928 168.168 165.3154 167.1387 156.6611 c +%_167.124 156.54 167.0234 156.4463 166.9004 156.4385 c +%_166.7783 156.4307 166.668 156.5127 166.6396 156.6338 c +%_162.9199 172.3213 170.2227 188.583 183.2764 195.4736 C +%_176.1807 193.4707 169.8369 189.2139 166.249 182.1191 C +%_157.9551 181.1006 152.2451 178.2568 149.3916 172.8799 c +%_149.335 172.7725 149.2109 172.7197 149.0957 172.7549 c +%_148.9805 172.7881 148.9043 172.8994 148.9141 173.0205 c +%_149.0967 175.1299 149.8555 179.3506 152.9883 181.291 C +%_146.0234 181.2803 140.4824 182.1846 135.1895 184.3037 c +%_135.0781 184.3496 135.0127 184.4678 135.0352 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_164.5215 131.1162 m +%_164.4229 131.1826 164.293 131.1709 164.2061 131.0908 c +%_164.1201 131.0088 164.1016 130.8799 164.1602 130.7783 c +%_165.7803 127.9814 164.3008 123.9639 161.1094 123.9639 c +%_155.3887 123.9639 152.6387 134.7334 153.5137 144.5576 C +%_155.6768 138.8018 157.5469 136.5029 160.8613 133.7627 c +%_160.9551 133.6846 161.0898 133.6846 161.1836 133.7607 c +%_161.2773 133.8389 161.3047 133.9697 161.2471 134.0771 c +%_156.3906 143.1572 155.3496 150.1436 155.3496 158.1631 C +%_156.8125 152.2041 158.5449 148.8408 163.4766 143.7822 c +%_163.5625 143.6943 163.6992 143.6807 163.8018 143.749 c +%_163.9033 143.8193 163.9404 143.9521 163.8887 144.0654 c +%_158.5908 155.6553 158.9951 168.5127 162.9414 178.3291 c +%_162.9805 178.4268 162.9561 178.5381 162.8789 178.6104 c +%_162.8018 178.6807 162.6895 178.6982 162.5938 178.6514 c +%_157.3887 176.1006 154.3301 174.4248 149.8418 168.2627 C +%_151.1992 160.8643 150.0703 157.2139 146.6699 151.0674 C +%_150.6074 160.9854 148.5117 174.9619 138.4824 180.6592 c +%_138.373 180.7207 138.2344 180.6934 138.1582 180.5947 c +%_138.0801 180.4951 138.0869 180.3535 138.1738 180.2627 c +%_141.9551 176.3076 144.7051 169.6279 142.3301 162.335 C +%_143.8594 172.7236 134.7344 181.4502 124.5508 181.4502 c +%_114.9512 181.4502 108.4004 173.9404 108.9414 166.5088 c +%_109.4785 159.1436 114.3848 155.54 118.6133 154.0107 c +%_118.7246 153.9717 118.8496 154.0127 118.9131 154.1123 c +%_118.9766 154.2139 118.9629 154.3428 118.8799 154.4287 c +%_113.2695 160.1201 112.502 170.9209 122.4629 174.1885 C +%_116.6035 169.1318 118.7734 157.3584 128.1523 156.4639 c +%_128.2695 156.4521 128.3789 156.5225 128.417 156.6338 c +%_128.4551 156.7451 128.4121 156.8682 128.3135 156.9307 c +%_126.3047 158.208 124.6348 160.7021 124.6348 163.5049 c +%_124.6348 168.1787 128.0566 170.0146 130.3105 170.0146 c +%_133.7324 170.0146 136.5703 166.7588 136.5703 161.835 c +%_136.5703 155.9912 131.3105 151.1514 124.5508 150.3994 c +%_117.9248 149.665 111.7686 152.5537 108.8008 156.8584 c +%_108.7314 156.96 108.5996 156.9971 108.4873 156.9463 c +%_108.375 156.8955 108.3164 156.7705 108.3467 156.6514 c +%_111.3652 144.9482 125.1426 139.7744 135.2344 147.1455 C +%_128.6211 139.6436 118.2285 139.54 109.5127 147.2314 c +%_109.4219 147.3115 109.2871 147.3154 109.1904 147.2412 c +%_109.0938 147.1689 109.0635 147.0361 109.1172 146.9287 c +%_111.7842 141.5205 118.3701 135.1084 127.7227 136.0439 c +%_136.2793 136.8994 141.2441 145.0576 142.2461 151.7354 C +%_142.8027 143.2139 140.8525 137.1982 133.4922 131.5889 c +%_133.3955 131.5146 133.3652 131.3818 133.4199 131.2725 c +%_133.4746 131.165 133.5996 131.1104 133.7168 131.1436 c +%_140.502 133.1045 145.9473 136.5693 148.7656 143.6885 C +%_148.7656 137.5264 146.627 131.3154 141.2402 127.1768 c +%_141.1426 127.1025 141.1133 126.9717 141.168 126.8623 c +%_141.2227 126.7529 141.3467 126.6982 141.4639 126.7314 c +%_144.917 127.7158 147.6348 129.2197 149.6016 131.917 C +%_150.9121 120.8174 156.123 114.2256 162.127 114.2256 c +%_166.252 114.2256 169.332 117.2588 169.332 122.0967 c +%_169.332 124.9268 167.8438 128.8994 164.5215 131.1162 c +%_f +%_263.748 222.7354 m +%_260.5859 226.6396 254.209 228.1279 247.3164 226.7236 C +%_247.8262 231.0244 246.9824 235.5146 245.7051 238.208 c +%_245.6523 238.3174 245.5313 238.375 245.4141 238.3467 c +%_245.2969 238.3174 245.2168 238.21 245.2207 238.0889 c +%_245.5957 229.3223 240.5977 222.2451 231.7715 219.1787 C +%_238.6777 223.9346 240.6973 233.3721 237.4102 238.2451 c +%_237.3418 238.3438 237.2148 238.3828 237.1035 238.3369 c +%_236.9922 238.292 236.9277 238.1748 236.9492 238.0576 c +%_237.3223 235.9971 236.3438 233.373 234.2363 231.3311 c +%_231.3301 228.5166 227.3867 227.8779 225.4258 229.9014 c +%_223.4648 231.9268 224.2285 235.8486 227.1328 238.6631 c +%_228.1934 239.6904 229.3926 240.4248 230.582 240.8477 c +%_230.6953 240.8877 230.7637 241.001 230.748 241.1191 c +%_230.7344 241.2383 230.6387 241.3301 230.5195 241.3398 c +%_224.1309 241.8945 219.75 238.0879 217.0039 233.4619 c +%_214.209 228.7568 209.4336 225.0518 203.793 225.792 c +%_203.6738 225.8076 203.5605 225.7373 203.5195 225.624 c +%_203.4805 225.5107 203.5254 225.3838 203.6289 225.3223 c +%_206.4258 223.6377 209.5 222.9385 213.4922 224.2705 C +%_207.6973 219.3613 199.4453 216.5283 191.6523 219.043 c +%_191.543 219.0791 191.4238 219.0361 191.3613 218.9395 c +%_191.2988 218.8428 191.3105 218.7168 191.3867 218.6318 c +%_197.2949 212.0674 209.0762 211.9365 216.4961 217.2588 C +%_213.459 212.9424 209.4277 209.7744 202.2031 208.7803 c +%_202.0879 208.7646 201.998 208.6729 201.9844 208.5576 c +%_201.9727 208.4414 202.0391 208.332 202.1484 208.292 c +%_210.4395 205.2139 218.748 208.3369 225.5938 216.5068 C +%_222.6016 210.1299 217.6875 205.0225 210.8262 202.4951 c +%_210.7109 202.4531 210.6426 202.335 210.6641 202.2158 c +%_210.6836 202.0947 210.7871 202.0059 210.9082 202.0029 c +%_214.8516 201.9219 218.3945 202.8604 223.1738 205.5732 C +%_219.666 199.8838 220.4336 189.9346 225.543 183.3154 c +%_225.6133 183.2236 225.7383 183.1914 225.8457 183.2373 c +%_225.9512 183.2842 226.0137 183.3965 225.9941 183.5107 c +%_224.8145 190.7119 227.293 198.8408 231.6035 203.1533 C +%_229.4512 195.5215 231.5977 188.5771 237.5 183.5088 c +%_237.5703 183.4482 237.6699 183.4316 237.7559 183.4648 c +%_237.8438 183.498 237.9043 183.5771 237.918 183.6689 c +%_239.1523 193.0869 249.6875 202.6436 258.5195 203.4443 c +%_258.6445 203.4551 258.7422 203.5557 258.75 203.6797 c +%_258.7578 203.8037 258.6758 203.917 258.5527 203.9443 c +%_254.2734 204.9131 249.8613 204.4346 246.1641 202.9131 C +%_248.8242 205.8467 252.1035 208.0244 255.7188 209.1592 c +%_255.8359 209.1953 255.9082 209.3096 255.8945 209.4307 c +%_255.8809 209.5518 255.7813 209.6455 255.6602 209.6543 c +%_251.1504 209.9658 246.7363 208.6484 242.9297 206.1162 C +%_247.291 212.7373 253.9102 217.6611 262.3574 219.6221 c +%_262.4785 219.6504 262.5605 219.7607 262.5547 219.8848 c +%_262.5469 220.0088 262.4512 220.1084 262.3281 220.1221 c +%_250.4102 221.4238 240.582 216.8037 234.1074 208.2041 C +%_235.7559 213.1045 240.4727 217.96 247.0527 220.8232 c +%_252.8984 223.3682 258.9023 223.7695 263.4746 222.333 c +%_263.5801 222.2998 263.6973 222.3398 263.7598 222.4326 c +%_263.8223 222.5244 263.8184 222.6475 263.748 222.7354 c +%_f +%_210.8438 147.1631 m +%_215.6504 157.6494 215.3086 165.8486 211.4375 176.2178 c +%_211.3926 176.335 211.2715 176.4023 211.1484 176.3779 c +%_211.0254 176.3525 210.9395 176.2412 210.9453 176.1162 c +%_211.5664 163.4951 208.1191 154.4619 200.6465 148.3096 C +%_208.8965 158.1611 205 177.8691 191.8242 177.8691 c +%_182.2393 177.8691 174.3086 169.8936 172.3691 160.3447 c +%_172.3447 160.2236 172.4111 160.1006 172.5273 160.0576 c +%_172.6426 160.0127 172.7734 160.0576 172.8359 160.1631 c +%_175.6787 164.9248 180.2451 168.0146 185.2939 168.0146 c +%_193.4277 168.0146 195.834 161.5479 195.834 157.0166 c +%_195.834 150.8291 190.9082 145.6729 187.1279 145.6729 c +%_183.6904 145.6729 182.0869 148.4971 182.0869 150.6006 c +%_182.0869 154.499 185.085 157.7666 188.4639 158.7646 c +%_188.583 158.7998 188.6611 158.9189 188.6436 159.0439 c +%_188.624 159.1689 188.5186 159.2607 188.3936 159.2627 c +%_184.2861 159.2881 180.8154 157.4072 178.7627 153.6943 C +%_178.4932 156.5693 178.4902 158.3799 179.4033 161.417 c +%_179.4385 161.5342 179.3848 161.6592 179.2773 161.7158 c +%_179.168 161.7725 179.0352 161.7432 178.9609 161.6475 c +%_171.6045 152.2549 175.125 136.0225 180.9404 129.29 C +%_175.4082 133.2725 170.5234 141.9229 170.6006 153.6826 c +%_170.6016 153.8057 170.5156 153.9092 170.3955 153.9326 c +%_170.2754 153.958 170.1563 153.8916 170.1113 153.7783 c +%_166.0029 143.5264 168.1826 124.5303 179.3926 113.9268 C +%_176.5088 113.5303 173.5254 113.5811 170.2676 114.6201 c +%_170.1523 114.6553 170.0273 114.6064 169.9688 114.501 c +%_169.9102 114.3936 169.9336 114.2607 170.0273 114.1826 c +%_174.1191 110.7275 179.8418 109.6416 185.2939 109.6416 C +%_180.5967 115.1416 182.1572 126.1963 189.6494 126.1963 c +%_194.9961 126.1963 197.4238 117.8975 193.2949 113.415 c +%_193.2168 113.3291 193.207 113.2002 193.2695 113.1045 c +%_193.334 113.0068 193.4551 112.9639 193.5664 113.0029 c +%_198.3457 114.6572 203.5117 118.792 203.5117 124.0186 c +%_203.5117 129.0615 198.6992 133.4131 191.7109 133.0693 C +%_200.5293 135.5752 209.7617 132.8018 214.5918 126.8174 c +%_214.666 126.7236 214.7969 126.6963 214.9023 126.749 c +%_215.0098 126.8037 215.0645 126.9248 215.0352 127.04 c +%_212.2441 137.7568 203.0684 142.2393 191.5957 140.7471 C +%_200.877 144.5029 214.8457 141.2275 221.0195 133.4365 c +%_221.0918 133.3447 221.2188 133.3154 221.3262 133.3643 c +%_221.4316 133.415 221.4902 133.5322 221.4668 133.6455 c +%_220.0957 140.2607 216.6035 145.208 210.8438 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_237.2266 166.4502 m +%_237.2051 166.3311 237.1016 166.2432 236.9805 166.2432 c +%_224.0742 166.1064 212.2266 162.9756 203.0098 154.7275 C +%_211.0391 160.2861 225.9512 162.2373 234.5371 158.3467 c +%_234.6465 158.2959 234.7051 158.1748 234.6777 158.0576 c +%_234.6523 157.9404 234.5449 157.8584 234.4238 157.8604 c +%_223.7441 158.1514 215.1445 154.8545 208.4395 148.8975 C +%_215.3086 148.4736 221.0137 144.1572 220.9961 139.0518 c +%_220.9961 138.9326 220.9121 138.8291 220.7949 138.8037 c +%_220.6797 138.7803 220.5605 138.8389 220.5117 138.9482 c +%_219.3906 141.4365 215.7637 142.7295 211.9297 141.8291 c +%_207.75 140.8467 204.9297 137.6396 205.6289 134.6631 c +%_206.0996 132.6494 208.0645 131.2607 210.5801 130.876 c +%_210.707 130.8564 210.8008 130.7471 210.7969 130.6182 c +%_210.793 130.4912 210.6953 130.3857 210.5664 130.3721 c +%_209.498 130.2705 208.3867 130.2666 207.25 130.376 c +%_200.7598 130.9932 195.7363 134.9697 195.3008 139.5537 C +%_190.5889 139.0068 186.417 136.3955 184.9229 132.7803 c +%_184.8779 132.6709 184.7646 132.6084 184.6475 132.626 c +%_184.5322 132.6436 184.4443 132.7393 184.4346 132.8564 c +%_184.0576 137.6064 185.6924 140.6943 189.4053 143.71 C +%_184.0205 141.6514 177.959 141.5459 172.1484 144.2471 c +%_172.043 144.2979 171.9844 144.4131 172.0059 144.5283 c +%_172.0293 144.6436 172.1289 144.7275 172.2461 144.7314 c +%_177.125 144.9209 180.6631 146.4873 183.9795 149.8037 C +%_165.7227 144.6689 150.8906 156.0049 156.0234 172.8545 c +%_156.0586 172.9717 156.1699 173.0459 156.291 173.0342 c +%_156.4121 173.0225 156.5078 172.9268 156.5176 172.8057 c +%_157.4355 163.0908 164.2207 156.6885 174.3789 155.7295 C +%_168.9922 157.7881 163.3789 162.7041 162.8223 171.2627 c +%_162.8145 171.3857 162.8945 171.4951 163.0137 171.5264 c +%_163.1328 171.5557 163.2559 171.4951 163.3066 171.3838 c +%_166.1055 165.2295 171.6035 162.1201 177.4668 161.5713 C +%_171.1328 164.1533 167.0703 170.1748 165.8965 177.9932 c +%_165.877 178.1162 165.9512 178.2334 166.0703 178.2725 c +%_166.1875 178.3096 166.3164 178.2568 166.373 178.1455 c +%_170.2383 170.5635 178.5293 165.3525 188.8213 169.335 c +%_199.4375 173.4443 204.0938 185.7197 205.123 194.374 c +%_205.1387 194.4971 205.2383 194.5908 205.3613 194.5986 c +%_205.4844 194.6045 205.5938 194.5225 205.623 194.4033 c +%_209.3418 178.7139 202.0391 162.4541 188.9873 155.5635 C +%_196.082 157.5654 202.4258 161.8232 206.0137 168.917 C +%_214.3066 169.9346 220.0176 172.7803 222.8711 178.1572 c +%_222.9277 178.2627 223.0508 178.3154 223.166 178.2822 c +%_223.2813 178.2471 223.3574 178.1357 223.3477 178.0166 c +%_223.166 175.9072 222.4063 171.6865 219.2734 169.7451 C +%_226.2383 169.7568 231.7793 168.8525 237.0723 166.7314 c +%_237.1836 166.6865 237.25 166.5693 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+%_221.0625 190.1729 222.1914 193.8213 225.5918 199.9678 C +%_221.6543 190.0518 223.75 176.0752 233.7793 170.3779 c +%_233.8887 170.3154 234.0273 170.3428 234.1035 170.4424 c +%_234.1816 170.542 234.1758 170.6826 234.0879 170.7744 c +%_230.3066 174.7295 227.5566 181.4092 229.9316 188.7002 C +%_228.4023 178.3115 237.5273 169.5869 247.7109 169.5869 c +%_257.3105 169.5869 263.8613 177.0947 263.3203 184.5264 c +%_262.7832 191.8916 257.877 195.4971 253.6484 197.0244 c +%_253.5371 197.0654 253.4121 197.0225 253.3496 196.9229 c +%_253.2852 196.8232 253.2988 196.6924 253.3828 196.6084 c +%_258.9922 190.915 259.7598 180.1162 249.7988 176.8486 C +%_255.6582 181.9053 253.4883 193.6768 244.1094 194.5732 c +%_243.9922 194.583 243.8828 194.5127 243.8457 194.4014 c +%_243.8066 194.292 243.8496 194.1689 243.9492 194.1064 c +%_245.957 192.8271 247.627 190.335 247.627 187.5322 c +%_247.627 182.8584 244.2051 181.0205 241.9512 181.0205 c +%_238.5293 181.0205 235.6914 184.2764 235.6914 189.2021 c +%_235.6914 195.0439 240.9512 199.8857 247.7109 200.6357 c +%_254.3379 201.3721 260.4941 198.4814 263.4609 194.1768 c +%_263.5313 194.0752 263.6621 194.04 263.7754 194.0908 c +%_263.8867 194.1416 263.9453 194.2646 263.916 194.3838 c +%_260.8965 206.0869 247.1191 211.2607 237.0273 203.8916 C +%_243.6406 211.3916 254.0332 211.4971 262.75 203.8057 c +%_262.8398 203.7256 262.9746 203.7197 263.0723 203.7939 c +%_263.168 203.8682 263.1992 203.999 263.1445 204.1084 c +%_260.4785 209.5146 253.8926 215.9268 244.5391 214.9932 c +%_235.9824 214.1377 231.0176 205.9775 230.0156 199.3018 C +%_229.459 207.8232 231.4102 213.8369 238.7695 219.4463 c +%_238.8672 219.5205 238.8965 219.6533 238.8418 219.7627 c +%_238.7871 219.8721 238.6621 219.9268 238.5449 219.8916 c +%_231.7598 217.9326 226.3145 214.4678 223.4961 207.3486 C +%_223.4961 213.5088 225.6348 219.7197 231.0215 223.8584 c +%_231.1191 223.9326 231.1484 224.0654 231.0938 224.1748 c +%_231.0391 224.2822 230.916 224.3369 230.7988 224.3037 c +%_227.3457 223.3213 224.627 221.8154 222.6602 219.1201 C +%_221.3496 230.2197 216.1387 236.8096 210.1348 236.8096 c +%_206.0098 236.8096 202.9297 233.7764 202.9297 228.9404 c +%_202.9297 226.1104 204.418 222.1377 207.7402 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 128.3018 m +%_111.6758 124.3975 118.0527 122.9092 124.9453 124.3135 C +%_124.4355 120.0107 125.2793 115.5225 126.5566 112.8271 c +%_126.6094 112.7197 126.7305 112.6611 126.8477 112.6904 c +%_126.9648 112.7197 127.0449 112.8271 127.041 112.9482 c +%_126.666 121.7139 131.6641 128.79 140.4902 131.8564 C +%_133.584 127.1006 131.5645 117.6631 134.8516 112.792 c +%_134.9199 112.6924 135.0469 112.6533 135.1582 112.6982 c +%_135.2695 112.7432 135.334 112.8604 135.3125 112.9795 c +%_134.9395 115.04 135.918 117.6631 138.0254 119.7041 c +%_140.9316 122.5186 144.875 123.1572 146.8359 121.1338 c +%_148.7969 119.1084 148.0332 115.1865 145.1289 112.374 c +%_144.0684 111.3467 142.8691 110.6104 141.6797 110.1885 c +%_141.5664 110.1475 141.498 110.0342 141.5137 109.917 c +%_141.5273 109.7979 141.623 109.7061 141.7422 109.6963 c +%_148.1309 109.1416 152.5117 112.9482 155.2578 117.5732 c +%_158.0527 122.2783 162.8281 125.9854 168.4688 125.2451 c +%_168.5879 125.2295 168.7012 125.2998 168.7422 125.4131 c +%_168.7813 125.5264 168.7363 125.6514 168.6328 125.7139 c +%_165.8359 127.3975 162.7617 128.0967 158.7695 126.7666 C +%_164.5645 131.6748 172.8164 134.5068 180.6104 131.9932 c +%_180.7197 131.958 180.8389 132.001 180.9014 132.0967 c +%_180.9639 132.1924 180.9541 132.3193 180.876 132.4053 c +%_174.9668 138.9697 163.1855 139.1006 155.7656 133.7764 C +%_158.8027 138.0928 162.834 141.2627 170.0586 142.2549 c +%_170.1738 142.2705 170.2637 142.3643 170.2773 142.4795 c +%_170.2891 142.5947 170.2227 142.7041 170.1133 142.7451 c +%_161.8223 145.8213 153.5137 142.7002 146.668 134.5283 C +%_149.6602 140.9072 154.5742 146.0146 161.4355 148.542 c +%_161.5508 148.583 161.6191 148.7002 161.5977 148.8213 c +%_161.5781 148.9424 161.4746 149.0303 161.3535 149.0322 c +%_157.4102 149.1143 153.8672 148.1748 149.0879 145.4619 C +%_152.5957 151.1533 151.8281 161.1006 146.7188 167.7217 c +%_146.6484 167.8135 146.5234 167.8447 146.416 167.7998 c +%_146.3105 167.7529 146.248 167.6396 146.2676 167.5244 c +%_147.4473 160.3252 144.9688 152.1963 140.6582 147.8838 C +%_142.8105 155.5146 140.6641 162.46 134.7617 167.5264 c +%_134.6914 167.5869 134.5918 167.6045 134.5059 167.5713 c +%_134.418 167.5381 134.3574 167.46 134.3438 167.3682 c +%_133.1094 157.9502 122.5742 148.3936 113.7422 147.5928 c +%_113.6172 147.5811 113.5195 147.4814 113.5117 147.3564 c +%_113.5039 147.2314 113.5859 147.1201 113.709 147.0928 c +%_117.9883 146.124 122.4004 146.6025 126.0977 148.1221 C +%_123.4375 145.1904 120.1582 143.0127 116.543 141.8779 c +%_116.4258 141.8408 116.3535 141.7275 116.3672 141.6064 c +%_116.3809 141.4854 116.4805 141.3896 116.6016 141.3818 c +%_121.1113 141.0713 125.5254 142.3877 129.332 144.9209 C +%_124.9707 138.2998 118.3516 133.376 109.9043 131.4131 c +%_109.7832 131.3857 109.7012 131.2744 109.707 131.1514 c +%_109.7148 131.0283 109.8105 130.9287 109.9336 130.915 c +%_121.8516 129.6123 131.6797 134.2334 138.1543 142.833 C +%_136.5059 137.9307 131.7891 133.0771 125.209 130.2139 c +%_119.3633 127.6689 113.3594 127.2666 108.7871 128.7041 c +%_108.6816 128.7373 108.5645 128.6963 108.502 128.6045 c +%_108.4395 128.5107 108.4434 128.3877 108.5137 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 203.874 m +%_156.6113 193.3877 156.9531 185.1885 160.8242 174.8193 c +%_160.8691 174.7021 160.9902 174.6338 161.1133 174.6592 c +%_161.2363 174.6846 161.3223 174.7959 161.3164 174.9189 c +%_160.6953 187.542 164.1426 196.5732 171.6152 202.7275 C +%_163.3652 192.874 167.2617 173.167 180.4385 173.167 c +%_190.0244 173.167 197.9531 181.1436 199.8926 190.6924 c +%_199.918 190.8135 199.8516 190.9346 199.7344 190.9795 c +%_199.6191 191.0244 199.4883 190.9795 199.4258 190.8721 c +%_196.584 186.1104 192.0176 183.0205 186.9697 183.0205 c +%_178.834 183.0205 176.4277 189.4873 176.4277 194.0205 c +%_176.4277 200.2061 181.3545 205.3623 185.1357 205.3623 c +%_188.5732 205.3623 190.1768 202.54 190.1768 200.4365 c +%_190.1768 196.5381 187.1787 193.2705 183.8018 192.2725 c +%_183.6807 192.2354 183.6045 192.1182 183.6221 191.9932 c +%_183.6396 191.8682 183.7451 191.7744 183.8721 191.7744 c +%_187.9775 191.749 191.4473 193.6279 193.5 197.3428 C +%_193.7695 194.4678 193.7715 192.6572 192.8594 189.6182 c +%_192.8242 189.501 192.877 189.376 192.9844 189.3193 c +%_193.0938 189.2646 193.2266 189.292 193.3008 189.3896 c +%_200.6582 198.7822 197.1367 215.0127 191.3223 221.7471 C +%_196.8535 217.7646 201.7383 209.1123 201.6621 197.3525 c +%_201.6602 197.2314 201.7461 197.126 201.8672 197.1025 c +%_201.9863 197.0791 202.1055 197.1436 202.1504 197.2568 c +%_206.2598 207.5107 204.0801 226.5049 192.8691 237.1084 C +%_195.7539 237.5068 198.7363 237.4561 201.9941 236.417 c +%_202.1094 236.3799 202.2344 236.4307 202.293 236.5361 c +%_202.3516 236.6416 202.3281 236.7744 202.2344 236.8525 c +%_198.1426 240.3076 192.4199 241.3936 186.9697 241.3936 C +%_191.666 235.8936 190.1064 224.8408 182.6162 224.8408 c +%_177.2656 224.8408 174.8379 233.1396 178.9668 237.6221 c +%_179.0449 237.708 179.0547 237.835 178.9922 237.9326 c +%_178.9277 238.0303 178.8066 238.0713 178.6953 238.0342 c +%_173.916 236.3779 168.75 232.2451 168.75 227.0166 c +%_168.75 221.9756 173.5625 217.6221 180.5537 217.9658 C +%_171.7324 215.4619 162.5 218.2334 157.6699 224.2197 c +%_157.5957 224.3115 157.4648 224.3408 157.3594 224.2861 c +%_157.252 224.2334 157.1973 224.1123 157.2266 223.9951 c +%_160.0176 213.2803 169.1934 208.7959 180.667 210.29 C +%_171.3848 206.5322 157.416 209.8076 151.2422 217.5986 c +%_151.1699 217.6904 151.043 217.7217 150.9355 217.6709 c +%_150.8301 217.6221 150.7715 217.5049 150.7949 217.3896 c +%_152.166 210.7744 155.6582 205.8291 161.418 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 184.5869 m +%_26.7178 184.7061 26.8213 184.792 26.9424 184.7939 c +%_39.8486 184.9287 51.6963 188.0615 60.9141 196.3086 C +%_52.8838 190.751 37.9717 188.7979 29.3867 192.6904 c +%_29.2764 192.7402 29.2178 192.8604 29.2451 192.9785 c +%_29.2715 193.0967 29.3779 193.1787 29.499 193.1748 c +%_40.1787 192.8857 48.7783 196.1816 55.4834 202.1396 C +%_48.6143 202.5615 42.9092 206.8799 42.9268 211.9844 c +%_42.9268 212.1035 43.0107 212.2061 43.1279 212.2314 c +%_43.2441 212.2568 43.3623 212.1963 43.4111 212.0879 c +%_44.5322 209.5986 48.1592 208.3076 51.9941 209.208 c +%_56.1738 210.1885 58.9941 213.3975 58.2949 216.373 c +%_57.8232 218.3877 55.8584 219.7764 53.3428 220.1602 c +%_53.2158 220.1787 53.123 220.29 53.126 220.418 c +%_53.1299 220.5459 53.2285 220.6514 53.3564 220.6631 c +%_54.4248 220.7656 55.5361 220.7695 56.6738 220.6611 c +%_63.1641 220.0439 68.1875 216.0654 68.623 211.4834 C +%_73.3359 212.0303 77.5078 214.6396 79.002 218.2568 c +%_79.0469 218.3652 79.1621 218.4287 79.2773 218.4111 c +%_79.3926 218.3916 79.4805 218.2969 79.4902 218.1807 c +%_79.8672 213.4287 78.2324 210.3418 74.5195 207.3262 C +%_79.9043 209.3857 85.9648 209.4912 91.7754 206.7881 c +%_91.8809 206.7393 91.9395 206.624 91.918 206.5088 c +%_91.8945 206.3936 91.7949 206.3096 91.6777 206.3057 c +%_86.7988 206.1152 83.2617 204.5498 79.9473 201.2334 C +%_98.2012 206.3672 113.0332 195.0322 107.9004 178.1807 c +%_107.8652 178.0654 107.7539 177.9902 107.6328 178.0029 c +%_107.5117 178.0146 107.416 178.1104 107.4063 178.2314 c +%_106.4883 187.9453 99.7031 194.3467 89.5449 195.3076 C +%_94.9316 193.2471 100.5449 188.3311 101.1016 179.7734 c +%_101.1094 179.6514 101.0293 179.54 100.9102 179.5107 c +%_100.791 179.4814 100.668 179.54 100.6172 179.6514 c +%_97.8184 185.8057 92.3203 188.917 86.457 189.4639 C +%_92.791 186.8838 96.8535 180.8623 98.0273 173.0439 c +%_98.0469 172.9209 97.9727 172.8018 97.8535 172.7646 c +%_97.7363 172.7256 97.6074 172.7803 97.5508 172.8896 c +%_93.6855 180.4727 85.3945 185.6836 75.1035 181.7021 c +%_64.4863 177.5928 59.8291 165.3154 58.7998 156.6611 c +%_58.7852 156.54 58.6846 156.4463 58.5615 156.4385 c +%_58.4395 156.4307 58.3291 156.5127 58.3008 156.6338 c +%_54.5811 172.3213 61.8838 188.583 74.9375 195.4736 C +%_67.8418 193.4707 61.498 189.2139 57.9102 182.1191 C +%_49.6162 181.1006 43.9063 178.2568 41.0527 172.8799 c +%_40.9961 172.7725 40.8721 172.7197 40.7568 172.7549 c +%_40.6416 172.7881 40.5654 172.8994 40.5752 173.0205 c +%_40.7578 175.1299 41.5166 179.3506 44.6494 181.291 C +%_37.6846 181.2803 32.1436 182.1846 26.8506 184.3037 c +%_26.7393 184.3496 26.6738 184.4678 26.6963 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 131.1162 m +%_56.084 131.1826 55.9541 131.1709 55.8672 131.0908 c +%_55.7813 131.0088 55.7627 130.8799 55.8213 130.7783 c +%_57.4414 127.9814 55.9619 123.9639 52.7705 123.9639 c +%_47.0498 123.9639 44.2998 134.7334 45.1748 144.5576 C +%_47.3379 138.8018 49.208 136.5029 52.5225 133.7627 c +%_52.6162 133.6846 52.751 133.6846 52.8447 133.7607 c +%_52.9385 133.8389 52.9658 133.9697 52.9082 134.0771 c +%_48.0518 143.1572 47.0107 150.1436 47.0107 158.1631 C +%_48.4736 152.2041 50.2061 148.8408 55.1377 143.7822 c +%_55.2236 143.6943 55.3604 143.6807 55.4629 143.749 c +%_55.5645 143.8193 55.6016 143.9521 55.5498 144.0654 c +%_50.252 155.6553 50.6563 168.5127 54.6025 178.3291 c +%_54.6416 178.4268 54.6172 178.5381 54.54 178.6104 c +%_54.4629 178.6807 54.3506 178.6982 54.2549 178.6514 c +%_49.0498 176.1006 45.9912 174.4248 41.5029 168.2627 C +%_42.8604 160.8643 41.7314 157.2139 38.3311 151.0674 C +%_42.2686 160.9854 40.1729 174.9619 30.1436 180.6592 c +%_30.0342 180.7207 29.8955 180.6934 29.8193 180.5947 c +%_29.7412 180.4951 29.748 180.3535 29.835 180.2627 c +%_33.6162 176.3076 36.3662 169.6279 33.9912 162.335 C +%_35.5205 172.7236 26.3955 181.4502 16.2119 181.4502 c +%_6.6123 181.4502 0.061523 173.9404 0.602539 166.5088 c +%_1.13965 159.1436 6.0459 155.54 10.2744 154.0107 c +%_10.3857 153.9717 10.5107 154.0127 10.5742 154.1123 c +%_10.6377 154.2139 10.624 154.3428 10.541 154.4287 c +%_4.93066 160.1201 4.16309 170.9209 14.124 174.1885 C +%_8.26465 169.1318 10.4346 157.3584 19.8135 156.4639 c +%_19.9307 156.4521 20.04 156.5225 20.0781 156.6338 c +%_20.1162 156.7451 20.0732 156.8682 19.9746 156.9307 c +%_17.9658 158.208 16.2959 160.7021 16.2959 163.5049 c +%_16.2959 168.1787 19.7178 170.0146 21.9717 170.0146 c +%_25.3936 170.0146 28.2314 166.7588 28.2314 161.835 c +%_28.2314 155.9912 22.9717 151.1514 16.2119 150.3994 c +%_9.58594 149.665 3.42969 152.5537 0.461914 156.8584 c +%_0.392578 156.96 0.260742 156.9971 0.148438 156.9463 c +%_0.036133 156.8955 -0.022461 156.7705 0.007813 156.6514 c +%_3.02637 144.9482 16.8037 139.7744 26.8955 147.1455 C +%_20.2822 139.6436 9.88965 139.54 1.17383 147.2314 c +%_1.08301 147.3115 0.948242 147.3154 0.851563 147.2412 c +%_0.754883 147.1689 0.724609 147.0361 0.77832 146.9287 c +%_3.44531 141.5205 10.0313 135.1084 19.3838 136.0439 c +%_27.9404 136.8994 32.9053 145.0576 33.9072 151.7354 C +%_34.4639 143.2139 32.5137 137.1982 25.1533 131.5889 c +%_25.0566 131.5146 25.0264 131.3818 25.0811 131.2725 c +%_25.1357 131.165 25.2607 131.1104 25.3779 131.1436 c +%_32.1631 133.1045 37.6084 136.5693 40.4268 143.6885 C +%_40.4268 137.5264 38.2881 131.3154 32.9014 127.1768 c +%_32.8037 127.1025 32.7744 126.9717 32.8291 126.8623 c +%_32.8838 126.7529 33.0078 126.6982 33.125 126.7314 c +%_36.5781 127.7158 39.2959 129.2197 41.2627 131.917 C +%_42.5732 120.8174 47.7842 114.2256 53.7881 114.2256 c +%_57.9131 114.2256 60.9932 117.2588 60.9932 122.0967 c +%_60.9932 124.9268 59.5049 128.8994 56.1826 131.1162 c +%_f +%_155.4102 222.7354 m +%_152.248 226.6396 145.8711 228.1279 138.9785 226.7236 C +%_139.4883 231.0244 138.6445 235.5146 137.3672 238.208 c +%_137.3145 238.3174 137.1934 238.375 137.0762 238.3467 c +%_136.959 238.3174 136.8789 238.21 136.8828 238.0889 c +%_137.2578 229.3223 132.2598 222.2451 123.4336 219.1787 C +%_130.3398 223.9346 132.3594 233.3721 129.0723 238.2451 c +%_129.0039 238.3438 128.877 238.3828 128.7656 238.3369 c +%_128.6543 238.292 128.5898 238.1748 128.6113 238.0576 c +%_128.9844 235.9971 128.0059 233.373 125.8984 231.3311 c +%_122.9922 228.5166 119.0488 227.8779 117.0879 229.9014 c +%_115.127 231.9268 115.8906 235.8486 118.7949 238.6631 c +%_119.8555 239.6904 121.0547 240.4248 122.2441 240.8477 c +%_122.3574 240.8877 122.4258 241.001 122.4102 241.1191 c +%_122.3965 241.2383 122.3008 241.3301 122.1816 241.3398 c +%_115.793 241.8945 111.4121 238.0879 108.666 233.4619 c +%_105.8711 228.7568 101.0957 225.0518 95.4551 225.792 c +%_95.3359 225.8076 95.2227 225.7373 95.1816 225.624 c +%_95.1426 225.5107 95.1875 225.3838 95.291 225.3223 c +%_98.0879 223.6377 101.1621 222.9385 105.1543 224.2705 C +%_99.3594 219.3613 91.1074 216.5283 83.3145 219.043 c +%_83.2051 219.0791 83.0859 219.0361 83.0234 218.9395 c +%_82.9609 218.8428 82.9727 218.7168 83.0488 218.6318 c +%_88.957 212.0674 100.7383 211.9365 108.1582 217.2588 C +%_105.1211 212.9424 101.0898 209.7744 93.8652 208.7803 c +%_93.75 208.7646 93.6602 208.6729 93.6465 208.5576 c +%_93.6348 208.4414 93.7012 208.332 93.8105 208.292 c +%_102.1016 205.2139 110.4102 208.3369 117.2559 216.5068 C +%_114.2637 210.1299 109.3496 205.0225 102.4883 202.4951 c +%_102.373 202.4531 102.3047 202.335 102.3262 202.2158 c +%_102.3457 202.0947 102.4492 202.0059 102.5703 202.0029 c +%_106.5137 201.9219 110.0566 202.8604 114.8359 205.5732 C +%_111.3281 199.8838 112.0957 189.9346 117.2051 183.3154 c +%_117.2754 183.2236 117.4004 183.1914 117.5078 183.2373 c +%_117.6133 183.2842 117.6758 183.3965 117.6563 183.5107 c +%_116.4766 190.7119 118.9551 198.8408 123.2656 203.1533 C +%_121.1133 195.5215 123.2598 188.5771 129.1621 183.5088 c +%_129.2324 183.4482 129.332 183.4316 129.418 183.4648 c +%_129.5059 183.498 129.5664 183.5771 129.5801 183.6689 c +%_130.8145 193.0869 141.3496 202.6436 150.1816 203.4443 c +%_150.3066 203.4551 150.4043 203.5557 150.4121 203.6797 c +%_150.4199 203.8037 150.3379 203.917 150.2148 203.9443 c +%_145.9355 204.9131 141.5234 204.4346 137.8262 202.9131 C +%_140.4863 205.8467 143.7656 208.0244 147.3809 209.1592 c +%_147.498 209.1953 147.5703 209.3096 147.5566 209.4307 c +%_147.543 209.5518 147.4434 209.6455 147.3223 209.6543 c +%_142.8125 209.9658 138.3984 208.6484 134.5918 206.1162 C +%_138.9531 212.7373 145.5723 217.6611 154.0195 219.6221 c +%_154.1406 219.6504 154.2227 219.7607 154.2168 219.8848 c +%_154.209 220.0088 154.1133 220.1084 153.9902 220.1221 c +%_142.0723 221.4238 132.2441 216.8037 125.7695 208.2041 C +%_127.418 213.1045 132.1348 217.96 138.7148 220.8232 c +%_144.5605 223.3682 150.5645 223.7695 155.1367 222.333 c +%_155.2422 222.2998 155.3594 222.3398 155.4219 222.4326 c +%_155.4844 222.5244 155.4805 222.6475 155.4102 222.7354 c +%_f +%_102.5059 147.1631 m +%_107.3125 157.6494 106.9707 165.8486 103.0996 176.2178 c +%_103.0547 176.335 102.9336 176.4023 102.8105 176.3779 c +%_102.6875 176.3525 102.6016 176.2412 102.6074 176.1162 c +%_103.2285 163.4951 99.7813 154.4619 92.3086 148.3096 C +%_100.5586 158.1611 96.6621 177.8691 83.4863 177.8691 c +%_73.9004 177.8691 65.9697 169.8936 64.0303 160.3447 c +%_64.0059 160.2236 64.0723 160.1006 64.1885 160.0576 c +%_64.3037 160.0127 64.4346 160.0576 64.4971 160.1631 c +%_67.3398 164.9248 71.9063 168.0146 76.9551 168.0146 c +%_85.0898 168.0146 87.4961 161.5479 87.4961 157.0166 c +%_87.4961 150.8291 82.5703 145.6729 78.7891 145.6729 c +%_75.3516 145.6729 73.748 148.4971 73.748 150.6006 c +%_73.748 154.499 76.7461 157.7666 80.125 158.7646 c +%_80.2441 158.7998 80.3223 158.9189 80.3047 159.0439 c +%_80.2852 159.1689 80.1797 159.2607 80.0547 159.2627 c +%_75.9473 159.2881 72.4766 157.4072 70.4238 153.6943 C +%_70.1543 156.5693 70.1514 158.3799 71.0645 161.417 c +%_71.0996 161.5342 71.0459 161.6592 70.9385 161.7158 c +%_70.8291 161.7725 70.6963 161.7432 70.6221 161.6475 c +%_63.2656 152.2549 66.7861 136.0225 72.6016 129.29 C +%_67.0693 133.2725 62.1846 141.9229 62.2617 153.6826 c +%_62.2627 153.8057 62.1768 153.9092 62.0566 153.9326 c +%_61.9365 153.958 61.8174 153.8916 61.7725 153.7783 c +%_57.6641 143.5264 59.8438 124.5303 71.0537 113.9268 C +%_68.1699 113.5303 65.1865 113.5811 61.9287 114.6201 c +%_61.8135 114.6553 61.6885 114.6064 61.6299 114.501 c +%_61.5713 114.3936 61.5947 114.2607 61.6885 114.1826 c +%_65.7803 110.7275 71.5029 109.6416 76.9551 109.6416 C +%_72.2578 115.1416 73.8184 126.1963 81.3105 126.1963 c +%_86.6582 126.1963 89.0859 117.8975 84.957 113.415 c +%_84.8789 113.3291 84.8691 113.2002 84.9316 113.1045 c +%_84.9961 113.0068 85.1172 112.9639 85.2285 113.0029 c +%_90.0078 114.6572 95.1738 118.792 95.1738 124.0186 c +%_95.1738 129.0615 90.3613 133.4131 83.373 133.0693 C +%_92.1914 135.5752 101.4238 132.8018 106.2539 126.8174 c +%_106.3281 126.7236 106.459 126.6963 106.5645 126.749 c +%_106.6719 126.8037 106.7266 126.9248 106.6973 127.04 c +%_103.9063 137.7568 94.7305 142.2393 83.2578 140.7471 C +%_92.5391 144.5029 106.5078 141.2275 112.6816 133.4365 c +%_112.7539 133.3447 112.8809 133.3154 112.9883 133.3643 c +%_113.0938 133.415 113.1523 133.5322 113.1289 133.6455 c +%_111.7578 140.2607 108.2656 145.208 102.5059 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 166.4502 m +%_128.8672 166.3311 128.7637 166.2432 128.6426 166.2432 c +%_115.7363 166.1064 103.8887 162.9756 94.6719 154.7275 C +%_102.7012 160.2861 117.6133 162.2373 126.1992 158.3467 c +%_126.3086 158.2959 126.3672 158.1748 126.3398 158.0576 c +%_126.3145 157.9404 126.207 157.8584 126.0859 157.8604 c +%_115.4063 158.1514 106.8066 154.8545 100.1016 148.8975 C +%_106.9707 148.4736 112.6758 144.1572 112.6582 139.0518 c +%_112.6582 138.9326 112.5742 138.8291 112.457 138.8037 c +%_112.3418 138.7803 112.2227 138.8389 112.1738 138.9482 c +%_111.0527 141.4365 107.4258 142.7295 103.5918 141.8291 c +%_99.4121 140.8467 96.5918 137.6396 97.291 134.6631 c +%_97.7617 132.6494 99.7266 131.2607 102.2422 130.876 c +%_102.3691 130.8564 102.4629 130.7471 102.459 130.6182 c +%_102.4551 130.4912 102.3574 130.3857 102.2285 130.3721 c +%_101.1602 130.2705 100.0488 130.2666 98.9121 130.376 c +%_92.4219 130.9932 87.3984 134.9697 86.9629 139.5537 C +%_82.25 139.0068 78.0781 136.3955 76.584 132.7803 c +%_76.5391 132.6709 76.4258 132.6084 76.3086 132.626 c +%_76.1934 132.6436 76.1055 132.7393 76.0957 132.8564 c +%_75.7188 137.6064 77.3535 140.6943 81.0664 143.71 C +%_75.6816 141.6514 69.6201 141.5459 63.8096 144.2471 c +%_63.7041 144.2979 63.6455 144.4131 63.667 144.5283 c +%_63.6904 144.6436 63.79 144.7275 63.9072 144.7314 c +%_68.7861 144.9209 72.3242 146.4873 75.6406 149.8037 C +%_57.3838 144.6689 42.5518 156.0049 47.6846 172.8545 c +%_47.7197 172.9717 47.8311 173.0459 47.9521 173.0342 c +%_48.0732 173.0225 48.1689 172.9268 48.1787 172.8057 c +%_49.0967 163.0908 55.8818 156.6885 66.04 155.7295 C +%_60.6533 157.7881 55.04 162.7041 54.4834 171.2627 c +%_54.4756 171.3857 54.5557 171.4951 54.6748 171.5264 c +%_54.7939 171.5557 54.917 171.4951 54.9678 171.3838 c +%_57.7666 165.2295 63.2646 162.1201 69.1279 161.5713 C +%_62.7939 164.1533 58.7314 170.1748 57.5576 177.9932 c +%_57.5381 178.1162 57.6123 178.2334 57.7314 178.2725 c +%_57.8486 178.3096 57.9775 178.2568 58.0342 178.1455 c +%_61.8994 170.5635 70.1904 165.3525 80.4824 169.335 c +%_91.0996 173.4443 95.7559 185.7197 96.7852 194.374 c +%_96.8008 194.4971 96.9004 194.5908 97.0234 194.5986 c +%_97.1465 194.6045 97.2559 194.5225 97.2852 194.4033 c +%_101.0039 178.7139 93.7012 162.4541 80.6484 155.5635 C +%_87.7441 157.5654 94.0879 161.8232 97.6758 168.917 C +%_105.9688 169.9346 111.6797 172.7803 114.5332 178.1572 c +%_114.5898 178.2627 114.7129 178.3154 114.8281 178.2822 c +%_114.9434 178.2471 115.0195 178.1357 115.0098 178.0166 c +%_114.8281 175.9072 114.0684 171.6865 110.9355 169.7451 C +%_117.9004 169.7568 123.4414 168.8525 128.7344 166.7314 c +%_128.8457 166.6865 128.9121 166.5693 128.8887 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 219.9189 m +%_99.502 219.8545 99.6309 219.8643 99.7188 219.9463 c +%_99.8047 220.0264 99.8223 220.1553 99.7637 220.2588 c +%_98.1445 223.0557 99.623 227.0713 102.8145 227.0713 c +%_108.5352 227.0713 111.2852 216.3018 110.4102 206.4795 C +%_108.248 212.2334 106.377 214.5342 103.0625 217.2744 c +%_102.9688 217.3506 102.834 217.3525 102.7402 217.2744 c +%_102.6465 217.1982 102.6191 217.0654 102.6777 216.958 c +%_107.5332 207.8799 108.5742 200.8936 108.5742 192.874 C +%_107.1113 198.8311 105.3789 202.1943 100.4473 207.2549 c +%_100.3613 207.3428 100.2246 207.3564 100.123 207.2861 c +%_100.0215 207.2158 99.9844 207.083 100.0352 206.9717 c +%_105.334 195.3799 104.9297 182.5244 100.9824 172.708 c +%_100.9434 172.6104 100.9688 172.499 101.0449 172.4268 c +%_101.123 172.3545 101.2344 172.3389 101.3301 172.3838 c +%_106.5352 174.9346 109.5938 176.6104 114.082 182.7744 C +%_112.7246 190.1729 113.8535 193.8213 117.2539 199.9678 C +%_113.3164 190.0518 115.4121 176.0752 125.4414 170.3779 c +%_125.5508 170.3154 125.6895 170.3428 125.7656 170.4424 c +%_125.8438 170.542 125.8379 170.6826 125.75 170.7744 c +%_121.9688 174.7295 119.2188 181.4092 121.5938 188.7002 C +%_120.0645 178.3115 129.1895 169.5869 139.373 169.5869 c +%_148.9727 169.5869 155.5234 177.0947 154.9824 184.5264 c +%_154.4453 191.8916 149.5391 195.4971 145.3105 197.0244 c +%_145.1992 197.0654 145.0742 197.0225 145.0117 196.9229 c +%_144.9473 196.8232 144.9609 196.6924 145.0449 196.6084 c +%_150.6543 190.915 151.4219 180.1162 141.4609 176.8486 C +%_147.3203 181.9053 145.1504 193.6768 135.7715 194.5732 c +%_135.6543 194.583 135.5449 194.5127 135.5078 194.4014 c +%_135.4688 194.292 135.5117 194.1689 135.6113 194.1064 c +%_137.6191 192.8271 139.2891 190.335 139.2891 187.5322 c +%_139.2891 182.8584 135.8672 181.0205 133.6133 181.0205 c +%_130.1914 181.0205 127.3535 184.2764 127.3535 189.2021 c +%_127.3535 195.0439 132.6133 199.8857 139.373 200.6357 c +%_146 201.3721 152.1563 198.4814 155.123 194.1768 c +%_155.1934 194.0752 155.3242 194.04 155.4375 194.0908 c +%_155.5488 194.1416 155.6074 194.2646 155.5781 194.3838 c +%_152.5586 206.0869 138.7813 211.2607 128.6895 203.8916 C +%_135.3027 211.3916 145.6953 211.4971 154.4121 203.8057 c +%_154.502 203.7256 154.6367 203.7197 154.7344 203.7939 c +%_154.8301 203.8682 154.8613 203.999 154.8066 204.1084 c +%_152.1406 209.5146 145.5547 215.9268 136.2012 214.9932 c +%_127.6445 214.1377 122.6797 205.9775 121.6777 199.3018 C +%_121.1211 207.8232 123.0723 213.8369 130.4316 219.4463 c +%_130.5293 219.5205 130.5586 219.6533 130.5039 219.7627 c +%_130.4492 219.8721 130.3242 219.9268 130.207 219.8916 c +%_123.4219 217.9326 117.9766 214.4678 115.1582 207.3486 C +%_115.1582 213.5088 117.2969 219.7197 122.6836 223.8584 c +%_122.7813 223.9326 122.8105 224.0654 122.7559 224.1748 c +%_122.7012 224.2822 122.5781 224.3369 122.4609 224.3037 c +%_119.0078 223.3213 116.2891 221.8154 114.3223 219.1201 C +%_113.0117 230.2197 107.8008 236.8096 101.7969 236.8096 c +%_97.6719 236.8096 94.5918 233.7764 94.5918 228.9404 c +%_94.5918 226.1104 96.0801 222.1377 99.4023 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 128.3018 m +%_3.33691 124.3975 9.71387 122.9092 16.6064 124.3135 C +%_16.0967 120.0107 16.9404 115.5225 18.2178 112.8271 c +%_18.2705 112.7197 18.3916 112.6611 18.5088 112.6904 c +%_18.626 112.7197 18.7061 112.8271 18.7021 112.9482 c +%_18.3271 121.7139 23.3252 128.79 32.1514 131.8564 C +%_25.2451 127.1006 23.2256 117.6631 26.5127 112.792 c +%_26.5811 112.6924 26.708 112.6533 26.8193 112.6982 c +%_26.9307 112.7432 26.9951 112.8604 26.9736 112.9795 c +%_26.6006 115.04 27.5791 117.6631 29.6865 119.7041 c +%_32.5928 122.5186 36.5361 123.1572 38.4971 121.1338 c +%_40.458 119.1084 39.6943 115.1865 36.79 112.374 c +%_35.7295 111.3467 34.5303 110.6104 33.3408 110.1885 c +%_33.2275 110.1475 33.1592 110.0342 33.1748 109.917 c +%_33.1885 109.7979 33.2842 109.7061 33.4033 109.6963 c +%_39.792 109.1416 44.1729 112.9482 46.9189 117.5732 c +%_49.7139 122.2783 54.4893 125.9854 60.1299 125.2451 c +%_60.249 125.2295 60.3623 125.2998 60.4033 125.4131 c +%_60.4424 125.5264 60.3975 125.6514 60.2939 125.7139 c +%_57.4971 127.3975 54.4229 128.0967 50.4307 126.7666 C +%_56.2256 131.6748 64.4775 134.5068 72.2715 131.9932 c +%_72.3809 131.958 72.5 132.001 72.5625 132.0967 c +%_72.625 132.1924 72.6152 132.3193 72.5371 132.4053 c +%_66.6279 138.9697 54.8467 139.1006 47.4268 133.7764 C +%_50.4639 138.0928 54.4951 141.2627 61.7197 142.2549 c +%_61.835 142.2705 61.9248 142.3643 61.9385 142.4795 c +%_61.9502 142.5947 61.8838 142.7041 61.7744 142.7451 c +%_53.4834 145.8213 45.1748 142.7002 38.3291 134.5283 C +%_41.3213 140.9072 46.2354 146.0146 53.0967 148.542 c +%_53.2119 148.583 53.2803 148.7002 53.2588 148.8213 c +%_53.2393 148.9424 53.1357 149.0303 53.0146 149.0322 c +%_49.0713 149.1143 45.5283 148.1748 40.749 145.4619 C +%_44.2568 151.1533 43.4893 161.1006 38.3799 167.7217 c +%_38.3096 167.8135 38.1846 167.8447 38.0771 167.7998 c +%_37.9717 167.7529 37.9092 167.6396 37.9287 167.5244 c +%_39.1084 160.3252 36.6299 152.1963 32.3193 147.8838 C +%_34.4717 155.5146 32.3252 162.46 26.4229 167.5264 c +%_26.3525 167.5869 26.2529 167.6045 26.167 167.5713 c +%_26.0791 167.5381 26.0186 167.46 26.0049 167.3682 c +%_24.7705 157.9502 14.2354 148.3936 5.40332 147.5928 c +%_5.27832 147.5811 5.18066 147.4814 5.17285 147.3564 c +%_5.16504 147.2314 5.24707 147.1201 5.37012 147.0928 c +%_9.64941 146.124 14.0615 146.6025 17.7588 148.1221 C +%_15.0986 145.1904 11.8193 143.0127 8.2041 141.8779 c +%_8.08691 141.8408 8.01465 141.7275 8.02832 141.6064 c +%_8.04199 141.4854 8.1416 141.3896 8.2627 141.3818 c +%_12.7725 141.0713 17.1865 142.3877 20.9932 144.9209 C +%_16.6318 138.2998 10.0127 133.376 1.56543 131.4131 c +%_1.44434 131.3857 1.3623 131.2744 1.36816 131.1514 c +%_1.37598 131.0283 1.47168 130.9287 1.59473 130.915 c +%_13.5127 129.6123 23.3408 134.2334 29.8154 142.833 C +%_28.167 137.9307 23.4502 133.0771 16.8701 130.2139 c +%_11.0244 127.6689 5.02051 127.2666 0.448242 128.7041 c +%_0.342773 128.7373 0.225586 128.6963 0.163086 128.6045 c +%_0.100586 128.5107 0.104492 128.3877 0.174805 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_53.0791 203.874 m +%_48.2725 193.3877 48.6143 185.1885 52.4854 174.8193 c +%_52.5303 174.7021 52.6514 174.6338 52.7744 174.6592 c +%_52.8975 174.6846 52.9834 174.7959 52.9775 174.9189 c +%_52.3564 187.542 55.8037 196.5732 63.2764 202.7275 C +%_55.0264 192.874 58.9229 173.167 72.0996 173.167 c +%_81.6855 173.167 89.6152 181.1436 91.5547 190.6924 c +%_91.5801 190.8135 91.5137 190.9346 91.3965 190.9795 c +%_91.2813 191.0244 91.1504 190.9795 91.0879 190.8721 c +%_88.2461 186.1104 83.6797 183.0205 78.6309 183.0205 c +%_70.4951 183.0205 68.0889 189.4873 68.0889 194.0205 c +%_68.0889 200.2061 73.0156 205.3623 76.7969 205.3623 c +%_80.2344 205.3623 81.8379 202.54 81.8379 200.4365 c +%_81.8379 196.5381 78.8398 193.2705 75.4629 192.2725 c +%_75.3418 192.2354 75.2656 192.1182 75.2832 191.9932 c +%_75.3008 191.8682 75.4063 191.7744 75.5332 191.7744 c +%_79.6387 191.749 83.1094 193.6279 85.1621 197.3428 C +%_85.4316 194.4678 85.4336 192.6572 84.5215 189.6182 c +%_84.4863 189.501 84.5391 189.376 84.6465 189.3193 c +%_84.7559 189.2646 84.8887 189.292 84.9629 189.3896 c +%_92.3203 198.7822 88.7988 215.0127 82.9844 221.7471 C +%_88.5156 217.7646 93.4004 209.1123 93.3242 197.3525 c +%_93.3223 197.2314 93.4082 197.126 93.5293 197.1025 c +%_93.6484 197.0791 93.7676 197.1436 93.8125 197.2568 c +%_97.9219 207.5107 95.7422 226.5049 84.5313 237.1084 C +%_87.416 237.5068 90.3984 237.4561 93.6563 236.417 c +%_93.7715 236.3799 93.8965 236.4307 93.9551 236.5361 c +%_94.0137 236.6416 93.9902 236.7744 93.8965 236.8525 c +%_89.8047 240.3076 84.082 241.3936 78.6309 241.3936 C +%_83.3281 235.8936 81.7676 224.8408 74.2773 224.8408 c +%_68.9268 224.8408 66.499 233.1396 70.6279 237.6221 c +%_70.7061 237.708 70.7158 237.835 70.6533 237.9326 c +%_70.5889 238.0303 70.4678 238.0713 70.3564 238.0342 c +%_65.5771 236.3779 60.4111 232.2451 60.4111 227.0166 c +%_60.4111 221.9756 65.2236 217.6221 72.2148 217.9658 C +%_63.3936 215.4619 54.1611 218.2334 49.3311 224.2197 c +%_49.2568 224.3115 49.126 224.3408 49.0205 224.2861 c +%_48.9131 224.2334 48.8584 224.1123 48.8877 223.9951 c +%_51.6787 213.2803 60.8545 208.7959 72.3281 210.29 C +%_63.0459 206.5322 49.0771 209.8076 42.9033 217.5986 c +%_42.8311 217.6904 42.7041 217.7217 42.5967 217.6709 c +%_42.4912 217.6221 42.4326 217.5049 42.4561 217.3896 c +%_43.8271 210.7744 47.3193 205.8291 53.0791 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_108.3384 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Width) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Cols) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Copies_Key) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Left_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Top_in_Front) , +%_109.6416 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Height) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Rows) , +%_50 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Percent_Key) , +%_4 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Editable_Copy_Loc_Key) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +E +%AI3_EndPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed 6) 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+-3726.0613 4012.012 m +-3726.4153 4012.2727 L +-3726.0991 4012.303 -3726.0413 4012.1792 -3726.0613 4012.012 C +f +-3724.5583 4013.0955 m +-3723.9768 4012.5479 L +-3724.6704 4013.103 L +-3724.5583 4013.0955 L +f +-3727.5449 4011.3936 m +-3727.3442 4011.0422 L +-3727.7017 4011.5735 L +-3727.5449 4011.3936 L +f +-3728.4417 4011.4551 m +-3728.2932 4011.1638 -3728.6453 4010.9624 -3728.4883 4010.7832 C +-3728.7319 4010.8352 -3728.9399 4011.0852 -3729.1272 4011.3103 C +-3728.9282 4011.1848 -3728.7161 4011.2168 -3728.4417 4011.4551 C +f +-3729.4417 4011.6375 m +-3729.3423 4011.5679 -3729.2393 4011.4431 -3729.1272 4011.3103 C +-3729.2329 4011.3772 -3729.3369 4011.4744 -3729.4417 4011.6375 C +f +-3727.0183 4012.1975 m +-3727.0457 4012.1055 -3727.0984 4011.8655 -3727.2969 4011.7639 C +-3727.1577 4012.1912 L +-3727.1152 4012.1936 -3727.0671 4012.1951 -3727.0183 4012.1975 C +f +-3727.1528 4012.2046 m +-3727.1577 4012.1912 L +-3727.3088 4012.1814 -3727.4136 4012.1719 -3727.4585 4012.167 c +-3727.4199 4012.1707 -3727.3279 4012.1824 -3727.1528 4012.2046 C +f +-3726.9832 4012.1992 m +-3726.9961 4012.1982 -3727.0056 4012.1975 -3727.0183 4012.1975 C +-3727.0049 4012.24 -3726.9968 4012.2534 -3726.9832 4012.1992 C +f +-3725.4863 4012.709 m +-3725.6943 4012.948 -3726.1279 4013.2039 -3725.7083 4013.5686 C +-3725.5591 4013.2759 -3725.7993 4013.0686 -3725.4863 4012.709 c +f +-3726.8103 4012.7334 m +-3726.4343 4012.8311 L +-3726.4417 4012.7183 -3726.5095 4012.5535 -3726.4065 4012.4351 C +-3726.8103 4012.7334 L +f +-3726.9944 4012.8694 m +-3726.8103 4012.7334 L +-3726.9497 4012.6975 L +-3726.9944 4012.8694 L +f +-3728.7976 4012.0376 m +-3728.96 4012.2239 -3729.1377 4012.239 -3729.3384 4012.269 C +-3729.1233 4012.353 -3728.9009 4012.3992 -3728.6897 4012.3972 C +-3728.6599 4012.2632 -3728.5671 4012.0222 -3728.7976 4012.0376 C +f +-3727.9983 4012.1563 m +-3728.0095 4012.1663 -3728.0239 4012.1707 -3728.0344 4012.1807 C +-3728.0122 4012.217 -3727.9944 4012.2283 -3727.9983 4012.1563 C +f +-3731.3142 4012.2664 m +-3731.3032 4012.2896 -3731.2937 4012.3196 -3731.2825 4012.344 C +-3731.28 4012.3196 -3731.2783 4012.2952 -3731.2751 4012.27 C +-3731.3142 4012.2664 L +f +-3728.6536 4012.4771 m +-3728.4919 4012.5598 -3728.3953 4012.4551 -3728.3032 4012.324 C +-3728.4241 4012.3662 -3728.5522 4012.3943 -3728.6897 4012.3972 C +-3728.7031 4012.4583 -3728.7056 4012.4983 -3728.6536 4012.4771 C +f +-3729.9929 4011.8374 m +-3729.9087 4011.9272 -3729.8132 4012.0032 -3729.7129 4012.0723 C +-3729.7952 4011.937 -3729.9631 4011.7263 -3729.9929 4011.8374 C +f +-3728.0889 4012.0623 m +-3728.0808 4012.0559 -3728.0735 4012.0479 -3728.0647 4012.0432 C +-3728.1177 4011.9524 -3728.1111 4011.9966 -3728.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3728.0889 4012.0623 m +-3728.1721 4012.1243 -3728.2375 4012.2295 -3728.3032 4012.324 C +-3728.2048 4012.2896 -3728.1135 4012.2439 -3728.0344 4012.1807 C +-3728.0544 4012.1504 -3728.0745 4012.104 -3728.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3731.9128 4015.009 m +-3731.8843 4014.613 -3731.4592 4014.2471 -3731.0923 4014.6719 C +-3730.7312 4014.375 -3730.9673 4013.0723 -3731.2825 4012.344 C +-3731.2937 4012.5166 -3731.2937 4012.6763 -3731.6653 4012.9104 C +-3731.5352 4013.1262 -3730.8408 4013.4163 -3731.1543 4013.7747 C +-3731.6465 4013.9783 -3731.5576 4013.6343 -3731.7969 4013.425 C +-3731.5935 4013.9182 -3732.4231 4014.1431 -3732.3159 4014.8687 C +-3731.8843 4014.613 L +-3731.8762 4014.7263 -3732.0327 4014.9063 -3731.9128 4015.009 C +f +-3730.5745 4012.3843 m +-3730.4216 4012.3352 L +-3730.5959 4012.2664 -3730.7207 4012.1079 -3730.9504 4011.7976 C +-3731.2048 4011.9915 -3731.2576 4012.1382 -3731.2751 4012.27 C +-3730.5222 4012.3252 L +-3730.5745 4012.3843 L +f +-3729.7351 4012.3335 m +-3729.8545 4012.7644 -3730.2217 4012.948 -3729.9968 4013.4143 C +-3729.5481 4013.3843 -3729.6824 4013.0542 -3729.4143 4012.8672 C +-3730.1384 4012.9744 -3729.2063 4012.6272 -3729.7295 4012.3831 C +-3729.5872 4012.3096 -3729.4592 4012.2871 -3729.3384 4012.269 C +-3729.4688 4012.217 -3729.5945 4012.1519 -3729.7129 4012.0723 C +-3729.7063 4012.0823 -3729.7017 4012.0896 -3729.6963 4012.0984 C +-3729.6929 4012.0984 L +-3729.6929 4012.1006 -3729.6936 4012.1016 -3729.6936 4012.104 C +-3729.6624 4012.1582 -3729.6521 4012.1912 -3729.6873 4012.1604 C +-3729.6897 4012.165 -3729.6985 4012.167 -3729.7024 4012.1692 C +-3729.7073 4012.2283 -3729.7207 4012.2808 -3729.7351 4012.3311 C +-3729.9448 4012.2422 -3729.7681 4012.22 -3729.7024 4012.1692 C +-3729.7 4012.1472 -3729.6943 4012.1272 -3729.6936 4012.104 C +-3729.6943 4012.1023 -3729.6953 4012.1006 -3729.6963 4012.0984 C +-3730.4216 4012.3352 L +-3730.2681 4012.395 -3730.0759 4012.3831 -3729.7351 4012.3335 C +f +-3726.0952 4014.4951 m +-3726.1177 4014.457 -3726.1167 4014.4263 -3726.1184 4014.395 C +-3726.1653 4014.448 -3726.1831 4014.4839 -3726.0952 4014.4951 C +f +-3726.3936 4014.2351 m +-3726.3408 4014.175 -3726.2969 4014.0032 -3726.1255 4014.0471 C +-3725.9768 4014.1763 -3726.1262 4014.2534 -3726.1184 4014.395 C +-3726.0151 4014.2808 -3725.7568 4014.0862 -3726.0808 4013.8762 C +-3726.1321 4013.9351 L +-3726.4241 4013.7871 -3726.7993 4013.2495 -3726.7483 4013.1902 C +-3726.6631 4013.5784 -3726.5879 4013.8542 -3726.3936 4014.2351 C +f +-3728.0852 4013.3943 m +-3728.6892 4013.6055 L +-3728.3816 4013.9783 L +-3728.3972 4013.7544 L +-3728.0537 4013.8423 -3728.1279 4013.5667 -3728.0852 4013.3943 C +f +-3731.3833 4012.052 m +-3731.3032 4011.5967 L +-3731.6521 4012.24 L +-3731.3833 4012.052 L +f +-3732.1682 4012.1062 m +-3732.1392 4011.7112 L +-3732.3464 4011.9495 L +-3732.1682 4012.1062 L +f +-3776.4617 4017.0166 m +-3776.6392 4017.1287 L +-3776.5552 4017.0942 -3776.5012 4017.0564 -3776.4617 4017.0166 C +f +-3775.1768 4017.0435 m +-3775.1453 4016.8484 L +-3775.2048 4016.9558 -3775.2292 4017.0352 -3775.1768 4017.0435 C +f +-3751.4456 4012.1504 m +-3751.7041 4011.7815 -3751.9929 4011.2083 -3751.9617 4011.6536 C +-3751.8823 4012.0872 L +-3751.7017 4012.009 -3751.5632 4012.0576 -3751.4456 4012.1504 C +f +-3764.6479 4014.7415 m +-3764.6233 4014.7832 -3764.5977 4014.8286 -3764.5723 4014.8728 C +-3764.5095 4014.7246 -3764.4504 4014.5872 -3764.3977 4014.4583 C +-3764.4729 4014.5471 -3764.5583 4014.6416 -3764.6479 4014.7415 C +f +-3764.8303 4016.5364 m +-3765.1711 4016.2566 L +-3765.0945 4016.3542 -3764.9849 4016.448 -3764.8303 4016.5364 C +f +-3783.4792 4017.4768 m +-3783.6863 4017.9182 L +-3783.3623 4017.9163 -3783.5049 4017.6936 -3783.4792 4017.4768 C +f +-3740.2073 4012.2664 m +-3740.4304 4012.0967 -3740.6079 4012.0254 -3740.7639 4012.0044 C +-3740.4951 4012.2534 -3740.2783 4012.6272 -3740.2073 4012.2664 C +f +-3775.9561 4012.4126 m +-3776.0647 4012.4912 -3776.1111 4012.5796 -3776.1079 4012.6763 C +-3775.9961 4012.6023 -3775.9329 4012.519 -3775.9561 4012.4126 C +f +-3741.4082 4012.0059 m +-3741.3689 4012.0496 -3741.3303 4012.071 -3741.2903 4012.1079 C +-3741.1272 4012.0352 -3740.9631 4011.9768 -3740.7639 4012.0044 C +-3740.9624 4011.8196 -3741.1897 4011.7046 -3741.4082 4012.0059 C +f +-3808.9297 4017.1172 m +-3808.9482 4017.0984 -3808.9705 4017.0884 -3808.9873 4017.0652 C +-3808.9929 4017.1243 -3808.9673 4017.1272 -3808.9297 4017.1172 C +f +-3816.3442 4012.74 m +-3816.2712 4012.7124 -3816.1521 4012.7119 -3816.0398 4012.7063 C +-3816.0945 4012.6763 -3816.1863 4012.6792 -3816.3442 4012.74 c +f +-3735.3264 4011.917 m +-3735.1599 4011.8887 -3735.3 4011.8694 -3735.3264 4011.917 C +-3735.3264 4011.917 L +f +-3734.5168 4013.6331 m +-3734.5522 4013.6814 -3734.5791 4013.7439 -3734.5833 4013.844 C +-3734.5696 4013.74 -3734.5464 4013.6736 -3734.5168 4013.6331 c +f +-3743.0664 4014.7063 m +-3743.0713 4014.7063 -3743.0752 4014.7046 -3743.0808 4014.7046 C +-3743.0313 4014.7896 -3743.0398 4014.7732 -3743.0664 4014.7063 C +f +-3735.0759 4012.1143 m +-3735.1384 4012.061 -3735.2104 4012.0166 -3735.2888 4011.9856 C +-3735.2544 4012.019 -3735.1897 4012.061 -3735.0759 4012.1143 C +f +-3735.1096 4011.9092 m +-3735.0522 4011.9287 -3735.0071 4011.9395 -3734.9641 4011.9512 C +-3734.9431 4011.8792 -3734.9617 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4017.343 C +-3777.2625 4017.9934 -3777.4009 4016.3616 -3776.7073 4016.5542 C +-3776.4656 4016.6582 -3776.2969 4016.855 -3776.4617 4017.0166 C +-3775.9231 4016.6807 L +-3775.7664 4016.707 -3775.8047 4016.9431 -3775.9607 4016.917 C +-3775.1392 4016.8086 L +-3775.1453 4016.8484 L +-3775.0281 4016.636 -3774.7625 4016.3064 -3774.6328 4016.1663 C +-3774.4241 4016.3616 -3774.7375 4016.3103 -3774.6841 4016.479 C +-3774.2292 4016.1504 L +-3774.0439 4016.5032 -3774.4209 4016.844 -3774.7351 4016.7935 C +-3774.3103 4018.1494 -3774.3577 4016.4524 -3773.4409 4017.2444 C +-3773.8704 4017.4163 L +-3773.5935 4018.1863 -3773.2583 4017.9072 -3772.7727 4018.3875 C +-3772.8879 4018.1367 -3773.7449 4017.1775 -3773.2512 4016.8391 C +-3773.1121 4016.9414 -3772.9287 4016.99 -3772.6624 4016.7168 C +-3772.6599 4017.2 -3772.3999 4017.0811 -3772.0745 4017.0535 C +-3772.0967 4017.6936 L +-3771.7449 4017.5088 -3771.7727 4017.1831 -3771.5657 4016.895 C +-3771.1736 4016.9583 -3771.0923 4017.4536 -3771 4017.8711 C +-3770.3721 4017.9727 -3771.4336 4017.0767 -3770.6904 4016.9558 C +-3770.1682 4017.2007 -3769.8015 4016.9392 -3769.1768 4016.5564 C +-3768.8113 4016.7776 -3769.2407 4016.948 -3769.1096 4017.1311 C +-3768.7856 4016.6206 L +-3768.7063 4016.6331 -3768.7319 4016.7896 -3768.7449 4016.8687 C +-3768.4719 4016.6707 -3768.7224 4016.229 -3768.2932 4016.0559 C +-3768.1775 4015.3511 -3767.4121 4017.0852 -3766.8809 4016.2854 C +-3766.75 4016.467 -3766.9441 4016.6775 -3766.9041 4016.925 C +-3766.1753 4016.3999 -3766.2793 4016.5435 -3765.6809 4015.8367 C +-3765.1711 4016.2566 L +-3765.5457 4015.7766 -3765.0671 4015.2083 -3764.6479 4014.7415 C +-3764.7808 4014.509 -3764.8943 4014.3064 -3764.9705 4014.2095 C +-3764.3015 4013.8662 L +-3764.2207 4013.9712 -3764.2881 4014.1912 -3764.3977 4014.4583 C +-3764.3521 4014.4055 -3764.3088 4014.353 -3764.2751 4014.3047 C +-3764.0359 4014.541 -3764.1599 4014.9104 -3764.3313 4015.2676 C +-3764.4128 4015.1416 -3764.4937 4015.0071 -3764.5723 4014.8728 C +-3764.7375 4015.2615 -3764.8921 4015.6919 -3764.8577 4016.0667 C +-3764.8142 4015.9927 -3764.7305 4015.9292 -3764.6384 4015.8936 C +-3764.6816 4015.999 -3764.7092 4016.0935 -3764.6892 4016.1575 c +-3764.6665 4016.2246 -3764.5967 4016.083 -3764.4873 4015.9192 C +-3764.3352 4016.6331 L +-3764.2983 4016.3499 L +-3763.4231 4016.7959 L +-3762.7969 4016.0784 -3762.2522 4015.021 -3761.2583 4014.7271 C +-3761.5049 4015.25 -3761.3113 4015.5811 -3761.3247 4016.2007 C +-3761.5959 4015.5447 -3762.0945 4016.479 -3762.6096 4016.3462 c +-3762.3408 4016.415 -3762.3999 4016.7112 -3762.4683 4016.813 C +-3761.5496 4016.2168 L +-3761.5703 4016.7239 -3761.3545 4016.5967 -3761.1145 4016.8064 C +-3761.2959 4015.8047 -3760.4297 4016.1392 -3760.0559 4015.8323 C +-3760.0327 4016.168 -3760.1223 4016.512 -3760.5784 4016.4304 C +-3760.0752 4017.1848 -3759.9282 4015.2544 -3759.4343 4015.895 C +-3759.5457 4015.9031 -3759.6057 4015.8518 -3759.6497 4016.0232 C +-3759.3896 4015.7239 -3758.7537 4015.9612 -3758.9033 4016.2534 C +-3759.0144 4016.2603 L +-3758.2751 4016.3792 -3756.7639 4016.2676 -3756.6536 4015.417 C +-3756.6462 4015.5276 -3756.7505 4016.4424 -3756.7952 4016.6143 C +-3755.4761 4013.7527 L +-3755.5923 4014.4832 -3755.1462 4016.2224 -3755.7593 4016.636 C +-3755.5833 4016.74 -3755.3655 4016.8616 -3754.9944 4016.603 C +-3755.1145 4016.499 -3755.2937 4015.5471 -3755.1296 4015.48 C +-3754.6792 4016.2932 -3754.8169 4015.915 -3754.2617 4016.6084 C +-3754.4417 4016.4524 -3754.2417 4015.3064 -3753.9573 4015.343 C +-3754.0017 4015.5144 -3753.9336 4016.4734 -3754.0376 4016.5928 C +-3753.3296 4015.4683 L +-3753.5063 4015.6707 -3753.3608 4016.4214 -3753.2024 4016.74 C +-3753.2759 4016.519 -3752.5903 4016.76 -3752.4016 4016.6487 C +-3752.7017 4016.3875 L +-3751.9023 4016.5579 -3751.9121 4014.8064 -3751.1191 4014.8655 C +-3751.2151 4015.0974 -3751.3562 4016.2952 -3750.9529 4016.4363 C +-3750.7681 4015.8606 -3750.1345 4013.6663 -3749.4329 4013.2227 C +-3749.2983 4013.552 L +-3748.76 4013.1768 L +-3749.0952 4014.0435 -3750.0359 4015.8672 -3750.5496 4016.5767 C +-3750.2505 4016.8374 -3750.4663 4016.9656 -3750.0183 4016.9351 C +-3749.8601 4017.2439 -3750.2625 4017.4031 -3750.3943 4017.4214 C +-3749.3513 4017.6206 L +-3749.3977 4016.948 -3748.5537 4016.9463 -3748.5935 4016.3862 C +-3749.7263 4017.083 L +-3749.7722 4016.4119 -3749.0713 4015.175 -3748.3323 4015.2932 C +-3748.1443 4015.561 -3748.4729 4016.49 -3748.4575 4016.7144 C +-3748.3616 4016.4832 -3747.7561 4016.272 -3747.6882 4016.4363 C +-3748.0017 4016.7959 L +-3747.5903 4017.0486 -3747.3303 4015.9048 -3746.8359 4016.5464 C +-3746.6653 4016.5896 -3746.3264 4017.4119 -3746.2969 4017.0144 C +-3746.5752 4016.2471 -3746.6296 4013.8743 -3746.4441 4013.2979 C +-3746.3843 4013.3499 -3745.5481 4014.031 -3745.3533 4014.4104 C +-3745.0723 4015.012 -3745.7751 4015.844 -3745.5359 4016.3606 C +-3745.5256 4016.1768 -3745.3704 4015.9502 -3745.3057 4015.8772 C +-3745.1265 4016.0342 -3745.3799 4016.4463 -3744.9905 4016.363 C +-3744.9255 4015.6824 -3744.1985 4016.4207 -3744.8064 4015.7871 C +-3744.4255 4015.5923 -3744.4016 4015.9282 -3743.9543 4015.8975 C +-3744.0967 4015.457 -3743.5527 4014.3992 -3743.1711 4014.2039 C +-3743.1936 4014.3772 -3743.1079 4014.603 -3743.0664 4014.7063 C +-3742.2856 4014.7676 -3741.8665 4015.0774 -3741.1384 4015.083 C +-3741.0713 4015.2483 -3740.72 4015.448 -3740.8696 4015.7415 C +-3740.7649 4015.6206 -3740.6687 4015.3894 -3740.4441 4015.373 C +-3740.0095 4015.9624 -3740.9448 4015.4646 -3740.6135 4016.1736 C +-3740.5852 4015.7776 -3740.0327 4015.6262 -3739.7129 4015.3792 C +-3739.8113 4014.7671 -3740.4519 4015.2615 -3740.7722 4015.5088 C +-3740.7737 4014.665 -3740.2161 4013.7815 -3739.4551 4013.3911 C +-3738.8503 4013.1814 -3739.1929 4013.9363 -3739.0879 4013.8167 C +-3737.9519 4013.9639 -3738.1201 4012.343 -3737.1768 4012.9524 C +-3736.8025 4013.4895 -3737.1599 4014.021 -3737.0769 4014.4092 C +-3737.5696 4014.6128 -3737.8333 4014.0679 -3738.1672 4014.0896 C +-3737.7561 4014.344 L +-3737.9128 4014.5232 -3738.2417 4014.6582 -3738.4209 4014.5032 C +-3738.1072 4014.9856 -3736.5017 4014.5952 -3735.6252 4015.041 C +-3735.4695 4014.8616 -3735.2007 4014.6743 -3735.3279 4014.4583 C +-3735.6052 4014.5332 L +-3735.8601 4014.0999 -3735.0833 4013.9336 -3735.4343 4013.7312 C +-3735.0623 4013.4263 -3734.6453 4012.947 -3734.1216 4013.1924 C +-3734.0232 4013.8054 L +-3734.0344 4013.6262 -3734.3655 4013.4407 -3734.5127 +endstream endobj 42 0 obj <>stream +4013.6272 c +-3734.2944 4013.355 -3733.7097 4014.457 -3733.4705 4013.6543 C +-3733.8376 4013.2295 L +-3733.4641 4012.9214 -3733.0024 4012.2703 -3732.5383 4012.4639 C +-3732.7495 4011.8584 -3732.6453 4012.5332 -3732.9751 4011.8247 C +-3732.6892 4012.7063 -3734.1624 4011.7876 -3733.7031 4012.7134 C +-3734.0415 4011.8916 -3734.2888 4012.3655 -3734.7312 4011.6638 C +-3734.7175 4011.8662 -3734.5745 4012.051 -3734.9641 4011.9512 C +-3734.9817 4012.0103 -3735.0232 4012.0852 -3735.0496 4012.1294 C +-3735.0615 4012.1243 -3735.0657 4012.1206 -3735.0759 4012.1143 C +-3735.0681 4012.1223 -3735.0623 4012.1311 -3735.0544 4012.1382 C +-3735.0713 4012.1687 -3735.0728 4012.175 -3735.0464 4012.1462 C +-3734.9536 4012.2356 -3734.8784 4012.3416 -3734.8479 4012.4539 C +-3735.0413 4012.9182 -3735.6609 4012.9038 -3735.8704 4013.1443 C +-3736.1016 4013.0479 -3735.7737 4012.9119 -3735.8999 4012.6963 C +-3736.2129 4013.0559 L +-3736.2439 4012.6072 -3736.8271 4012.3096 -3736.2825 4012.0464 C +-3736.7727 4012.0264 L +-3737.0613 4011.7747 -3737.4583 4011.6743 -3737.7031 4011.863 C +-3737.9343 4011.7664 -3738.2871 4012.3606 -3738.0857 4012.0088 C +-3738.8545 4012.2871 L +-3738.8616 4012.175 L +-3739.6201 4012.1184 -3740.4231 4012.9192 -3741.2903 4012.1079 C +-3741.5457 4012.2212 -3741.8096 4012.3599 -3742.2368 4012.2327 C +-3742.3201 4011.844 L +-3742.6479 4011.979 -3743.3047 4011.4551 -3743.4456 4011.8599 C +-3743.7993 4010.8142 -3745.0369 4011.6316 -3745.6135 4011.4463 C +-3745.6353 4011.9536 L +-3746.0322 4011.925 -3746.4128 4012.0696 -3746.9055 4012.2727 C +-3746.8752 4012.7207 L +-3747.3 4013.0884 -3747.9673 4012.4019 -3748.6392 4012.448 C +-3748.5935 4012.2766 -3748.4231 4012.321 -3748.3025 4012.425 C +-3749.1052 4011.4119 -3749.9961 4013.1614 -3750.7241 4012.4236 C +-3750.9055 4012.5872 -3751.0369 4012.531 -3751.1641 4012.4192 C +-3751.1472 4012.4175 -3751.1321 4012.4092 -3751.1191 4012.395 C +-3751.1377 4012.3904 -3751.1653 4012.3887 -3751.1936 4012.3894 C +-3751.2737 4012.3123 -3751.3562 4012.2227 -3751.4456 4012.1504 C +-3751.3696 4012.26 -3751.2969 4012.3496 -3751.2336 4012.3911 C +-3751.3735 4012.4004 -3751.5857 4012.4558 -3751.7937 4012.5686 C +-3751.8823 4012.0872 L +-3751.8992 4012.0935 -3751.9128 4012.0923 -3751.9304 4012.1006 C +-3752.1345 4011.9231 -3752.0945 4012.3286 -3751.9856 4012.6912 C +-3752.0903 4012.77 -3752.1863 4012.8655 -3752.2607 4012.9812 C +-3752.4265 4012.2039 -3752.8064 4013.2432 -3753.0327 4012.4143 C +-3753.1729 4012.8184 -3754.0784 4012.7183 -3754.1892 4013.5696 C +-3754.1963 4013.4583 -3754.2576 4013.4055 -3754.1453 4013.3982 C +-3754.3772 4013.3015 -3754.6089 4013.2046 -3754.8169 4013.4446 C +-3754.9153 4012.8323 L +-3755.4216 4013.655 L +-3755.7292 4013.2822 -3755.8567 4013.0652 -3755.5513 4012.5942 C +-3756.2888 4013.3196 -3756.1497 4012.8672 -3756.7769 4013.5852 C +-3756.7463 4013.1895 L +-3756.9705 4013.2046 -3757.3289 4013.7356 -3757.4641 4013.408 C +-3757.9656 4012.655 -3759.9456 4013.304 -3761.2329 4012.604 C +-3760.9832 4013.77 -3761.8313 4012.0823 -3761.8823 4012.9856 C +-3761.9573 4012.7102 -3762.1367 4012.5542 -3761.9282 4012.3152 C +-3762.5852 4012.5852 -3762.9153 4011.8772 -3763.3689 4012.6392 C +-3763.4441 4012.3623 -3763.2283 4012.2356 -3763.2952 4012.071 C +-3763.3479 4012.1311 -3763.5039 4012.311 -3763.5723 4012.1462 c +-3763.6392 4011.9822 -3763.4761 4011.915 -3763.3721 4011.7952 C +-3764.0432 4011.8416 -3764.1111 4012.6912 -3764.1599 4013.4883 C +-3764.5 4013.1111 -3764.6697 4013.1638 -3764.9153 4013.687 C +-3765.0337 4013.4263 -3765.2312 4013.1536 -3764.8142 4013.0598 C +-3765.0488 4013.0215 -3766.2473 4012.6775 -3766.2712 4013.3167 C +-3766.3447 4013.1543 -3766.5991 4013.269 -3766.6609 4013.343 C +-3767.1873 4013.3047 -3767.2336 4013.2471 -3767.7505 4013.3079 C +-3767.6072 4013.4119 L +-3767.8113 4014.1831 -3768.0369 4013.584 -3768.4536 4013.6768 C +-3768.4417 4013.5984 L +-3769.3972 4013.0415 -3768.8542 4013.8643 -3769.7969 4013.229 C +-3769.7456 4013.709 L +-3769.8335 4014.74 -3770.5808 4013.1006 -3771.1279 4013.4951 C +-3770.9304 4013.769 L +-3771.2292 4014.1223 -3771.7656 4012.3662 -3772.0657 4012.2371 C +-3772.1311 4012.1472 -3771.9624 4012.0935 -3771.8711 4012.0276 C +-3772.6567 4011.4182 -3771.9729 4012.655 -3772.5583 4012.8015 C +-3772.6663 4012.4624 -3772.4192 4011.9392 -3772.8132 4011.876 C +-3773.0095 4011.6023 -3773.9561 4012.9768 -3774.4937 4012.3267 C +-3774.3752 4012.5879 -3774.2576 4012.8484 -3774.5295 4013.0447 C +-3774.9463 4013.1382 -3775.6563 4012.0579 -3776.0327 4012.8816 C +-3776.0857 4012.8096 -3776.1057 4012.7415 -3776.1079 4012.6763 C +-3776.4265 4012.8887 -3777.1433 4013.0291 -3777.3352 4013.4756 C +-3777.6296 4011.8191 -3779.3159 4014.2815 -3779.3088 4012.7534 C +-3780.2888 4012.8352 L +-3780.2632 4012.6792 L +-3780.8896 4012.5784 -3781.1111 4012.9446 -3781.3313 4013.311 C +-3781.4761 4013.207 -3781.3704 4013.064 -3781.3584 4012.9846 C +-3782.2737 4012.6763 -3782.3647 4012.7415 -3783.1321 4013.5032 C +-3783.2119 4013.0071 L +-3783.4199 4013.2952 -3784.5352 4012.2295 -3785.4329 4012.8079 C +-3785.4241 4012.751 -3785.4055 4012.655 -3785.3342 4012.5852 C +-3786.3442 4013.167 -3787.7522 4011.2112 -3788.1223 4013.0159 C +-3788.7888 4013.4607 L +-3787.9265 4013.6006 -3788.9172 4014.2444 -3788.5625 4014.5435 C +-3788.9016 4014.6494 -3789.4392 4013.999 -3789.0225 4013.9063 C +-3788.9573 4013.9966 L +-3788.8042 4013.0559 -3790.0288 4013.6631 -3790.0056 4013.0222 C +-3791.7024 4013.0696 -3793.3562 4012.5479 -3794.9456 4012.5078 C +-3794.7625 4013.239 L +-3795.3169 4013.1975 L +-3795.4624 4013.0276 -3795.5122 4012.625 -3795.1167 4012.655 C +-3795.3247 4012.24 -3795.78 4013.0032 -3795.7913 4013.1614 C +-3796.5657 4012.8655 -3795.4888 4012.3086 -3795.7263 4012.291 C +-3796.0488 4012.3455 L +-3795.9761 4012.4312 L +-3796.2375 4012.73 -3796.2607 4013.0471 -3796.7361 4013.0112 C +-3797.0369 4012.8643 -3796.8904 4012.5598 -3797.0088 4012.532 C +-3797.0081 4012.479 -3797.0481 4012.4551 -3797.1904 4012.5103 C +-3797.8889 4012.448 L +-3797.6096 4013.0254 L +-3797.9192 4013.3103 -3798.2664 4012.9951 -3797.9441 4013.6494 c +-3798.4172 4012.6404 -3800.5496 4013.2871 -3800.8401 4012.9744 C +-3801.2737 4013.395 -3801.7017 4013.3875 -3802.2319 4013.3367 C +-3802.1001 4013.457 -3802.0212 4014.1062 -3802.4785 4014.0271 C +-3802.3113 4012.687 -3803.3159 4013.4456 -3803.6855 4012.4812 C +-3803.3552 4013.1206 -3804.9856 4012.6392 -3804.4673 4013.5471 C +-3804.8489 4013.4382 -3804.4905 4013.0454 -3804.78 4012.73 C +-3805.6882 4013.249 -3806.7815 4012.3926 -3807.9041 4012.5679 C +-3807.9216 4012.7444 -3807.7336 4013.0127 -3807.9744 4013.2747 C +-3808.5671 4012.395 L +-3808.7888 4012.4812 -3808.7712 4013.4104 -3809.1763 4012.8 C +-3809.1191 4012.948 -3809.0337 4013.1707 -3809.1824 4013.2271 C +-3811.3816 4012.3704 -3813.6763 4013.9292 -3815.9097 4012.3191 C +-3815.6072 4012.6604 -3815.8088 4012.6936 -3816.0398 4012.7063 C +-3815.8896 4012.7876 -3816.0432 4013.1404 -3816.0137 4013.3792 C +-3816.9487 4012.7168 L +-3817.1191 4013.3784 -3817.9512 4012.7615 -3818.0488 4013.3943 C +-3817.7527 4013.28 L +-3818.1465 4014.0271 -3817.2017 4014.9395 -3817.2593 4015.8975 C +-3816.8184 4015.0486 -3816.0967 4017.1543 -3815.3733 4015.9395 C +-3815.2136 4016.135 -3815.5095 4016.2483 -3815.4241 4016.4702 C +-3815.2407 4016.0598 -3815.0193 4015.9744 -3814.6089 4016.1582 C +-3814.6553 4016.26 L +-3813.5024 4016.1599 -3813.0081 4016.5647 -3811.7129 4016.8342 C +-3811.8088 4016.3606 L +-3811.5305 4016.4236 -3811.4719 4016.5723 -3811.3416 4016.6912 C +-3811.0222 4015.9727 -3812.1233 4016.6504 -3811.8323 4015.8584 C +-3811.4631 4016.8223 -3809.8696 4015.8728 -3809.6201 4016.9683 C +-3809.1919 4016.9744 -3809.7456 4016.4192 -3809.3176 4016.4263 C +-3809.2041 4016.7227 L +-3809.0959 4016.3408 L +-3808.8152 4016.4038 -3808.6736 4016.7747 -3808.6631 4017.0254 C +-3808.7312 4016.9956 -3808.8567 4017.0955 -3808.9297 4017.1172 C +-3808.5657 4017.4663 -3807.9033 4016.9983 -3807.7783 4017.1118 C +-3808.1897 4016.9292 L +-3807.0212 4016.6519 -3805.5945 4017.041 -3804.4656 4016.4382 C +-3804.5513 4016.2151 L +-3803.6892 4015.8015 -3803.8608 4016.4607 -3802.9143 4016.269 C +-3802.9487 4016.3223 L +-3802.7593 4016.0999 -3802.5063 4015.9871 -3802.2473 4016.0127 C +-3802.4863 4016.2747 -3801.7976 4016.521 -3802.1111 4016.811 C +-3801.1763 4016.3672 -3801.6487 4016.4624 -3801.0313 4015.6316 C +-3800.8889 4016.0032 L +-3800.6785 4015.667 -3800.6609 4015.49 -3800.1882 4015.3943 C +-3800.5759 4015.7124 -3799.8865 4015.959 -3800.3208 4016.3799 C +-3799.3289 4017.1912 -3798.8479 4015.561 -3798.3928 4016.7471 C +-3797.9373 4015.7207 -3799.2512 4016.1775 -3798.9961 4015.9575 C +-3799.2097 4015.6223 -3798.6201 4015.1902 -3798.3088 4015.2932 C +-3797.9919 4015.3167 -3797.77 4016.6072 -3796.9729 4016.5872 C +-3797.0522 4016.5823 -3797.0576 4016.6604 -3797.1367 4016.655 C +-3796.8384 4016.917 -3796.5522 4016.3008 -3796.1863 4016.7263 C +-3795.9812 4016.105 -3795.7112 4016.7615 -3795.6521 4015.9702 C +-3796.3833 4016.1536 L +-3795.9688 4015.9463 -3795.5801 4015.02 -3794.8972 4015.4695 C +-3794.9504 4015.6287 -3795.1536 4015.8391 -3795.2932 4015.9558 C +-3795.0935 4016.1895 -3794.9087 4015.8015 -3794.7017 4016.041 C +-3794.7607 4016.8335 -3795.5903 4016.2134 -3796.0344 4016.8174 C +-3795.8201 4017.1519 -3795.1943 4016.2439 -3795.4175 4017.1016 c +-3795.0967 4016.0112 -3794.6321 4017.24 -3794.0923 4016.4063 C +-3794.1279 4016.8806 L +-3794.0425 4016.8064 -3793.8655 4016.5823 -3793.7083 4016.5942 C +-3793.9929 4017.2095 L +-3793.5559 4016.6848 -3793.1504 4017.6692 -3792.7312 4017.3831 C +-3793.6089 4017.3975 -3792.9282 4016.811 -3793.2993 4016.4646 C +-3792.2168 4015.8296 -3792.6768 4017.7063 -3791.4648 4017.4783 C +-3791.6289 4017.5454 -3792.0808 4017.1936 -3791.8242 4016.9734 C +-3791.5935 4017.071 -3791.2888 4017.2534 -3791.1472 4017.5032 C +-3790.3442 4017.4038 -3791.2705 4017.0144 -3790.9287 4016.7224 C +-3790.6553 4017.3008 -3790.5344 4016.4871 -3790.1824 4016.3022 C +-3790.1799 4016.7847 L +-3789.2649 4017.0942 -3789.9373 4015.7791 -3789.1135 4016.1536 C +-3789.4617 4016.8223 L +-3789.0322 4016.6494 L +-3789.1208 4017.1982 L +-3788.6536 4016.791 -3788.5081 4016.896 -3788.0503 4017.0503 C +-3788.1567 4016.7112 -3787.9905 4016.175 -3787.5852 4016.1599 C +-3787.3088 4016.4463 -3787.74 4016.6184 -3787.1655 4016.5496 C +-3787.2952 4016.8511 -3787.4373 4017.23 -3787.6873 4016.7864 C +-3787.7129 4016.9436 -3787.8152 4017.0884 -3787.8416 4017.2444 C +-3787.5439 4017.5735 -3787.0935 4017.3191 -3786.8855 4017.3142 C +-3786.9656 4017.2964 -3787.0613 4017.2703 -3787.1104 4017.2024 C +-3786.2776 4016.5332 L +-3786.1465 4016.7144 -3786.2505 4016.8599 -3786.3535 4017.0032 C +-3786.1848 4016.9502 -3786.0681 4016.7283 -3785.8201 4016.687 C +-3785.8843 4017.0791 -3785.8689 4017.4839 -3786.22 4017.6687 C +-3785.4265 4017.2334 L +-3785.3735 4017.4038 -3785.0193 4017.7024 -3785.1223 4017.8462 C +-3784.6824 4018.0767 -3784.0432 4017.0852 -3783.46 4017.3894 C +-3783.4297 4017.3135 -3783.3689 4017.24 -3783.2449 4017.1848 C +-3782.6968 4017.2732 -3782.2112 4017.7544 -3781.5615 4017.217 C +-3781.1929 4017.9192 L +-3780.6841 4017.7603 -3781.6919 4017.0342 -3780.8447 4016.769 C +-3780.2449 4016.5447 -3780.6208 4017.3687 -3780.4104 4017.564 C +-3780.1121 4017.2102 -3779.5935 4016.4888 -3779.0425 4017.061 C +-3779.2249 4017.1936 -3779.3679 4017.0896 -3779.5383 4017.1416 C +f +1 D +-3773.2632 4016.8296 m +-3773.3848 4016.9312 -3773.6272 4017.2439 -3773.7161 4016.959 C +-3773.5776 4016.4063 -3773.4705 4016.6707 -3773.2632 4016.8296 C +f +-3763.7241 4015.6692 m +-3763.8145 4015.8279 -3763.9543 4015.749 -3764.1121 4015.5667 C +-3763.9976 4015.5271 -3763.8679 4015.5447 -3763.7241 4015.6692 C +f +-3737.1511 4012.3096 m +-3737.1563 4012.3174 -3737.1599 4012.3232 -3737.1641 4012.333 C +-3737.4353 4012.145 -3737.3391 4012.22 -3737.1511 4012.3096 C +f +0 D +-3736.5879 4012.519 m +-3736.5313 4012.4524 -3736.5352 4012.3848 -3736.5591 4012.3174 C +-3736.5984 4012.4392 -3736.7249 4012.448 -3736.8689 4012.4136 C +-3736.8289 4012.5398 -3736.7561 4012.6272 -3736.5879 4012.519 C +f +1 D +-3797.0713 4012.709 m +-3796.9617 4012.8352 L +-3797.2092 4012.9744 -3797.1399 4012.8484 -3797.0713 4012.709 C +f +*U +0 D +-3764.8057 4016.3286 m +-3764.8401 4016.2471 -3764.8496 4016.1575 -3764.8577 4016.0667 C +-3764.9055 4016.1475 -3764.9065 4016.2415 -3764.8057 4016.3286 C +f +-3783.4409 4017.395 m +-3783.4473 4017.3911 -3783.4536 4017.3926 -3783.46 4017.3894 C +-3783.4705 4017.4182 -3783.4761 4017.448 -3783.4792 4017.4768 C +-3783.4409 4017.395 L +f +-3745.3123 4016.6096 m +-3745.4282 4016.5398 -3745.4929 4016.4524 -3745.5359 4016.3606 C +-3745.5422 4016.4783 -3745.4895 4016.5784 -3745.3123 4016.6096 C +f +-3733.6033 4011.6992 m +-3733.9641 4011.8247 L +-3733.7896 4011.8008 -3733.7273 4011.9063 -3733.6392 4011.9832 C +-3733.6472 4011.8704 -3733.7161 4011.707 -3733.6033 4011.6992 C +f +-3730.4719 4014.6848 m +-3730.4192 4014.6255 -3730.3601 4014.6782 -3730.3081 4014.6184 C +-3730.3225 4014.3943 L +-3730.5471 4014.4087 -3730.7041 4014.5896 -3730.4719 4014.6848 C +f +-3733.2693 4013.3022 m +-3733.2407 4013.7083 -3733.0144 4013.5703 -3732.7617 4013.4951 C +-3732.7769 4013.4966 -3732.7913 4013.5 -3732.8064 4013.4951 C +-3732.7319 4012.9282 -3733.0012 4013.1152 -3733.2693 4013.3022 C +f +-3732.7031 4013.4812 m +-3732.6252 4013.4624 -3732.5457 4013.4524 -3732.4695 4013.4712 C +-3732.4399 4013.2439 -3732.5642 4013.4236 -3732.7031 4013.4812 C +f +-3735.8735 4012.25 m +-3735.7537 4012.3542 -3735.7983 4011.7312 -3735.7305 4011.896 C +-3735.5967 4011.3799 -3736.5295 4012.521 -3735.8735 4012.25 C +f +-3733.0647 4014.6392 m +-3733.1553 4014.1382 L +-3733.2969 4014.5422 L +-3733.0647 4014.6392 L +f +-3735.0601 4014.271 m +-3734.6563 4014.4104 L +-3734.6624 4014.3264 -3734.6111 4014.2776 -3734.5481 4014.24 C +-3734.7969 4014.2224 -3735.0696 4014.123 -3735.0601 4014.271 C +f +-3734.5481 4014.24 m +-3734.4185 4014.249 -3734.2952 4014.2383 -3734.2231 4014.1563 C +-3734.2932 4014.1614 -3734.4441 4014.1782 -3734.5481 4014.24 C +f +-3733.6167 4014.7896 m +-3733.7361 4014.6851 L +-3734.0212 4014.6487 L +-3733.6167 4014.7896 L +f +-3739.4009 4014.175 m +-3739.8416 4014.3184 L +-3739.8865 4014.49 -3739.7664 4014.5952 -3739.6023 4014.5271 C +-3739.4968 4014.4072 -3739.3333 4014.3408 -3739.4009 4014.175 C +f +-3738.0681 4015.5471 m +-3738.1873 4015.4431 -3738.1953 4015.3311 -3738.2625 4015.1663 C +-3738.2759 4015.7871 L +-3738.0681 4015.5471 L +f +-3739.3533 4015.6919 m +-3739.3972 4015.8643 -3739.9929 4016.1863 -3739.4343 4016.1475 C +-3739.3896 4015.9768 -3738.9482 4015.8335 -3739.3533 4015.6919 C +f +-3745.9937 4014.9063 m +-3745.8816 4014.8982 L +-3745.8977 4013.8799 L +-3745.9937 4014.9063 L +f +-3751.8464 4017.343 m +-3751.3242 4017.5872 -3751.7224 4016.7144 -3751.2505 4017.019 C +-3751.1279 4016.7783 -3751.6362 4016.7703 -3751.5105 4016.5623 C +-3751.8257 4016.8167 -3751.9912 4016.6736 -3751.8464 4017.343 C +f +-3751.5105 4016.5623 m +-3751.46 4016.5222 -3751.4065 4016.4734 -3751.3496 4016.408 C +-3751.4409 4016.4712 -3751.4839 4016.52 -3751.5105 4016.5623 C +f +-3817.5745 4012.1924 m +-3817.9104 4011.98 L +-3817.6936 4012.3223 L +-3817.5745 4012.1924 L +f +-3818.2192 4012.948 m +-3818.2983 4012.2991 L +-3818.5 4012.8862 L +-3818.4241 4012.8572 -3818.2769 4012.8015 -3818.2192 4012.948 C +f +-3772.3303 4018.1375 m +-3772.3047 4017.9812 L +-3772.3567 4017.8123 -3772.4353 4017.8 -3772.5928 4017.7732 C +-3772.3303 4018.1375 L +f +-3776.8848 4017.6519 m +-3776.8064 4017.665 L +-3776.9529 4017.0784 L +-3776.8848 4017.6519 L +f +-3780.7073 4018.4004 m +-3780.5513 4018.425 -3780.3679 4018.2942 -3780.2112 4018.3196 C +-3780.5513 4018.425 -3780.7495 4017.6692 -3780.7073 4018.4004 C +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 45) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7690 7890 m +-7690 7859.3877 L +-7665.1748 7859.3877 L +-7665.1748 7890 L +-7690 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7690 7881.498 m +-7665.1738 7881.498 L +-7665.1738 7880.5142 L +-7690 7880.5142 L +-7690 7881.498 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7690 7880.5176 m +-7665.1738 7880.5176 L +-7665.1738 7873.7935 L +-7690 7873.7935 L +-7690 7880.5176 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7690 7873.7959 m +-7665.1738 7873.7959 L +-7665.1738 7872.6367 L +-7690 7872.6367 L +-7690 7873.7959 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7665.1738 7872.6367 m +-7665.1738 7860.5278 L +-7690 7860.5278 L +-7690 7872.6367 L +-7665.1738 7872.6367 L +f +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 47) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7690 7890 m +-7690 7859.3877 L +-7659.3848 7859.3877 L +-7659.3848 7890 L +-7690 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7659.3848 7880.5142 m +-7668.8672 7880.5142 L +-7668.8711 7889.998 L +-7667.8896 7889.998 L +-7667.8896 7881.4951 L +-7659.3848 7881.4951 L +-7659.3848 7880.5142 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7659.3848 7873.7935 m +-7675.5928 7873.791 L +-7675.5928 7890 L +-7668.8672 7890 L +-7668.8672 7880.5132 L +-7659.3848 7880.5132 L +-7659.3848 7873.7935 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7659.3848 7872.6357 m +-7676.7485 7872.6357 L +-7676.7485 7889.999 L +-7675.5957 7889.999 L +-7675.5957 7873.791 L +-7659.3848 7873.791 L +-7659.3848 7872.6357 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7659.3848 7860.5244 m +-7688.8594 7860.5244 L +-7688.8594 7889.998 L +-7676.7495 7890 L +-7676.7495 7872.6357 L +-7659.3848 7872.6357 L +-7659.3848 7860.5244 L +f +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +-7675.5918 7874.1533 m +-7676.7207 7872.6733 l +-7675.5918 7873.7959 l +-7675.5918 7874.1533 l +f +-7667.8896 7881.8096 m +-7668.8232 7880.5615 l +-7667.8896 7881.4951 l +-7667.8896 7881.8096 l +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 49) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7690 7890 m +-7659.3335 7890 L +-7659.3335 7859.334 L +-7690 7859.334 L +-7690 7890 L +n +u +u +u +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7681.4219 7889.9688 m +-7680.5039 7889.9688 L +-7680.5039 7868.8013 L +-7659.3389 7868.8013 L +-7659.3389 7867.8853 L +-7681.4219 7867.8853 L +-7681.4219 7889.9688 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +0 XR +-7680.5039 7889.9688 m +-7673.7539 7889.9688 L +-7673.7539 7875.5527 L +-7659.3389 7875.5527 L +-7659.3389 7876.7173 L +-7659.3389 7876.7173 L +-7659.3389 7868.8013 L +-7680.5039 7868.8013 L +-7680.5039 7889.9688 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7659.3389 7876.7173 m +-7659.3389 7875.5527 L +-7673.7539 7875.5527 L +-7673.7539 7889.9688 L +-7672.5889 7889.9688 L +-7672.5889 7876.7173 L +-7659.3389 7876.7173 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +0 XR +-7672.5889 7876.7173 m +-7672.5889 7889.9688 L +-7660.5039 7889.9688 L +-7660.5352 7888.8135 L +-7659.3389 7888.8135 L +-7659.3389 7876.7173 L +-7672.5889 7876.7173 L +f +U +9 () XW +1 Ap +1 XR +-7690 7890 m +-7690 7859.334 L +-7659.3335 7859.334 L +-7659.3335 7890 L +-7690 7890 L +n +U +9 () XW +0 Ap +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 XR +-7672.5986 7877.0796 m +-7673.7285 7875.6016 l +-7672.5986 7876.7212 L +-7672.5986 7877.0796 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +-7680.5 7869.1255 m +-7681.3848 7867.9287 l +-7680.5 7868.8101 L +-7680.5 7869.1255 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI10_BeginSVGFilter +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-20%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-20%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_AbgeflachteKanteMitSchatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color:white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (style) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-20000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(z) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (z) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fePointLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Holzmaserung) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(flood-color:black; flood-opacity:0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (style) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFlood) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(shadowColor) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (x +endstream endobj 43 0 obj <>stream +mlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncR) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.7 0 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncG) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncB) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComponentTransfer) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(MergeAll) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(110%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-40%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_KühleBrise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(freeze) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(spline) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 1;20 15;200 200; 15 20;1 1 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50;20 20;50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow;green;blue;indigo;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(red) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indigo;green;yellow;blue;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(130%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmln +endstream endobj 44 0 obj <>stream +ode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Statisch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , 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+(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +%AI10_EndSVGFilter +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Kombinationsfeld) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 O +9 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +6.5 -10 m +6.5 -10 L +-10.5 -10 L +-10.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +8.15625 10 9.5 8.6582 9.5 7 C +9.5 -7 L +9.5 -8.65625 8.15625 -10 6.5 -10 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 1) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7679.5 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7679.5 7924.5 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7679.5 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7679.5 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +6.5 -11 m +6.5 -11 L +-10.5 -11 L +-10.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +8.15625 -10 9.5 -8.65625 9.5 -7 C +9.5 7 L +9.5 8.6582 8.15625 10 6.5 10 C +6.5 10 L +-9.5 10 L +-10.5 10 L +-10.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +8.70898 11 10.5 9.20898 10.5 7 C +10.5 -7 L +10.5 -9.20898 8.70898 -11 6.5 -11 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7678.5 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7678.5 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7678.5 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7678.5 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +U +9 () XW +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +-3.5 -2 m +2.5 -2 L +-0.5 2 l +-3.5 -2 L +f +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 17 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Schaltfläche) 0 A +0 Xw +u +*u +1 D +0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +0 g +28.0005 -11 m +28 -11 L +-28 -11 L +-30.21 -11 -32 -9.20898 -32 -7 C +-32 7 L +-32 9.20801 -30.21 10.999 -28 11 C +28 11 L +28.0005 11 L +30.2085 11 32 9.20898 32 7 C +32 -7 L +32 -9.20898 30.2085 -11 28.0005 -11 C +f +0 D +31 7 m +31 8.6582 29.6563 10 28.0005 10 C +28 10 L +-28 10 L +-29.6572 9.99902 -31 8.65625 -31 7 C +-31 -7 L +-31 -8.65527 -29.6572 -10 -28 -10 C +28 -10 L +28.0005 -10 L +29.6563 -10 31 -8.65625 31 -7 C +31 7 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7657 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7657 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7657 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7657 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +*U +9 0.85 0 0 0 Xy +28.0005 -10 m +28 -10 L +28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-29.6572 -10 -31 -8.65527 -31 -7 C +-31 7 L +-31 8.65625 -29.6572 9.99902 -28 10 C +-28 10 L +28 10 L +28 10 L +28.0005 10 l +29.6563 10 31 8.6582 31 7 C +31 -7 L +31 -8.65625 29.6563 -10 28.0005 -10 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 3) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7658 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7658 7924 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7658 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7658 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_4 60 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Suchen) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 O +1 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +31 21.5322 m +31 24.0166 17.1211 26.0303 0 26.0303 c +-17.1191 26.0303 -31 24.0166 -31 21.5322 c +-31 19.0459 -17.1191 17.0303 0 17.0303 c +17.1211 17.0303 31 19.0459 31 21.5322 c +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 1 Bg +30.9986 0 0 -4.50006 -7691 7869.4692 Bm +f +0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +6 () XW +u +0 Ap +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -18.4502 21.9706 m +-18.7514 21.9706 -19.0387 21.8438 -19.2384 21.6228 C +-23.965 16.396 L +-24.1564 16.1854 -24.2537 15.9123 -24.2398 15.6264 c +-24.2259 15.3403 -24.1025 15.0776 -23.8923 14.8867 C +-10.655 2.8613 L +-10.4594 2.68388 -10.205 2.58601 -9.93892 2.58601 c +-9.63749 2.58601 -9.35004 2.7128 -9.15027 2.93386 C +-4.42351 8.15868 L +-4.23263 8.36885 -4.13573 8.64198 -4.15001 8.92848 c +-4.16429 9.21497 -4.28761 9.47757 -4.49724 9.66792 C +-17.7366 21.6953 L +-17.9317 21.873 -18.1849 21.9706 -18.4502 21.9706 C +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +18.1731 0 0 -18.1731 -7708.2183 7866.1729 Bm +f +0 BB +u +*u +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 Xa +-9.93896 3.08594 m +-9.84473 3.08594 -9.66504 3.10986 -9.521 3.26953 C +-4.79297 8.49561 L +-4.65771 8.64453 -4.64502 8.81494 -4.64941 8.90381 C +-4.65723 9.05713 -4.72217 9.19678 -4.8335 9.29785 C +-18.0737 21.3262 L +-18.1763 21.4194 -18.3096 21.4707 -18.4502 21.4707 C +-18.5444 21.4707 -18.7236 21.4468 -18.8677 21.2871 C +-23.5957 16.0591 L +-23.8022 15.8315 -23.7842 15.4639 -23.5562 15.2568 C +-10.3193 3.23193 L +-10.2158 3.1377 -10.0806 3.08594 -9.93896 3.08594 C +F +1 D +-9.93896 2.08594 m +-10.3145 2.08594 -10.6919 2.21973 -10.9912 2.49121 C +-24.2285 14.5166 L +-24.8672 15.0967 -24.916 16.0928 -24.3359 16.7314 C +-19.6094 21.958 L +-19.3022 22.2979 -18.877 22.4707 -18.4502 22.4707 C +-18.0747 22.4707 -17.6982 22.3369 -17.4004 22.0654 C +-4.16113 10.0381 L +-3.52441 9.45996 -3.47266 8.46191 -4.05273 7.82324 C +-8.7793 2.59863 L +-9.08643 2.25879 -9.51172 2.08594 -9.93896 2.08594 C +-9.93896 2.08594 L +f +*U +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_0 D +%_-24.3359 16.7314 m +%_-24.916 16.0928 -24.8672 15.0967 -24.2285 14.5166 c +%_-10.9912 2.49121 l +%_-10.3516 1.91113 -9.35645 1.95996 -8.7793 2.59863 c +%_-4.05273 7.82324 l +%_-3.47266 8.46191 -3.52441 9.45996 -4.16113 10.0381 c +%_-17.4004 22.0654 l +%_-18.0371 22.6455 -19.0322 22.5967 -19.6094 21.958 c +%_-24.3359 16.7314 l +%_n +1 (Anon) XW +*u +0 O +0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +4 M 0 g +7.40234 -25.5303 m +9.28125 -25.5303 11.1943 -25.2197 13.0703 -24.5713 C +22.1172 -21.4404 26.9102 -11.5713 23.7832 -2.52441 C +21.3018 4.64551 14.5879 9.14551 7.40234 9.14551 C +5.52344 9.14551 3.61328 8.83496 1.73438 8.18652 C +-7.3125 5.05762 -12.1084 -4.81348 -8.97852 -13.8584 C +-6.49707 -21.0283 0.219727 -25.5303 7.40234 -25.5303 C +B +1 D +7.40234 -20.374 m +2.21582 -20.374 -2.40918 -17.0791 -4.1084 -12.1729 C +-5.1709 -9.09863 -4.97363 -5.7959 -3.55176 -2.86816 C +-2.12988 0.055664 0.34668 2.25293 3.42188 3.31738 C +4.71191 3.76465 6.05176 3.99121 7.40234 3.99121 C +12.5889 3.99121 17.2139 0.696289 18.9131 -4.20801 C +19.9756 -7.28223 19.7783 -10.5869 18.3564 -13.5127 C +16.9346 -16.4404 14.458 -18.6377 11.3857 -19.7002 C +11.3857 -19.7002 L +10.0898 -20.1475 8.75 -20.374 7.40234 -20.374 C +7.40234 -20.374 L +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) 0.007548 0.433959 0 1.40083 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.0658 0 0 -17.0658 -7683.3364 7884.1445 Bm +b +2 BB +*U +u +0 D +10 M -8.90137 7.71973 m +-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-20.3691 18.1377 L +-8.90137 7.71973 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7710.499 7901.1626 Xm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7744.4028 7940.8374 Bc +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7710.499 7901.1626 Bm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7692.8745 7880.5381 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-8.90137 7.71973 m +%_-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-20.3691 18.1377 L +%_-8.90137 7.71973 L +%_n +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +1 (Anon 437) XW +0 O +4 M 12.5801 -23.1553 m +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.3125 -8.30762 -8.32813 -2.95605 -5.40723 1.08691 C +-5.00293 -0.069336 -4.43066 -1.18066 -3.72559 -2.23926 C +-3.80273 -2.38379 -3.88965 -2.52051 -3.96191 -2.66895 c +-5.43652 -5.70605 -5.6416 -9.13379 -4.53906 -12.3232 c +-2.77637 -17.4111 2.02148 -20.8291 7.40234 -20.8291 c +8.80078 -20.8291 10.1904 -20.5947 11.5352 -20.1299 c +14.7217 -19.0283 17.291 -16.749 18.7666 -13.7119 c +19.0146 -13.2021 19.2129 -12.6787 19.3887 -12.1494 C +19.7041 -12.1279 20.0215 -12.1143 20.3359 -12.0811 c +21.1885 -11.9932 22.0146 -11.8623 22.8184 -11.7021 C +21.6367 -16.8506 17.9277 -21.3037 12.5801 -23.1553 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.837511 0 -63.554 2.1927 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7681.2896 7936.3179 Xm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7701.7231 7977.3994 Bc +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7681.2896 7936.3179 Bm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7662.1919 7897.9233 Bc +f +0 BB +-6.4707 -11.915 m +-4.26367 -18.292 1.75 -22.5752 8.49316 -22.5752 c +10.251 -22.5752 11.9922 -22.2822 13.6709 -21.7021 c +16.4521 -20.7393 18.7813 -19.0635 20.5557 -16.9619 C +18.7041 -19.7471 15.9766 -21.9795 12.5801 -23.1553 c +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.45313 -7.90137 -8.14941 -2.10254 -4.66309 2.02637 C +-7.30762 -1.9502 -8.14941 -7.06348 -6.4707 -11.915 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.284451 0 -62.8867 1.31311 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7677.5737 7926.2744 Xm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7691.3999 7953.2778 Bc +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7677.5737 7926.2744 Bm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7665.9453 7903.564 Bc +f +0 BB +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -9.12402 5.19824 m +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-21.7207 16.6436 L +-9.12402 5.19824 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7699.1191 7888.4551 Xm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7710.4751 7913.8569 Bc +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7699.1191 7888.4551 Bm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7695.5815 7880.541 Bc +f +0 BB +U +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-9.12402 5.19824 m +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-21.7207 16.6436 L +%_-9.12402 5.19824 L +%_n +1 (Anon 438) XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_15.5 46.5 39.0454 13.0151 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Textbereich) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 0.991358 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 45.5 m +-77.5 45.5 L +-77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 45.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +1.00864 w 78.5 46.5 m +-78.5 46.5 L +-78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 46.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_2.0811 156.0811 91.4609 2.4609 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Texteingabe) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 11.5 m +-77.5 11.5 L +-77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 11.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +78.5 12.5 m +-78.5 12.5 L +-78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 12.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_1.7002 155.7002 24 2 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +( Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ Rund - 3 Pt./ Adobe Calligraph) - +(ic Brush Tool/ Rund - 10 Pt./ Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ O) - +(val - 3 Pt./ Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool/ Kohle - Feder/ Adobe ) - +(dBrush Brush Tool/ Stupfpinsel/ Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) - +(/ Silber/) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe dBrush Brush Tool) +(Stupfpinsel) +(0 4 0.75 0.75 0.33 0.75 1 3 AI_BristleBrushLibary_CS5 02_Round) - +(_Blunt) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Oval - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 26 74 15 15 0 1 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 10 Pt.) +(1 10 10 100 100 0 0 1 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) +(Kohle - Feder) +(2 / Unnamed 6/ / / / / 0 1 / 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) +(Silber) +(2 / Unnamed Brush Pattern 45/ Unnamed Brush Pattern 49/ Unname) - +(d Brush Pattern 47/ / / 5 0.623529 0.67451 0.737255 / 1 0 1 0) - +( 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyles +/KnownStyle : +(Anon) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 437) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 438) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 60) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0.808438 0.673884 0.495369 0.548699 0.180392 0.203922 0.25098 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 61) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0.505455 0.098695 0.171084 0.001251 0.533333 0.752941 0.815686 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Jive_GS) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [0 1.47 -1.47 0 3605.7441 18950.7109] p +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.389013 0.068635 0.08426 0 0.65098 0.815686 0.894118 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schein nach außen - 5 Pt.) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Outer Glow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schein nach au\337en) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +2 /Int (blnd) , +5 /Real (blur) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schlagschatten) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Drop Shadow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schlagschatten) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +1 /Int (csrc) , +7 /Real (horz) , +50 /Real (dark) , +7 /Real (vert) , +1 /Bool (pair) , +1 /Int (blnd) , +5 /Real (blur) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +([Standard]) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +1 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +%AI9_EndArtStyles +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_BeginPalette +0 0 Pb +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +([Passermarken]) +Pc +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +(Weiß) +Pc +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(Schwarz) +Pc +0 0.94641 0.916289 0 1 0 0 Xa +(RGB Rot) +Pc +0.096254 0 0.951965 0 1 1 0 Xa +(RGB Gelb) +Pc +0.647547 0 1 0 0 1 0 Xa +(RGB Grün) +Pc +0.570733 0 0.153567 0 0 1 1 Xa +(RGB Cyan) +Pc +0.934081 0.745846 0 0 0 0 1 Xa +(RGB Blau) +Pc +0.409979 0.77676 0 0 1 0 1 Xa +(RGB Magenta) +Pc +0.168978 0.950286 0.823636 0.068666 0.756863 0.152941 0.176471 Xa +(R=193 G=39 B=45) +Pc +0 0.946624 0.85211 0 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa +(R=237 G=28 B=36) +Pc +0 0.752956 0.887388 0 0.945098 0.352941 0.141176 Xa +(R=241 G=90 B=36) +Pc +0 0.501823 0.907988 0 0.968627 0.576471 0.117647 Xa +(R=247 G=147 B=30) +Pc +0 0.365637 0.819852 0 0.984314 0.690196 0.231373 Xa +(R=251 G=176 B=59) +Pc +0.065736 0 0.852628 0 0.988235 0.933333 0.129412 Xa +(R=252 G=238 B=33) +Pc +0.231907 0 0.892332 0 0.85098 0.878431 0.129412 Xa +(R=217 G=224 B=33) +Pc +0.524254 0 0.880919 0 0.54902 0.776471 0.247059 Xa +(R=140 G=198 B=63) +Pc +0.718288 0 0.876951 0 0.223529 0.709804 0.290196 Xa +(R=57 G=181 B=74) +Pc +0.842954 0.14374 0.926757 0.021576 0 0.572549 0.270588 Xa +(R=0 G=146 B=69) +Pc +0.899077 0.322972 0.925994 0.247654 0 0.407843 0.215686 Xa +(R=0 G=104 B=55) +Pc +0.735958 0 0.689784 0 0.133333 0.709804 0.45098 Xa +(R=34 G=181 B=115) +Pc +0.766171 0.045533 0.450782 0 0 0.662745 0.615686 Xa +(R=0 G=169 B=157) +Pc +0.709987 0.132143 0.001953 0 0.160784 0.670588 0.886275 Xa +(R=41 G=171 B=226) +Pc +0.866178 0.492958 0 0 0 0.443137 0.737255 Xa +(R=0 G=113 B=188) +Pc +0.975586 0.89572 0 0.000824 0.180392 0.192157 0.572549 Xa +(R=46 G=49 B=146) +Pc +1 0.970001 0.322484 0.218753 0.105882 0.078431 0.392157 Xa +(R=27 G=20 B=100) +Pc +0.755703 0.923125 0 0.000031 0.4 0.176471 0.568627 Xa +(R=102 G=45 B=145) +Pc +0.5393 0.930297 0 0 0.576471 0.152941 0.560784 Xa +(R=147 G=39 B=143) +Pc +0.323583 1 0.236301 0.1673 0.619608 0 0.364706 Xa +(R=158 G=0 B=93) +Pc +0.097993 0.983551 0.407263 0.020691 0.831373 0.078431 0.352941 Xa +(R=212 G=20 B=90) +Pc +0 0.935058 0.142763 0 0.929412 0.117647 0.47451 Xa +(R=237 G=30 B=121) +Pc +0.220859 0.272648 0.389227 0.061189 0.780392 0.698039 0.6 Xa +(R=199 G=178 B=153) +Pc +0.354864 0.386694 0.466072 0.211734 0.6 0.52549 0.458824 Xa +(R=153 G=134 B=117) +Pc +0.446387 0.47068 0.52636 0.380346 0.45098 0.388235 0.341176 Xa +(R=115 G=99 B=87) +Pc +0.535302 0.542443 0.552728 0.542199 0.32549 0.278431 0.254902 Xa +(R=83 G=71 B=65) +Pc +0.204685 0.376715 0.593042 0.084871 0.776471 0.611765 0.427451 Xa +(R=198 G=156 B=109) +Pc +0.280308 0.462287 0.671046 0.207126 0.65098 0.486275 0.321569 Xa +(R=166 G=124 B=82) +Pc +0.324376 0.536675 0.760494 0.329229 0.54902 0.384314 0.223529 Xa +(R=140 G=98 B=57) +Pc +0.359228 0.605188 0.857359 0.451545 0.458824 0.298039 0.141176 Xa +(R=117 G=76 B=36) +Pc +0.391424 0.683131 0.943023 0.57116 0.376471 0.219608 0.07451 Xa +(R=96 G=56 B=19) +Pc +0.474617 0.7467 0.825315 0.730831 0.258824 0.129412 0.043137 Xa +(R=66 G=33 B=11) +Pc +Bb +2 (Weiß, Schwarz) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Weiß, Schwarz) +Pc +Bb +2 (Goldstaub) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Goldstaub) +Pc +Bb +2 (Blauer Himmel) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Blauer Himmel) +Pc +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p +(Jive) +Pc +1 (Kalt) 1 Pg +0.584497 0 0.222965 0 0.396078 0.784314 0.815686 Xa +(C=56 M=0 Y=20 K=0) +Pc +0.55404 0.445533 0 0 0.513726 0.545098 0.772549 Xa +(C=51 M=43 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +0.313512 0.439063 0.001465 0 0.729412 0.607843 0.788235 Xa +(C=26 M=41 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +1 (Graustufen) 1 Pg +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(R=0 G=0 B=0) +Pc +0.762295 0.667414 0.60705 0.828763 0.101961 0.101961 0.101961 Xa +(R=26 G=26 B=26) +Pc +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +(R=51 G=51 B=51) +Pc +0.620386 0.5234 0.503532 0.47776 0.301961 0.301961 0.301961 Xa +(R=77 G=77 B=77) +Pc +0.559442 0.453803 0.448554 0.326848 0.4 0.4 0.4 Xa +(R=102 G=102 B=102) +Pc +0.492378 0.386633 0.38529 0.202182 0.501961 0.501961 0.501961 Xa +(R=128 G=128 B=128) +Pc +0.410864 0.319738 0.323857 0.110109 0.6 0.6 0.6 Xa +(R=153 G=153 B=153) +Pc +0.32575 0.244968 0.255344 0.043549 0.701961 0.701961 0.701961 Xa +(R=179 G=179 B=179) +Pc +0.231479 0.170962 0.180972 0.008301 0.8 0.8 0.8 Xa +(R=204 G=204 B=204) +Pc +0.11664 0.082246 0.092653 0 0.901961 0.901961 0.901961 Xa +(R=230 G=230 B=230) +Pc +0.062196 0.043153 0.05127 0 0.94902 0.94902 0.94902 Xa +(R=242 G=242 B=242) +Pc +PB +%AI5_EndPalette +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyleList +([Standard]) +(Schlagschatten) +(Schein nach außen - 5 Pt.) +(Jive_GS) +%AI9_EndArtStyleList +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI10_BeginSymbolList 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+501.7793 -385.1514 L +515.7188 -365.209 L +520.7871 -365.209 L +504.5137 -388.4189 L +521.7207 -412.8301 L +516.252 -412.8301 L +501.7793 -391.8203 L +487.106 -412.8301 L +481.9702 -412.8301 L +499.1108 -388.2861 L +482.9707 -365.209 l +f +*U +*u +549.335 -389.2197 m +548.2012 -384.084 545.0664 -380.9492 539.5977 -380.9492 c +531.5273 -380.9492 527.5254 -388.2861 527.5254 -395.6221 c +527.5254 -402.959 531.5273 -410.2959 539.5977 -410.2959 c +544.7988 -410.2959 549.0684 -406.2275 549.6016 -400.4912 c +553.8037 -400.4912 L +552.6699 -408.7617 547.2676 -413.8301 539.5977 -413.8301 c +529.0586 -413.8301 523.3232 -405.4932 523.3232 -395.6221 c +523.3232 -385.751 529.0586 -377.4141 539.5977 -377.4141 c +546.9336 -377.4141 552.6035 -381.3496 553.5371 -389.2197 C +549.335 -389.2197 l +f +*U +*u +590.4883 -395.6221 m +590.4883 -405.4932 584.752 -413.8301 574.2148 -413.8301 c +563.6758 -413.8301 557.9404 -405.4932 557.9404 -395.6221 c +557.9404 -385.751 563.6758 -377.4141 574.2148 -377.4141 c +584.752 -377.4141 590.4883 -385.751 590.4883 -395.6221 c +f +1 D +562.1426 -395.6221 m +562.1426 -402.959 566.1445 -410.2959 574.2148 -410.2959 c +582.2842 -410.2959 586.2861 -402.959 586.2861 -395.6221 c +586.2861 -388.2861 582.2842 -380.9492 574.2148 -380.9492 c +566.1445 -380.9492 562.1426 -388.2861 562.1426 -395.6221 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +627.04 -412.8301 m +623.1709 -412.8301 L +623.1709 -406.2939 L +623.0381 -406.2939 L +621.2373 -410.7627 615.7676 -413.8301 610.7656 -413.8301 c +600.2949 -413.8301 595.292 -405.3604 595.292 -395.6221 c +595.292 -385.8848 600.2949 -377.4141 610.7656 -377.4141 c +615.9014 -377.4141 620.9033 -380.0156 622.7041 -384.9512 c +622.8379 -384.9512 L +622.8379 -365.209 L +627.04 -365.209 L +627.04 -412.8301 l +f +1 D +610.7656 -410.2959 m +619.7031 -410.2959 622.8379 -402.7588 622.8379 -395.6221 c +622.8379 -388.4863 619.7031 -380.9492 610.7656 -380.9492 c +602.7627 -380.9492 599.4941 -388.4863 599.4941 -395.6221 c +599.4941 -402.7588 602.7627 -410.2959 610.7656 -410.2959 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +637.5127 -396.7559 m +637.5791 -402.8926 640.7803 -410.2959 648.8506 -410.2959 c +654.9873 -410.2959 658.3213 -406.6943 659.6553 -401.4922 c +663.8574 -401.4922 L +662.0566 -409.2949 657.5215 -413.8301 648.8506 -413.8301 c +637.9131 -413.8301 633.3105 -405.4268 633.3105 -395.6221 c +633.3105 -386.5518 637.9131 -377.4141 648.8506 -377.4141 c +659.9229 -377.4141 664.3242 -387.085 663.9912 -396.7559 C +637.5127 -396.7559 l +f +1 D +659.7891 -393.2217 m +659.5889 -386.8857 655.6543 -380.9492 648.8506 -380.9492 c +641.9814 -380.9492 638.1797 -386.9521 637.5127 -393.2217 C +659.7891 -393.2217 l +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (text) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +u +0 D +0 O +0.808438 0.673884 0.495369 0.548699 0.180392 0.203922 0.25098 Xa +532.7119 -339.2305 m +469.7939 -258.6914 L +469.7939 -236.3457 L +539.5264 -326.4922 L +577 -326.4922 L +577 -199.5527 L +513.9756 -199.5527 L +500.3506 -185.9238 L +590.625 -185.9238 L +590.625 -339.2305 L +532.7119 -339.2305 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (character-half-right) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +467.2871 -185.9238 m +530.209 -266.459 L +530.209 -288.8047 L +460.4746 -198.6602 L +423.0029 -198.6602 L +423.0029 -325.5996 L +486.0244 -325.5996 L +499.6543 -339.2305 L +409.375 -339.2305 L +409.375 -185.9238 L +467.2871 -185.9238 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (character-half-left) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (logo) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +LB +%AI5_EndLayer-- +%%PageTrailer +gsave annotatepage grestore showpage +%%Trailer +%%EOF + +endstream endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 14 0 obj [/View/Design] endobj 15 0 obj <>>> endobj 28 0 obj [27 0 R] endobj 47 0 obj <> endobj xref +0 48 +0000000004 65535 f +0000000016 00000 n +0000000159 00000 n +0000045916 00000 n +0000000000 00000 f +0000481576 00000 n +0000000000 00000 f +0000045967 00000 n +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000481654 00000 n +0000481685 00000 n +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000050954 00000 n +0000481770 00000 n +0000046304 00000 n +0000051262 00000 n +0000051149 00000 n +0000049969 00000 n +0000050392 00000 n +0000050440 00000 n +0000051033 00000 n +0000051064 00000 n +0000051336 00000 n +0000051620 00000 n +0000052683 00000 n +0000062221 00000 n +0000127810 00000 n +0000193399 00000 n +0000258988 00000 n +0000324577 00000 n +0000390166 00000 n +0000455755 00000 n +0000481795 00000 n +trailer +<<5973EFA40C398E4F93091131A574D444>]>> +startxref +482026 +%%EOF diff --git a/assets/images/ports/xcode/repository-hero.svg b/assets/images/ports/xcode/repository-hero.svg new file mode 100755 index 00000000..0e8ebd59 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/images/ports/xcode/repository-hero.svg @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-activation.png b/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-activation.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3dba9f84 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-activation.png differ diff --git a/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.png b/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4659ab15 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.png differ diff --git a/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-interface_builder.png b/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-interface_builder.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8481dfe Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-interface_builder.png differ diff --git a/content/docs/ports/xcode/asset_catalog/index.mdx b/content/docs/ports/xcode/asset_catalog/index.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8731ee74 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/docs/ports/xcode/asset_catalog/index.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +import Link from "atoms/core/Link"; +import { Banner, Image, ShrinkedWidth, SpaceBox } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements"; +import { Code } from "atoms/core/html-elements"; +import { ReactComponent as ColorSwatchesStripes } from "assets/images/illustrations/color-swatches-stripes.svg"; + +import WIPNotice from "../../../../shared/docs/wip-notice"; + +export const frontmatter = { + title: "Asset Catalog", + subline: "Use Nord as color set from the asset catalog and for the interface builder" +}; + + + + + + + + + + + + + +## Color Set + +Nord Xcode provides a _color set_ for Xcode [asset catalog][apple-dev-lib-asset_catalog] that can be used as named colors in the [Interface Builder][apple-dev-if_builder] and programmatically, e.g. via the `UIColor(named)` function. + +Screenshot showing the Xcode interface builder using the Nord color set from the asset catalog + + The Xcode{" "} + + interface builder + {" "} + using the Nord color set from the asset catalog. + + + +The colors are located in the [`nord.xcassets`][gh-tree-xcassets] folder and can be installed by [adding the folder to your project][apple-help-xcode-add_folder_files]. + + + + More details about the asset catalog, color sets and the usage. + + } +> + +Please read the official documentation section on how to [create a asset catalog and color sets][apple-help-xcode-create_ass_cata] to learn more about the usage in the [Interface Builder][apple-dev-if_builder]. + + + + +Screenshot showing the Nord color set in the Xcode asset catalog + + The Nord color set in the{" "} + + Xcode asset catalog + + . + + + + + +[gh-tree-xcassets]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-xcode/tree/develop/src/nord.xcassets +[apple-dev-lib-asset_catalog]: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Xcode/Reference/xcode_ref-Asset_Catalog_Format +[apple-dev-if_builder]: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/interface-builder +[apple-help-xcode-add_folder_files]: https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/dev81ce1d383 +[apple-help-xcode-create_ass_cata]: https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/dev10510b1f7 diff --git a/content/docs/ports/xcode/asset_catalog/ui-asset_catalog.png b/content/docs/ports/xcode/asset_catalog/ui-asset_catalog.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..742754ec Binary files /dev/null and b/content/docs/ports/xcode/asset_catalog/ui-asset_catalog.png differ diff --git a/content/docs/ports/xcode/asset_catalog/ui-interface_builder.png b/content/docs/ports/xcode/asset_catalog/ui-interface_builder.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e55fa38f Binary files /dev/null and b/content/docs/ports/xcode/asset_catalog/ui-interface_builder.png differ diff --git a/content/docs/ports/xcode/installation/github-clone.png b/content/docs/ports/xcode/installation/github-clone.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a603447a Binary files /dev/null and b/content/docs/ports/xcode/installation/github-clone.png differ diff --git a/content/docs/ports/xcode/installation/index.mdx b/content/docs/ports/xcode/installation/index.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06584258 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/docs/ports/xcode/installation/index.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +import Link from "atoms/core/Link"; +import { Image, ShrinkedWidth, SpaceBox } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements"; +import { ReactComponent as WindowCode } from "assets/images/illustrations/window-code.svg"; + +import WIPNotice from "../../../../shared/docs/wip-notice"; + +export const frontmatter = { + title: "Installation & Activation", + subline: "Get up and running with a few commands" +}; + + + + + + + + + + + + + +## Installation + +Nord Xcode can be installed by downloading the latest [`Nord.xccolortheme`][gh-tree-xccolortheme] file from the [GitHub repository][gh-repo] and place it into the `~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes` directory. + +```sh +mkdir -p ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes +curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arcticicestudio/nord-xcode/develop/src/Nord.xccolortheme -o ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/Nord.xccolortheme +``` + +### Latest Development State + +To always use the latest development state of Nord Xcode, [clone the repository][gh-repo] and create a [symbolic link][wiki-symlink] of the [`Nord.xccolortheme`][gh-tree-xccolortheme] file to `~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/Nord.xccolortheme` afterwards: + +```sh +git clone https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-xcode +ln -sr "$PWD/src/Nord.xccolortheme" "$HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/Nord.xccolortheme" +``` + +Screenshot showing the GitHub repository web UI to download the project repository + The GitHub repository web UI to download the project repository. + + +## Activation + +To activate and use Nord Xcode as your default color theme… + +1. …open _File_ > _Preferences_ +2. …switch to the _Fonts & Colors_ tab +3. …select _Nord_ from the list + + + Screenshot showing the Xcode preference to activate the Nord color theme + The Xcode preferences to activate the Nord color theme. + + + + + +[gh-repo]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-xcode +[gh-tree-xccolortheme]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-xcode/blob/develop/src/Nord.xccolortheme +[wiki-symlink]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link diff --git a/content/docs/ports/xcode/installation/ui-activation.png b/content/docs/ports/xcode/installation/ui-activation.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95221ebc Binary files /dev/null and b/content/docs/ports/xcode/installation/ui-activation.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/editor-syntax_types.png b/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/editor-syntax_types.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5903a975 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/editor-syntax_types.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/overview.png b/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/overview.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..acfff88b Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/overview.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.png b/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..742754ec Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-interface_builder.png b/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-interface_builder.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e55fa38f Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/ports/xcode/ui-interface_builder.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/videos/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.mp4 b/src/assets/videos/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.mp4 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d97813a5 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/videos/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.mp4 differ diff --git a/src/assets/videos/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.mp4.png b/src/assets/videos/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.mp4.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4643b19 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/videos/ports/xcode/ui-asset_catalog.mp4.png differ diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionContents/SectionContents.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionContents/SectionContents.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc7e27c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionContents/SectionContents.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import React from "react"; + +import { WaveFooter } from "atoms/core/vectors/divider"; +import Section, { Content } from "containers/core/Section"; +import { BookOpen, Zap } from "atoms/core/vectors/icons"; +import { ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE } from "config/routes/mappings"; +import { topicsGettingStarted, topicsReferences } from "data/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/topics"; +import { sectionIdFor } from "utils"; +import { colors } from "styles/theme"; + +import { ContentsCard, CardGrid } from "../../../shared"; + +const SECTION_ID = sectionIdFor(ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE, 1); + +/** + * The component that represents the contents section of the docs page for the "Nord Xcode" port project. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const SectionContents = () => ( +

+ + + + Learn how to install and activate the theme. + + + Learn about theme features and how to deal with occurring problems. + + + + +
+); + +export default SectionContents; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionContents/index.js b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionContents/index.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a1d6d5e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionContents/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +export { default } from "./SectionContents"; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionHero/SectionHero.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionHero/SectionHero.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..88fa3ba9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionHero/SectionHero.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import React from "react"; + +import Section, { Content } from "containers/core/Section"; +import { ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE } from "config/routes/mappings"; +import { sectionIdFor } from "utils"; + +import { Headline, Subline } from "../../../shared"; + +const SECTION_ID = sectionIdFor(ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE, 0); + +/** + * The component that represents the hero section of the docs page for the "Nord Xcode" port project. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const SectionHero = () => ( +
+ + Nord Xcode + + Documentations to get to know the project and supported features, how to use the theme and find solutions for + possible problems. + + +
+); + +export default SectionHero; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionHero/index.js b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionHero/index.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f15e7dce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/SectionHero/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +export { default } from "./SectionHero"; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/index.js b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/index.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2a25e2a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import SectionContents from "./SectionContents"; +import SectionHero from "./SectionHero"; + +export { SectionContents, SectionHero }; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionHero/SectionHero.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionHero/SectionHero.jsx index d4738d97..8b7e4f32 100644 --- a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionHero/SectionHero.jsx +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionHero/SectionHero.jsx @@ -8,16 +8,20 @@ */ import React from "react"; -import { css } from "styled-components"; -import { WaveFooter } from "atoms/core/vectors/divider"; -import { P } from "atoms/core/html-elements"; +import Button from "atoms/core/Button"; import Link from "atoms/core/Link"; +import { Image } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements"; import Section, { Content } from "containers/core/Section"; -import EmptyState from "molecules/core/EmptyState"; +import FeatureDuo, { Actions, Headline, Subline, Text, Visualization } from "molecules/page/shared/FeatureDuo"; +import { ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE, ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE_INSTALLATION, ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE } from "config/routes/mappings"; import { usePortsMetadata } from "hooks"; +import { usePortsAssetsPropTypes } from "hooks/shared/propTypes"; +import { sectionIdFor } from "utils"; -import { emptyStateIllustrationStyles } from "../../../shared/styles"; +import WaveDivider from "./styled/WaveDivider"; + +const SECTION_ID = sectionIdFor(ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE, 0); /** * The component that represents the hero section for the landing page of the "Nord Xcode" port project. @@ -26,32 +30,51 @@ import { emptyStateIllustrationStyles } from "../../../shared/styles"; * @author Sven Greb * @since 0.9.0 */ -export default function SectionHero() { +const SectionHero = ({ assets }) => { const portMetadata = usePortsMetadata(); - const { gitHubRepositoryUrl } = portMetadata.find(port => port.name === "nord-xcode"); + const { gitHubRepositoryUrl, projectUrl } = portMetadata.find(port => port.name === "nord-xcode"); return ( -
- - -

- In the meantime, please see the official{" "} - - repository on GitHub - {" "} - for information about Nord Xcode. -

+ + + + Nord Xcode + + An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Xcode color theme. + + Designed for a fluent and clear workflow. + + + + + + + + Screenshot showing the syntax highlighting in the Xcode source code editor + + The syntax highlighting in the Xcode source code editor. + + + + - +
); -} +}; + +SectionHero.propTypes = usePortsAssetsPropTypes; + +export default SectionHero; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionHero/styled/WaveDivider.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionHero/styled/WaveDivider.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..840d861b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionHero/styled/WaveDivider.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import styled from "styled-components"; + +import { WaveSmooth2 } from "atoms/core/vectors/divider"; +import { colors, motion, themedMode, MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY, MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST } from "styles/theme"; + +const fillColor = themedMode({ + [MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY]: colors.background.sectioning.secondary[MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY], + [MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST]: colors.background.sectioning.secondary[MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST] +}); + +/** + * A "smooth" vector wave to render a visual differentiation to the next section. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const WaveDivider = styled(WaveSmooth2)` + fill: ${fillColor}; + transition: fill ${motion.speed.duration.transition.base.themeModeSwitch}ms ease-in-out; +`; + +export default WaveDivider; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSetup/SectionSetup.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSetup/SectionSetup.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c05c6b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSetup/SectionSetup.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import React from "react"; + +import Button from "atoms/core/Button"; +import { WaveFooter } from "atoms/core/vectors/divider"; +import { Content } from "containers/core/Section"; +import FeatureDuo, { Actions, Headline, Subline, Text } from "molecules/page/shared/FeatureDuo"; +import { ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE, ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE } from "config/routes/mappings"; +import { sectionIdFor } from "utils"; +import { usePortsMetadata } from "hooks"; +import { usePortsAssetsPropTypes } from "hooks/shared/propTypes"; + +import { Section } from "../../../shared"; + +const SECTION_ID = sectionIdFor(ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE, 3); + +/** + * The component that represents the setup section for the landing page of the "Nord Xcode" port project. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const SectionSetup = () => { + const portMetadata = usePortsMetadata(); + const { gitHubRepositoryUrl } = portMetadata.find(port => port.name === "nord-xcode"); + + return ( +
+ + + + Installation in some lines of code. + Download and install Nord Xcode with a few commands. + + + + + + + + +
+ ); +}; + +SectionSetup.propTypes = usePortsAssetsPropTypes; + +export default SectionSetup; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSetup/index.js b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSetup/index.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6e5d7ddb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSetup/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +export { default } from "./SectionSetup"; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSetup/styled/WaveDivider.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSetup/styled/WaveDivider.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..840d861b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSetup/styled/WaveDivider.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import styled from "styled-components"; + +import { WaveSmooth2 } from "atoms/core/vectors/divider"; +import { colors, motion, themedMode, MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY, MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST } from "styles/theme"; + +const fillColor = themedMode({ + [MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY]: colors.background.sectioning.secondary[MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY], + [MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST]: colors.background.sectioning.secondary[MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST] +}); + +/** + * A "smooth" vector wave to render a visual differentiation to the next section. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const WaveDivider = styled(WaveSmooth2)` + fill: ${fillColor}; + transition: fill ${motion.speed.duration.transition.base.themeModeSwitch}ms ease-in-out; +`; + +export default WaveDivider; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSyntax/SectionSyntax.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSyntax/SectionSyntax.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b17cda4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSyntax/SectionSyntax.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import React from "react"; + +import { Content } from "containers/core/Section"; +import FeatureDuo, { Headline, Subline, Text, Visualization } from "molecules/page/shared/FeatureDuo"; +import { ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE } from "config/routes/mappings"; +import { sectionIdFor } from "utils"; +import { Image } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements"; +import { usePortsAssetsPropTypes } from "hooks/shared/propTypes"; + +import { Section } from "../../../shared"; +import WaveDivider from "./styled/WaveDivider"; + +const SECTION_ID = sectionIdFor(ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE, 1); + +/** + * The component that represents the syntax section for the landing page of the "Nord Xcode" port project. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const SectionSyntax = ({ assets }) => ( +
+ + + + Screenshot showing highlighting for different syntax types supported by Xcode + Highlighting for different syntax types supported by Xcode. + + + + Beautiful code to keep focused. + The color scheme supports all syntax types available in Xcode. + + + + +
+); + +SectionSyntax.propTypes = usePortsAssetsPropTypes; + +export default SectionSyntax; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSyntax/index.js b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSyntax/index.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..600fcfdf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSyntax/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +export { default } from "./SectionSyntax"; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSyntax/styled/WaveDivider.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSyntax/styled/WaveDivider.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..77f4b4a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionSyntax/styled/WaveDivider.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import styled from "styled-components"; + +import { WaveSmooth2 } from "atoms/core/vectors/divider"; +import { colors, motion, themedMode, MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY, MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST } from "styles/theme"; + +const fillColor = themedMode({ + [MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY]: colors.background.base[MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY], + [MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST]: colors.background.base[MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST] +}); + +/** + * A "smooth" vector wave to render a visual differentiation to the next section. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const WaveDivider = styled(WaveSmooth2)` + fill: ${fillColor}; + transition: fill ${motion.speed.duration.transition.base.themeModeSwitch}ms ease-in-out; +`; + +export default WaveDivider; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionUIElements/SectionUIElements.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionUIElements/SectionUIElements.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0afe2071 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionUIElements/SectionUIElements.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import React from "react"; + +import Link from "atoms/core/Link"; +import { Image, Video } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements"; +import { Content } from "containers/core/Section"; +import FeatureDuo, { Headline, Subline, Text, Visualization } from "molecules/page/shared/FeatureDuo"; +import { ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE } from "config/routes/mappings"; +import { sectionIdFor } from "utils"; +import { usePortsAssetsPropTypes } from "hooks/shared/propTypes"; + +import { Section } from "../../../shared"; +import WaveDivider from "./styled/WaveDivider"; + +const SECTION_ID = sectionIdFor(ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE, 2); + +/** + * The component that represents the UI elements section for the landing page of the "Nord Xcode" port project. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const SectionUIElements = ({ assets }) => ( +
+ + + + Nord as color set. + + Use the{" "} + + asset catalog{" "} + {" "} + color set in the{" "} + + Interface Builder + {" "} + and programmatically. + + + + Screenshot showing the Nord color set in the Xcode asset catalog + + The Nord color set in the Xcode{" "} + + asset catalog + + . + + + + + + + + + + All Nord colors right at your hand. + + + + + Build beautiful UI elements with Nord. + + Create UI elements in the Xcode{" "} + + Interface Builder + {" "} + using Nord colors. + + + + Screenshot showing the Xcode interface builder with UI elements styled with Nord + + The Xcode{" "} + + Interface Builder + {" "} + with UI elements styled with Nord. + + + + + + +
+); + +SectionUIElements.propTypes = usePortsAssetsPropTypes; + +export default SectionUIElements; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionUIElements/index.js b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionUIElements/index.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fce86186 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionUIElements/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +export { default } from "./SectionUIElements"; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionUIElements/styled/WaveDivider.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionUIElements/styled/WaveDivider.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0d1410b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/SectionUIElements/styled/WaveDivider.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import styled from "styled-components"; + +import { WaveWobbly } from "atoms/core/vectors/divider"; +import { colors, motion, themedMode, MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY, MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST } from "styles/theme"; + +const fillColor = themedMode({ + [MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY]: colors.background.sectioning.secondary[MODE_BRIGHT_SNOW_FLURRY], + [MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST]: colors.background.sectioning.secondary[MODE_DARK_NIGHT_FROST] +}); + +/** + * A "wobbly" vector wave to render a visual differentiation to the next section. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const WaveDivider = styled(WaveWobbly)` + fill: ${fillColor}; + transition: fill ${motion.speed.duration.transition.base.themeModeSwitch}ms ease-in-out; +`; + +export default WaveDivider; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/index.js b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/index.js index 1e6f3a77..0acae335 100644 --- a/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/index.js +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/ports/xcode/index.js @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ */ import SectionHero from "./SectionHero"; +import SectionSetup from "./SectionSetup"; +import SectionSyntax from "./SectionSyntax"; +import SectionUIElements from "./SectionUIElements"; -/* eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export */ -export { SectionHero }; +export { SectionHero, SectionSetup, SectionSyntax, SectionUIElements }; diff --git a/src/config/routes/mappings.js b/src/config/routes/mappings.js index 022773ee..e9b57daa 100644 --- a/src/config/routes/mappings.js +++ b/src/config/routes/mappings.js @@ -402,6 +402,30 @@ const ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_VISUAL_STUDIO_CODE_DEVELOPMENT = `${ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_VISU */ const ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_VISUAL_STUDIO_CODE_INSTALLATION = `${ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_VISUAL_STUDIO_CODE}/installation`; +/** + * The route mapping for the docs page of the "Nord Xcode" port project. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE = `${ROUTE_ROOT}${DOCS}/${PORTS}/xcode`; + +/** + * The route mapping for the asset catalog docs page of the "Nord Xcode" port project. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE_ASSET_CATALOG = `${ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE}/asset_catalog`; + +/** + * The route mapping for the installation docs page of the "Nord Xcode" port project. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE_INSTALLATION = `${ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE}/installation`; + /** * The route mapping for the `docs` page about Nord's colors and palettes. * @@ -523,6 +547,14 @@ const ROUTE_PORTS_VIM = `${ROUTE_ROOT}${PORTS}/vim`; */ const ROUTE_PORTS_VISUAL_STUDIO_CODE = `${ROUTE_ROOT}${PORTS}/visual-studio-code`; +/** + * The route mapping for the "Nord Xcode" port project page. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE = `${ROUTE_ROOT}${PORTS}/xcode`; + /** * The per-route unique `id` attribute values of sections components. * @@ -541,6 +573,7 @@ const SECTION_COMPONENT_IDS = { [ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_SUBLIME_TEXT]: ["hero", "contents"], [ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_TMUX]: ["hero", "contents"], [ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_VIM]: ["hero", "contents"], + [ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE]: ["hero", "contents"], [ROUTE_PORTS]: ["hero", "search"], [ROUTE_PORTS_ATOM_SYNTAX]: ["hero", "introduction", "syntax", "editor-details", "package-support", "setup"], [ROUTE_PORTS_ATOM_UI]: ["hero", "introduction", "ui-elements", "package-support", "configurations", "setup"], @@ -552,6 +585,7 @@ const SECTION_COMPONENT_IDS = { [ROUTE_PORTS_TMUX]: ["hero", "introduction", "ui-elements", "plugin-support", "configurations", "setup"], [ROUTE_PORTS_VIM]: ["hero", "introduction", "syntax", "editor-details", "plugin-support", "configurations", "setup"], [ROUTE_PORTS_VISUAL_STUDIO_CODE]: ["hero", "introduction", "syntax", "editor-details", "ui-elements", "setup"], + [ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE]: ["hero", "introduction", "syntax", "ui-elements", "setup"], [ROUTE_ROOT]: [ "hero", "palettes-modularity", @@ -610,6 +644,9 @@ module.exports = { ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_VISUAL_STUDIO_CODE_DEVELOPMENT, ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_VISUAL_STUDIO_CODE_INSTALLATION, ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_VISUAL_STUDIO_CODE, + ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE, + ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE_ASSET_CATALOG, + ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE_INSTALLATION, ROUTE_DOCS_SWATCHES, ROUTE_DOCS_USAGE, ROUTE_DOCS, @@ -623,6 +660,7 @@ module.exports = { ROUTE_PORTS_TMUX, ROUTE_PORTS_VIM, ROUTE_PORTS_VISUAL_STUDIO_CODE, + ROUTE_PORTS_XCODE, ROUTE_PORTS, ROUTE_ROOT, SECTION_COMPONENT_IDS diff --git a/src/data/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/topics.js b/src/data/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/topics.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ad59253 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data/components/organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode/topics.js @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import { CloudDownload, Pantone, QuestionMarkCircle } from "atoms/core/vectors/icons"; +import { ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE_ASSET_CATALOG, ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE_INSTALLATION } from "config/routes/mappings"; + +/** + * The mapping of topics for the "Getting Started" contents cards of the "Nord Xcode" docs page. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const topicsGettingStarted = [ + { + iconComponent: CloudDownload, + iconOutlined: true, + title: "Install and activate the theme", + url: ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE_INSTALLATION + } +]; + +/** + * The mapping of topics for the "References" contents cards of the "Nord Xcode" docs page. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const topicsReferences = [ + { + iconComponent: Pantone, + title: "Use Nord as color set from the asset catalog", + url: ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_XCODE_ASSET_CATALOG + }, + { + iconComponent: QuestionMarkCircle, + title: "Troubleshooting Guide" + } +]; + +export { topicsGettingStarted, topicsReferences }; diff --git a/src/pages/docs/ports/xcode/index.jsx b/src/pages/docs/ports/xcode/index.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9cfc6be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/docs/ports/xcode/index.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import React from "react"; + +import { locationPropTypes } from "data/pages/shared/propTypes"; +import BaseLayout from "layouts/core/BaseLayout"; +import { DocsPage } from "organisms/page/docs"; +import { SectionContents, SectionHero } from "organisms/page/docs/ports/xcode"; + +/** + * The component that represents the docs page of the "Nord Xcode" port project. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.22.0 + */ +const XcodeDocs = ({ location: { pathname } }) => ( + + + + + + +); + +XcodeDocs.propTypes = locationPropTypes; + +export default XcodeDocs; diff --git a/src/pages/ports/xcode.jsx b/src/pages/ports/xcode.jsx index 7c89dfbf..b3d4282d 100644 --- a/src/pages/ports/xcode.jsx +++ b/src/pages/ports/xcode.jsx @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ import React from "react"; import { locationPropTypes } from "data/pages/shared/propTypes"; import BaseLayout from "layouts/core/BaseLayout"; -import { SectionHero } from "organisms/page/ports/xcode"; +import { SectionHero, SectionSyntax, SectionUIElements, SectionSetup } from "organisms/page/ports/xcode"; +import { usePortsAssets } from "hooks"; /** * The component that represents the landing page of the "Nord Xcode" port project. @@ -20,11 +21,17 @@ import { SectionHero } from "organisms/page/ports/xcode"; * @author Sven Greb * @since 0.9.0 */ -const Xcode = ({ location: { pathname } }) => ( - - - -); +const Xcode = ({ location: { pathname } }) => { + const assets = usePortsAssets("xcode"); + return ( + + + + + + + ); +}; Xcode.propTypes = locationPropTypes;