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Guide to set up a full node and create validator for dig mainnet

Replace <name> with your desired string name.

Clone the repo and install

git clone
cd dig/
git checkout master
go install ./...
cd ~
export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin
export GOPATH=~/go


Generate a new key:

digd keys add <keyname>

If you already have a key or a validator, skip the creat-validator step and do:

# To prevent double signing, you should stop the validator node.
digd keys add <keyname> --recover
# Insert you mnemonic seed.
# Then move the ~/.dig/config/priv_validator_key.json file from your old validating machine to the new one, same location.

Running the node

digd init <nodename> --chain-id dig-1

wget -O ~/.dig/config/genesis.json

digd start --p2p.seeds 37b2839da4463b22a51b1fe20d97992164270eba@,e2c96b96d4c3a461fb246edac3b3cdbf47768838@,7c2c4c0b90567395047988309582ac7b1d813756@ --p2p.persistent_peers 33f4788e1c6a378b929c66f31e8d253b9fd47c47@,64eccffdc60a206227032d3a021fbf9dfc686a17@,be7598b2d56fb42a27821259ad14aff24c40f3d2@,f446e37e47297ce9f8951957d17a2ae9a16db0b8@,ab2fa2789f481e2856a5d83a2c3028c5b215421d@,e9e89250b40b4512237c77bd04dc76c06a3f8560@,1539976f4ee196f172369e6f348d60a6e3ec9e93@,85316823bee88f7b05d0cfc671bee861c0237154@,eb55b70c9fd8fc0d5530d0662336377668aab3f9@


To check the validator operating address:

digd keys show <keyname> -a --bech val

Creating validator:

NOTE: The wallet must have a starting balance otherwise the transaction will not be created.

# check wallet balance
digd q bank balances <wallet-address>

# create a validator
digd tx staking create-validator --moniker <validatorname> --from <keyname> --pubkey="$(digd tendermint show-validator)" --amount="1000000udig" --commission-max-rate="0.10" --commission-max-change-rate="0.05" --commission-rate="0.05" --min-self-delegation 1 --chain-id dig-1

# Customize the params as you want

Claim rewards:

digd tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(digd keys show --bech=val -a <keyname>) --from <keyname> --chain-id dig-1

Claim rewards and commission as a validator:

digd tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(digd keys show --bech=val -a <keyname>) --from <keyname> --chain-id dig-1 --commission

Check your node's status:

digd status

If the validator is jailed, try unjailing it with:

digd tx slashing unjail --from=$(digd keys show <keyname> -a) --chain-id dig-1 --fees 10000udig --gas 10000