Instructions on how to contribute to Quill-trait project. Highly inspired by the Quill "core".
The only dependency you need to build Quill locally is Docker.
If you are running Linux, you should also install Docker Compose separately, as described here.
After installing Docker and Docker Compose, you have to run the command bellow in order to setup the databases' schemas. If you don't change any schemas, you will only need to do this once.
docker-compose run --rm setup
After that, just run the command bellow to build and test the project.
docker-compose run --rm sbt sbt test
If you have changed any file that creates a database schema, you will have to setup the databases again. To do this, just run the command bellow.
docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm && docker-compose run --rm setup
Run all tests:
docker-compose run --rm sbt sbt test
Run specific test:
docker-compose run --rm sbt sbt "project quill-trait-coreJVM" "test-only com.nikolastojiljkovic.quilltrait.QueryMetaSpec"
- Run sbt in interactive mode with docker container ports mapped to the host:
docker-compose run --service-ports --rm sbt
Attach debugger to port 15005 of your docker host. In IntelliJ IDEA you should create Remote Run/Debug Configuration, change it port to 15005.
In sbt command line run tests with
or test specific spec by passing full name totest-only
> quill-trait-coreJVM/test-only com.nikolastojiljkovic.quilltrait.QueryMetaSpec