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73 lines (51 loc) · 3.12 KB
title: Updating this website pageNav: 2

Instructions for Updating this Website

This repo/website is for hosting information about the students in the module, to be maintained by CS3281&2 students collectively. %%It is maintained as a separate repo because students need write access to it.%%

General Instructions for Updating This Repo

While this site uses MarkBind, you can use normal markdown syntax for your updates (MarkBind is compatible with Markdown).

All your files are in a students/* sub-folder that is named after you e.g., students/johnDoe. Update the file in that folder with your basic info. After you have pushed the updated files to the repo, your info should appear automatically in [this page]({{ baseUrl }}/), possibly after a lapse of a few minutes.

If you want to preview the generated site for your changes,

  • Install MarkBind
  • Use the markbind serve command to generate the site locally, and ensure the output is as you intended.

Updating Your Basic Info

  • Update a profile photo named photo.png to your folder. %%Naturally, as the purpose of this photo is for others to identify you, you should choose a recent individual photo showing your face clearly (i.e., not too small) -- somewhat similar to a passport photo.%%
  • Update other info in the file in your folder.

Updating Your Project Progress

Update the in your folder periodically, at least once every two weeks.

Week Achievements
1 Reviewed PR: PR name 1 #1234
1 Merged PR: PR name 4 #3245
2 Submitted Issue: Issue name #223
2 Authored PR (put on hold by request): PR name 3 #365
2 Responded to contributor queries: #1234, #4567
| Week | Achievements |
| ---- | ------------ |
| 1 | Reviewed PR: [PR name 1 #1234]() |
| 1 | Merged PR: [PR name 4 #3245]() |
| 2 | Submitted Issue: [Issue name #223]() |
| 2 | Authored PR (put on hold by request): [PR name 3 #365]() |
| 2 | Responded to contributor queries: [#1234](), [#4567]() |


  • The page is for CS3281&2 work only (i.e., contributions to our own internal projects or work under the CS3282 'External Project' component)
  • PR-related contributions: Report only when a PR is merged (or it's finalized in some other way e.g., abandoned)
  • Past PRs can be claimed in future weeks, but not the other way around.
  • Report each significant achievement in a separate row. You may aggregate multiple minor achievements in to a single row.

[CS3281] Updating the Knowledge Gained Page

Update the page in your folder with the knowledge of tools/technologies you gained by doing the project.

[CS3282] Updating the Observations Page

Update the page in your folder with relevant observations from your work under the 'External Project' component.