To start, we ask all candidates to answer the following questions. A paragraph or two each is probably about right:
- What's your proudest achievement? It can be from work, school, a side project, or something unrelated to tech. We're interested in knowing about what you think is noteworthy and motivating.
- Tell us about an interesting school or work-related book, article, or presentation that you saw recently. Tell us why, give us a recommendation, and sell us on it!
- From what you’ve seen on our web site, write about who Nutshell’s customers are, and what problems they’re looking to solve.
- Tell us about the last time you had to reconsider a closely-held opinion. What caused your change in thinking?
Along with the above questions, we have one take-home question to answer - for this question, we recommend writing your answer in whatever language you’re most comfortable in.
To help set expectations, we believe this should take under 2-3 hours to complete. We understand that you have other responsibilities, so if you think you’ll need more than 3-4 days, just let us know when you expect to send a reply!
You might find a convenient way to send us your work.
Many Nutshell components communicate with web servers for their data. Here you’ll interact with a REST API that returns information about people. This API is paginated, so you’ll need to make multiple requests to gather all people.
The URL endpoints look like:
- (... etc.)
When you go beyond the number of full pages, you’ll receive an empty array.
Each page looks like this:
{"name": "Andy Fowler", "email": null, "#_date": "2017-01-03"},
{"name": "Andrew Sardone", "email": "", "#_date": "2017-01-02"},
[ ... and others ...]
Write some code that prints the 5 newest people (by # date) that have a non-null email address.