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Transfer objects between window and node

rogerwang edited this page Oct 10, 2012 · 4 revisions

When you found you can use the require function in the <script> tag, one thing you would be tempted to do is moving every javascript libraries into node modules and use require to use them. Most times you're right to do this, but there're some cases that are terribly wrong on this.


First I should introduce the concept of context, every javascript variable lives in a javascript context, and every javascript context has a root global variable.

In the browser world, every window you opened have a window object in it, and global variables will only live in the window where they're created, so different windows' global variables will not conflict. That's because every browser window (or tab) has its own javascript context, and the window object is the root global variable of the window's javascript context.

In the node.js world, things are similar. Every module in node.js has it's own context (including the main script you passed in command line), so modules' global variables won't fight each other, and if you want to pass variables between contexts, you have to use require and export, this is the fundamental idea of node.js's module system.

But in contrast to browsers, node.js also has a global context which has a global root variable, every global variables lives the global context is accessible from modules' context. So members of global, such as process and console, can be used in modules.

Bridge between window and node

The magic node-webkit does, is simply assigning members of global object to the window object when window's javascript context is created, so you can use require and others in the <script> tag.

So the require function is indeed living in node.js's context, when you execute a module by require(module), node-webkit will execute module's code in node.js's context and then transfer results to the browser window's context.

Another interesting point is the global object, since node-webkit have transferred the global object to window object, you can assign window's DOM elements to the node.js's modules, like this:

// In index.html
global.$ = $;
// In test.js
$('#content').text('Modifying DOM elements');

One node to multiple windows

In node-webkit, every renderer process has only one node.js context. So even you have created many windows, they will share the same global variable, in this way you can store shared information between multiple windows.

But one problem cased by this scheme is, variables you stored in global object may be overlapped by other windows. As an example, if we execute global.$ = $ used above in multiple windows, the global.$ will store only the last window's $ object.

So if you are developing a multiple-window app that may share a module between multiple windows, you should never store DOM elements in the global variable or manipulate DOM elements in node.js modules, instead you need to switch to the traditional web javascript library way:

// In index.html
<script src="test.js"></script>
// In test.js
var test = {}
var local = ...;
test.operation = ...;

Operations that require window context

Even if your app has only one window, there are still some DOM operations that cannot run under node.js context. For example, you may be tempted to wrap the Web SQL Database to a node.js module:

// In index.html
global.window = window;
var cache = require('./cache');
// In cache.js
var db = window.openDatabase(...);
exports.get = function (key, callback) { ... }

If you do so, you will find node-webkit's renderer process crashed, that's because the window.openDatabase requires to run under the browser window's context, which is a limitation of WebKit, and it will just crash when running under node.js's context. So when you want to use such functions, please don't use them as node.js modules.

One thing need to be noted that if you call functions defined in context C1 from context C2, the V8 engine will automatically do the context switch (from C2 to C1) stuff for you. So regarding application architecture, maybe interfacing the code in 2 contexts with functions could be better than just sharing variables.

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