- Renamed MembershipServiceClient getContextMembershipFromPayload() method into getContextMembershipForPayload()
- Renamed MembershipServiceClient getResourceLinkMembershipFromPayload() method into getResourceLinkMembershipForPayload()
- Added methods to MembershipServiceClient to work with NRPS claim
- Updated documentation
- Added github actions CI
- Removed jenkins and travis CI
- Updated oat-sa/lib-lti1p3-core dependency to version 6.0
- Updated documentation
- Added psalm support
- Deleted MembershipServiceServer in favor to MembershipServiceServerRequestHandler (to be used with core LtiServiceServer)
- Updated oat-sa/lib-lti1p3-core dependency to version 5.0
- Updated MembershipServiceServerBuilderInterface parameters to work with registration
- Updated MembershipServiceClient (to work with core LtiServiceClient)
- Updated overall constructors to handle nullable parameters
- Updated documentation
- Added PHP 8 support (and kept >=7.2)
- Updated models to add fluent setter
- Updated MembershipServiceServer to check HTTP method and content type
- Updated MembershipServiceServerBuilderInterface signature to remove registration parameter
- Updated MembershipServiceServerBuilderInterface signature to handle limit and offset as integers
- Updated ContextFactory to cast non string context ids
- Updated Member and MemberCollection to rely on core collections
- Updated oat-sa/lib-lti1p3-core dependency to version 4.0
- Updated documentation
- Removed request dependency from the membership server builder interface signatures
- Enhanced membership relation link handling
- Fixed member message serialization
- Updated documentation
- Added Travis integration
- Upgraded for oat-sa/lib-lti1p3-core version 3.0.0
- Updated documentation
- Added NRPS tool side features to get memberships from LTI 1.3 messages
- Provided NRPS tool side (client)
- Provided NRPS platform side (server)
- Ensured IMS NRPS tool certification compliance