{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}
import Data.Aeson import Data.Constraint import Data.Constraint.Forall import Data.Constraint.Extras import Data.Constraint.Extras.TH
A "simple" GADT.
data A :: * -> * where A_a :: A Int A_b :: Int -> A ()
deriveArgDict ''A
A GADT which uses A
data B :: * -> * where B_a :: A a -> A a -> B a B_x :: Int -> B Int
deriveArgDict ''B
A GADT which has a non-Type
data V :: (* -> *) -> * where V_a :: A Int -> V A
deriveArgDict ''V
Now let's actually use them
data DSum k f = forall a. DSum (k a) (f a)
-- Derive a ToJSON instance for our 'DSum' instance forall k f. ( Has' ToJSON k f -- Given a value of type (k a), we can obtain an instance (ToJSON (f a)) , ForallF ToJSON k -- For any (a), we have an instance (ToJSON (k a)) ) => ToJSON (DSum k f) where toJSON (DSum (k :: k a) f) = toJSON ( whichever @ToJSON @k @a $ toJSON k -- Use the (ForallF ToJSON k) constraint to obtain the (ToJSON (k a)) instance , has' @ToJSON @f k $ toJSON f -- Use the (Has' ToJSON k f) constraint to obtain the (ToJSON (f a)) instance )
data Some k = forall a. Some (k a)
-- Derive a FromJSON instance for our 'DSum' instance (FromJSON (Some f), Has' FromJSON f g) => FromJSON (DSum f g) where parseJSON x = do (jf, jg) <- parseJSON x Some (f :: f a) <- parseJSON jf g <- has' @FromJSON @g f (parseJSON jg) return $ DSum f g
We can hand-write an instance for there being non-finite indices.
data SimpleExpr :: * -> * where SimpleExpr_BoolLit :: Bool -> SimpleExpr Bool SimpleExpr_IntLit :: Int -> SimpleExpr Int -- crude non-empty list SimpleExpr_ListLit :: SimpleExpr a -> [SimpleExpr a] -> SimpleExpr [a]
class ( c Int , c Bool , (forall a. (forall c'. ConstraintsFor SimpleExpr c' => c' a) => c [a]) ) => ConstraintsForSimpleExpr c instance ( c Int , c Bool , (forall a. (forall c'. ConstraintsFor SimpleExpr c' => c' a) => c [a]) ) => ConstraintsForSimpleExpr c
instance ArgDict SimpleExpr where type ConstraintsFor SimpleExpr c = ConstraintsForSimpleExpr c argDictAll = go where go :: forall c a. ConstraintsFor SimpleExpr c => SimpleExpr a -> Dict (c a) go = \case SimpleExpr_BoolLit _ -> Dict SimpleExpr_IntLit _ -> Dict SimpleExpr_ListLit h _ -> hasAll h Dict
We have the instances we want:
abstractConstraintWitnesses :: Has c SimpleExpr => Dict (c Int, c Bool, c [Int], c [Bool], c [[Int]], c [[Bool]]) abstractConstraintWitnesses = Dict
concreteClassSmokeTest :: Dict (Has Show SimpleExpr) concreteClassSmokeTest = Dict
Even in when we have no "slack" (instances beyond what Has
class Minimal a instance Minimal Int instance Minimal Bool instance Minimal a => Minimal [a]
minimalWitness :: Dict (Has Minimal SimpleExpr) minimalWitness = Dict
The funny "Leibtnitz-style" forall c'
is so fancier things than Minimal
(which also might not be satisfied for other args) also work:
class MinimalPing a class MinimalPong a instance MinimalPing Int instance MinimalPong Int instance MinimalPing Bool instance MinimalPong Bool instance MinimalPing a => MinimalPong [a] instance MinimalPong a => MinimalPing [a]
minimalPingPongWitness :: Dict (Has MinimalPing SimpleExpr, Has MinimalPong SimpleExpr) minimalPingPongWitness = Dict
We can also hand-write instances which take advantage of constructor's dictionaries
data WithOrd a where WithOrd :: Ord a => WithOrd a
-- class to avoid impredicativity class (forall a. Ord a => c a) => ConstraintsForWithOrd c instance (forall a. Ord a => c a) => ConstraintsForWithOrd c
instance ArgDict WithOrd where type ConstraintsFor WithOrd c = ConstraintsForWithOrd c argDictAll WithOrd = Dict
Now we can use the constructor dictionary to discharge constraints.
We can get out Ord a
useThisOrd :: WithOrd a -> a -> a -> Ordering useThisOrd wo x y = has @Ord wo $ x
and things derivable from it:
useThisOrdSuperclass :: WithOrd a -> a -> a -> Bool useThisOrdSuperclass wo x y = has @Eq wo $ x == y
useThisOrdImplication :: WithOrd a -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool useThisOrdImplication wo x y = has @Eq wo $ x == y
Oh, and let's make this README build
main :: IO () main = return ()