diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5071b545..c845ec14 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
[API reference](https://ocaml-multicore.github.io/kcas/doc/) ·
+[Benchmarks](https://bench.ci.dev/ocaml-multicore/kcas/branch/main) ·
+[Stdlib Benchmarks](https://bench.ci.dev/ocaml-multicore/multicore-bench/branch/main)
diff --git a/bench/bench_atomic.ml b/bench/bench_atomic.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 41af3679..00000000
--- a/bench/bench_atomic.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-open Multicore_bench
-module Atomic = struct
- include Stdlib.Atomic
- let rec modify ?(backoff = Backoff.default) x f =
- let before = Atomic.get x in
- let after = f before in
- if not (Atomic.compare_and_set x before after) then
- modify ~backoff:(Backoff.once backoff) x f
-type t =
- | Op : string * int * 'a * ('a Atomic.t -> unit) * ('a Atomic.t -> unit) -> t
-let run_one ~budgetf ?(n_iter = 500 * Util.iter_factor)
- (Op (name, extra, value, op1, op2)) =
- let n_iter = n_iter * extra in
- let loc = Atomic.make value in
- let init _ = () in
- let work _ () =
- let rec loop i =
- if i > 0 then begin
- op1 loc;
- op2 loc;
- loop (i - 2)
- end
- in
- loop n_iter
- in
- Times.record ~budgetf ~n_domains:1 ~init ~work ()
- |> Times.to_thruput_metrics ~n:n_iter ~singular:"op" ~config:name
-let run_suite ~budgetf =
- [
- (let get x = Atomic.get x |> ignore in
- Op ("get", 10, 42, get, get));
- (let incr x = Atomic.incr x in
- Op ("incr", 1, 0, incr, incr));
- (let push x = Atomic.modify x (fun xs -> 101 :: xs)
- and pop x = Atomic.modify x (function [] -> [] | _ :: xs -> xs) in
- Op ("push & pop", 2, [], push, pop));
- (let cas01 x = Atomic.compare_and_set x 0 1 |> ignore
- and cas10 x = Atomic.compare_and_set x 1 0 |> ignore in
- Op ("cas int", 1, 0, cas01, cas10));
- (let xchg1 x = Atomic.exchange x 1 |> ignore
- and xchg0 x = Atomic.exchange x 0 |> ignore in
- Op ("xchg int", 1, 0, xchg1, xchg0));
- (let swap x = Atomic.modify x (fun (x, y) -> (y, x)) in
- Op ("swap", 2, (4, 2), swap, swap));
- ]
- |> List.concat_map @@ run_one ~budgetf
diff --git a/bench/bench_ref.ml b/bench/bench_ref.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 93ed9281..00000000
--- a/bench/bench_ref.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-open Multicore_bench
-module Ref = struct
- type 'a t = 'a ref
- let make = ref
- let get = ( ! )
- let[@poll error] [@inline never] incr x = x := !x + 1
- let[@poll error] [@inline never] compare_and_set x before after =
- !x == before
- && begin
- x := after;
- true
- end
- let[@poll error] [@inline never] exchange x after =
- let before = !x in
- x := after;
- before
- let rec modify ?(backoff = Backoff.default) x f =
- let before = get x in
- let after = f before in
- if not (compare_and_set x before after) then
- modify ~backoff:(Backoff.once backoff) x f
-type t = Op : string * int * 'a * ('a Ref.t -> unit) * ('a Ref.t -> unit) -> t
-let run_one ~budgetf ?(n_iter = 500 * Util.iter_factor)
- (Op (name, extra, value, op1, op2)) =
- let n_iter = n_iter * extra in
- let loc = Ref.make value in
- let init _ = () in
- let work _ () =
- let rec loop i =
- if i > 0 then begin
- op1 loc;
- op2 loc;
- loop (i - 2)
- end
- in
- loop n_iter
- in
- Times.record ~budgetf ~n_domains:1 ~init ~work ()
- |> Times.to_thruput_metrics ~n:n_iter ~singular:"op" ~config:name
-let run_suite ~budgetf =
- [
- (let get x = Ref.get x |> ignore in
- Op ("get", 10, 42, get, get));
- (let incr x = Ref.incr x in
- Op ("incr", 1, 0, incr, incr));
- (let push x = Ref.modify x (fun xs -> 101 :: xs)
- and pop x = Ref.modify x (function [] -> [] | _ :: xs -> xs) in
- Op ("push & pop", 2, [], push, pop));
- (let cas01 x = Ref.compare_and_set x 0 1 |> ignore
- and cas10 x = Ref.compare_and_set x 1 0 |> ignore in
- Op ("cas int", 1, 0, cas01, cas10));
- (let xchg1 x = Ref.exchange x 1 |> ignore
- and xchg0 x = Ref.exchange x 0 |> ignore in
- Op ("xchg int", 1, 0, xchg1, xchg0));
- (let swap x = Ref.modify x (fun (x, y) -> (y, x)) in
- Op ("swap", 2, (4, 2), swap, swap));
- ]
- |> List.concat_map @@ run_one ~budgetf
diff --git a/bench/bench_ref_mutex.ml b/bench/bench_ref_mutex.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 565b715e..00000000
--- a/bench/bench_ref_mutex.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-open Multicore_bench
-module Ref = struct
- type 'a t = 'a ref
- let make = ref
- let[@inline] compare_and_set x before after =
- !x == before
- && begin
- x := after;
- true
- end
- let[@inline] exchange x after =
- let before = !x in
- x := after;
- before
-type t = Op : string * 'a * ('a Ref.t -> unit) * ('a Ref.t -> unit) -> t
-(** For some reason allocating the mutex inside [run_one] tends to cause
- performance hiccups, i.e. some operations appear to be 10x slower than
- others, which doesn't make sense. So, we allocate the mutex here. *)
-let mutex = Mutex.create ()
-let run_one ~budgetf ?(n_iter = 250 * Util.iter_factor)
- (Op (name, value, op1, op2)) =
- let loc = Ref.make value in
- let init _ = () in
- let work _ () =
- let rec loop i =
- if i > 0 then begin
- Mutex.lock mutex;
- op1 loc;
- Mutex.unlock mutex;
- Mutex.lock mutex;
- op2 loc;
- Mutex.unlock mutex;
- loop (i - 2)
- end
- in
- loop n_iter
- in
- Times.record ~budgetf ~n_domains:1 ~init ~work ()
- |> Times.to_thruput_metrics ~n:n_iter ~singular:"op" ~config:name
-let run_suite ~budgetf =
- [
- (let get x = !x |> ignore in
- Op ("get", 42, get, get));
- (let incr x = x := !x + 1 in
- Op ("incr", 0, incr, incr));
- (let push x = x := 101 :: !x
- and pop x = match !x with [] -> () | _ :: xs -> x := xs in
- Op ("push & pop", [], push, pop));
- (let cas01 x = Ref.compare_and_set x 0 1 |> ignore
- and cas10 x = Ref.compare_and_set x 1 0 |> ignore in
- Op ("cas int", 0, cas01, cas10));
- (let xchg1 x = Ref.exchange x 1 |> ignore
- and xchg0 x = Ref.exchange x 0 |> ignore in
- Op ("xchg int", 0, xchg1, xchg0));
- (let swap x =
- let l, r = !x in
- x := (r, l)
- in
- Op ("swap", (4, 2), swap, swap));
- ]
- |> List.concat_map @@ run_one ~budgetf
diff --git a/bench/dune b/bench/dune
index a83c16c3..cd97da36 100644
--- a/bench/dune
+++ b/bench/dune
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ let () =
(name main)
(package kcas_data)
+ (action
+ (run %{test} -brief))
diff --git a/bench/main.ml b/bench/main.ml
index 633f822e..bae69dbd 100644
--- a/bench/main.ml
+++ b/bench/main.ml
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
let benchmarks =
- ("Ref with [@poll error]", Bench_ref.run_suite);
- ("Ref with Mutex", Bench_ref_mutex.run_suite);
- ("Atomic", Bench_atomic.run_suite);
("Kcas Loc", Bench_loc.run_suite);
("Kcas Xt", Bench_xt.run_suite);
("Kcas Xt read-only", Bench_xt_ro.run_suite);
diff --git a/dune-project b/dune-project
index 39bea0f6..fd8fed23 100644
--- a/dune-project
+++ b/dune-project
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
- (>= 0.1.1)
+ (>= 0.1.2)
diff --git a/kcas_data.opam b/kcas_data.opam
index 2745d885..0791b04d 100644
--- a/kcas_data.opam
+++ b/kcas_data.opam
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ depends: [
"backoff" {>= "0.1.0" & with-test}
"domain-local-await" {>= "1.0.1" & with-test}
"domain_shims" {>= "0.1.0" & with-test}
- "multicore-bench" {>= "0.1.1" & with-test}
+ "multicore-bench" {>= "0.1.2" & with-test}
"alcotest" {>= "1.7.0" & with-test}
"qcheck-core" {>= "0.21.2" & with-test}
"qcheck-stm" {>= "0.3" & with-test}