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OpenDDS and Android

How to build OpenDDS for Android and incorperate OpenDDS into Android apps.


The following table describes some of the variables of paths that are referenced in this guide. You don't have to actually set and use these, they are mostly for shorthand.

Variable Description
$DDS_ROOT OpenDDS being built for Android
$HOST_DDS OpenDDS host to help build OpenDDS for Android
$ACE_ROOT ACE being built for Android
$NDK The Android NDK
$TOOLCHAIN The Generated Toolchain
$SDK The Android SDK (By default $HOME/Android/Sdk)
$STUDIO Android Studio
$JDK The Java SDK


To follow along this guide and build OpenDDS you will need:

  • A Unix system supported by both OpenDDS and the Android NDK.
    • This guide was developed on a Linux system, but should work on macOS as well.
    • On Windows, a virtual Unix system 1 can be used to build the OpenDDS and IDL libraries. Then they can be transfered to Windows where they can be used in Android Studio as they would be used on Linux.
  • OpenDDS 3.14 or higher.
  • Android Native Development Kit (NDK) r18 or higher. You can download it separately from or using the SDK Manager that comes with Android Studio. If you download the NDK using the SDK Manager, this is located in $SDK/ndk-bundle.
  • Some knowledge about OpenDDS and Android development will be assumed, but more OpenDDS knowledge will be assumed than Android knowledge.

In addition to those, building OpenDDS with optional dependencies also have requirements not listed here but will in their own sections.

The "Using OpenDDS in a Android App" section assumes the use of Android Studio, but the will also work when just using the Android SDK.

Building OpenDDS for Android

As Android targets multiple architectures and has many versions, an architecture and minimum API version to use will have to be decided. As of writing this page lists Android version numbers and their corresponding API versions. You will have to do a separate build for each architecture if you want to build OpenDDS for multiple architectures.

A standalone toolchain is required and can be generated by using $NDK/build/tools/ For example, to create a toolchain for 32-bit ARM Android 7.0 "Nougat" and later:

$NDK/build/tools/ --arch arm --api 24 --install-dir $TOOLCHAIN

Once a toolchain is obtained, OpenDDS can be configured to cross compile for Android by passing --target=android and --macros=ANDROID_ABI=<ARCH> to the OpenDDS configure script. The --arch argument for and --macros=ANDROID_ABI=<ARCH> argument for the configure script must match according to this table:

--arch ANDROID_ABI $ABI_PREFIX Description
arm armeabi-v7a arm-linux-androideabi 32-bit ARM
arm armeabi-v7a-with-neon arm-linux-androideabi 32-bit ARM with NEON
arm64 arm64-v8a aarch64-linux-android 64-bit ARM
x86 x86 i686-linux-android 32-bit x86
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64-linux-android 64-bit x86

For example, to build OpenDDS with the toolchain generated in the previous example, we can use armeabi-v7a 2.

NOTE: If you want to use Java or DDS Security, read those sections before configuring and building OpenDDS.

./configure --no-tests --doc-group --target=android --macros=ANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a
PATH=$PATH:$TOOLCHAIN/bin make # Pass -j/--jobs with an appropriate value or this'll take a while...

Host Tools

To cross-compile OpenDDS, host tools are required to process IDL. The example above generates two copies of OpenDDS, one in OpenDDS/build/host and another in OpenDDS/build/target. If this is the case, then $HOST_DDS will be the absolute path to build/host and $DDS_ROOT will be the absolute path to build/target.

If building for more than one architecture, which will be necessary to cover the largest number of Android devices possible, it might make sense to build the OpenDDS host tools separately to cut down on compile time and disk space.

If this is the case, then $HOST_DDS will be the location of the static host tools built for the host platform and $DDS_ROOT will just be the location of the OpenDDS source code.

This should be done with the same version of OpenDDS and ACE/TAO as what you want to build for Android. Pass --host-tools-only to the configure script to generate static host tools. Also pass --java $JDK if you plan on using Java.

If you want to just the minimum needed for host OpenDDS tools and get rid of the rest of the source files, you can. These are the binaries that make up the OpenDDS host tools:

  • $HOST_DDS/bin/opendds_idl
  • $HOST_DDS/bin/idl2jni (if using the OpenDDS Java API)
  • $HOST_DDS/ACE_TAO/bin/ace_gperf
  • $HOST_DDS/ACE_TAO/bin/tao_idl

These files can be separated from the rest of the OpenDDS and ACE/TAO source trees, but the directory structure must be kept. To use these to build OpenDDS for Android, pass --host-tools $HOST_DDS to the configure script.

OpenDDS's Optional Dependencies


To use OpenDDS in the traditional Android development language, Java, you will need to build the Java bindings when building OpenDDS. See ../java/README for details. For Android you can use the JDK provided with Android Studio, so JDK=$STUDIO/jre. Pass --java=$JDK to the OpenDDS configure script.


OpenSSL is required for OpenDDS Security. Fortunately it comes with a configuration for Android, please read NOTES.ANDROID that comes with OpenSSL's source code for how to build OpenSSL for Android.

Android preloads the system SSL library (either OpenSSL or BoringSSL) for the Java Android API, so OpenSSL MUST be statically linked to the OpenDDS security library. The static libraries will used if the shared libraries are not found. This can be accomplished by either disabling the generation of the shared libraries by passing no-shared to OpenSSL's Configure script or just deleting the so files after building OpenSSL.


Xerces is also required for OpenDDS Security. It does not support Android specifically, but it comes with a CMake build script that can be paired with the Android NDK's CMake cross compile file.

Xerces requires a supported "transcoder" library. For API levels greater than or equal to 28 one of these is included with Android, GNU libiconv. Before 28 any of the transcoders supported by Xerces would work theoretically but GNU libiconv was the one tested.

Cross-Compiling IDL Libraries

Like all OpenDDS applications, you will need to use type support libraries generated from IDL files to use most of OpenDDS's functionality.

Assuming the library is already setup and works for a desktop platform, then you should be able to run:

(source $DDS_ROOT/; -type gnuace . && PATH=$PATH:$TOOLCHAIN/bin make)

The resulting native IDL library file must be included with the rest of the native library files.

Java IDL Libraries

Java support for your IDL, assuming OpenDDS was built with Java, will available by inheriting dcps_java in your IDL MPC project and will be built along with the native IDL libraries using the command above.

Java IDL libraries consist of two components: a Java jar library file and a supporting native library so file. This native library must be included with the other native library files, and is different than the regular native IDL type support library.

Using OpenDDS in a Android App

After building OpenDDS and generating the IDL libraries, you will need to set up an app to be able to use OpenDDS.

There is an OpenDDS demo for using OpenDDS over the Internet that includes an Android app built using these instructions:

Adding the OpenDDS Native Libraries to the App

In your app's build.gradle (NOT THE ONE OF THE SAME NAME IN THE ROOT OF THE PROJECT) add this to the android section:

    sourceSets {
        main {
            jniLibs.srcDirs 'native_libs'

native_libs is not a required name, but it needs to contain subdirectories named after the ANDROID_ABI of the native libraries it contains (See the ABI/architecture table).

The exact list of libraries to include depend on what features you're using but the basic list of library file for OpenDDS are as follows:

  • If not already included because of a separate C++ NDK project, you must include the Clang C++ Standard Library. This is located at $TOOLCHAIN/sysroot/usr/lib/$ABI_PREFIX/ where $ABI_PREFIX is an identifier for the architecture and can be found in the ABI/architecture table.

  • $DDS_ROOT/lib/

  • $ACE_ROOT/lib/

  • $ACE_ROOT/lib/

  • $ACE_ROOT/lib/

  • $ACE_ROOT/lib/

  • $ACE_ROOT/lib/

  • $ACE_ROOT/lib/

  • The following are the transport libraries, one for each transport type. You will need at least one of these, depending on the transport(s) you want to use:

    • $DDS_ROOT/lib/
      • You will also need $DDS_ROOT/lib/
    • $DDS_ROOT/lib/
    • $DDS_ROOT/lib/
    • $DDS_ROOT/lib/
    • $DDS_ROOT/lib/
  • The type support library for your IDL

  • Required to use InfoRepo Peer Discovery:

    • $DDS_ROOT/lib/
    • $ACE_ROOT/lib/
  • Required to use OpenDDS Security:

    • $ACE_ROOT/lib/
    • $DDS_ROOT/lib/
    • libxerces-c-3.*.so
    • if it is necessary to include it.
  • In addition to the jars listed below, the following native libraries are required for using the Java API:

This list might not be complete, especially if you're using a major feature not listed here.

Adding OpenDDS Java Libraries to the App

In your app's build.gradle (NOT THE ONE OF THE SAME NAME IN THE ROOT OF THE PROJECT) add this to the dependencies section if not already there:

    implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')

Copy these jar files from $DDS_ROOT/lib to a directory called libs in your app's subdirectory. Create libs if it doesn't exist. Like native_libs the libs name isn't required.

Also copy the jar files from your IDL Libraries and sync with Gradle if you're using Android Studio. After this OpenDDS Java API should be able to be used the same as if using OpenDDS with the Hotspot JVM. The exceptions and particulars to how Android can effect OpenDDS are described in the following sections.

Network Permissions and Availability

In AndroidManifest.xml you will need to add the network permissions if they are not already there:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

Failure to do so will result in ACE failing to access any sockets and OpenDDS will not be able to function.

In addition to this if no networks are active when OpenDDS is initialized, then the result will similar. For now it will be up to the app developer to assess network availability before initializing OpenDDS. On Android this can be done using the ConnectivityManager, but the exact method for doing so will depend on the API level and the needs of the app.

OpenDDS Configuration Files

OpenDDS can use several types of files: a main configuration file, security configuration files, and security certificate files, among others. On traditional platforms, distributing and reading these files is usually not an issue at all. On Android however, an app has no traditional files of it's own out of the box, so you can't give OpenDDS a path to a file you want to distribute with the app without preparing beforehand.

If you already have a preferred way to include files in your app, then that will work as long as you can give OpenDDS the path to the files.

Android can open a file stream for resource and asset files. Ideally OpenDDS would be able to accept these streams, but it doesn't. One solution to this is reading the streams into memory and then writing them to files in the app's private directory. This example is using assets, but resources will also work with some slight modifications.

// ...
    private String copyAsset(String asset_path) {
        File new_file = new File(getFilesDir(), asset_path);
        final String full_path = new_file.getAbsolutePath();
        try {
            InputStream in = getAssets().open(asset_path, AssetManager.ACCESS_BUFFER);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[in.available()];
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new_file);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return full_path;
// ...

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ...

        final String config_file = copyAsset("opendds_config.ini");
        String[] args = new String[] {"-DCPSConfigFile", config_file};
        StringSeqHolder argsHolder = new StringSeqHolder(args);
        dpf = TheParticipantFactory.WithArgs(argsHolder);
        // ...
// ...

This example works but in production code the error handling should be improved and integrated with the app's initialization. Rewriting the file every time is not ideal, but OpenDDS's files are small and this method ensures the files are up-to-date.


When using a DataReaderListener, the callbacks will be using a ACE reactor worker thread, which can't make changes to the Android GUI directly because it's not the main thread. To have these callbacks affect changes in the Android GUI, use something like android.os.Handler:

// ...

import android.os.Handler;

// ...

public class DataReaderListenerImpl extends DDS._DataReaderListenerLocalBase {

    private MainActivity context;

    public DataReaderListenerImpl(MainActivity context) {
        this.context = context;

    public synchronized void on_data_available(DDS.DataReader reader) {
        StatusDataReader mdr = StatusDataReaderHelper.narrow(reader);
        if (mdr == null) {
        StatusHolder mh = new StatusHolder(new Status());
        SampleInfoHolder sih = new SampleInfoHolder(new SampleInfo(0, 0, 0,
                new DDS.Time_t(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0));
        int status = mdr.take_next_sample(mh, sih);

        if (status == RETCODE_OK.value) {

            // ...

            Handler handler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());
   Runnable() {
                public void run() {

Android Activity Lifecycle

The Android Activity Lifecycle is something that affects all Android apps. In the case of OpenDDS, the interaction gets more complicated because of the intersection of the similar, but distinct process lifecycle. The process hosts the activity, but isn't guaranteed to be kept alive after onStop() is called. What makes this worse for NDK applications is that there doesn't seem to be a way to be warned of the killing of the process the way Java application can rely on onDestroyed(). For most applications of OpenDDS, this isn't a serious issue but it's not ideal.

An easy way to make sure participants are cleaned up is created participants in onStart() as might be expected, but always deleting them in onStop(), so that they may be created again in onStart(). The DomainParticpantFactory can be retrieved either in onStart() or more perhaps appropriately in Application.onStart(), given the singleton nature of both.

This might not be ideal or efficient though, because deleting and recreating participants will happen every time the app loses focus, like during orientation changes. An alternative to this would be running OpenDDS within an Android Sevice separate from the main app, but this hasn't been fully explored yet.


  1. This can be Docker, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), or a traditional VM. The Android NDK for Windows might work if the build was set up correctly but this hasn't been tested.
  1. The choice to support NEON or not is beyond the scope of this guide. See "NEON Support" for more information.