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'<h1>Overview</h1>\n<p>This page provides a short tutorial for the online analysis interface for INTEGRAL/JEMX data.<br/>\nMore details can be found on the <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.12895" target="_blank">AstrODA paper</a>. This is a web interface runs the OSA INTEGRAL analysis on servers of the Universit of Geneva.<br/>\nDetails on INTEGRAL analysis can be found at the <a href="https://www.isdc.unige.ch/integral/analysis" target="_blank">ISDC pages</a>.<br/><strong>In each session, the analysis is limited to 50 science windows.<br/>\nIf a request takes too long for you to wait, just send it again after some hours: the results will appear in a few seconds, if the request is the same.</strong></p>\n<div class="toc-item-anchor"><a name="toc-1"></a></div><h2 class="toc-headings">Source query panel</h2><div class="toc-top-links"></div>\n<p>Top panel of the interface defines parameters of analysis not specific to JEM-X. You can select a source and a time interval. The tool will select for you<br/>\nat most 50 science windows within your time interval.</p>\n<p><img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/Top_oda_2.png"/></p>\n<p> </p>\n<div class="toc-item-anchor"><a name="toc-2"></a></div><h2 class="toc-headings">Instrument query panel</h2><div class="toc-top-links"></div>\n<p>JEM-X specific parameters appear when "INTEGRAL JEM-X" button is selected in the virtual desktop field. Note the specificity to select one JEM-X unit.</p>\n<p><img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/JEM-X-panel.png" style="height:1189px; width:489px"/></p>\n<p>A box with parameters for imaging, spectral and timing analysis appears in this case.</p>\n<h1>Analysis thread</h1>\n<p>Generic analysis flow typically starts from Imaging analysis and proceeds through Imaging -> Speactral/Timing analysis chains. Spectral and timing analysis steps rely on results of the imaging analysis (on catalog of sources found in imaging analysis) and it is recommended to always start from the imaging analysis step and refine the catalog. Note that for part of the mission, only one of the two JEM-X modules was active in alternance. One can check from the <a href="https://www.isdc.unige.ch/integral/archive" target="_blank">INTEGRAL Archive Query page</a> which one was active at a give time, or one can try with one unit and then the other one. The analysis steps are described below: </p>\n<div class="toc-item-anchor"><a name="toc-3"></a></div><h2 class="toc-headings">QUERY DATA</h2><div class="toc-top-links"></div>\n<ol><li>Start analysis from choosing the source name of interest and resolve the coordinates with the "Resolve" button.</li>\n<li>Define time interval for the data. This could be done either in the "Start time" / "End time" fields in the multi-instrument top panel or by providing the list of telescope pointings (Science Windows, SCW) in the dedicated parameter box in parameter box in INTEGRAL JEM-X panel (Format is "219900320010.001,219900330010.001"). Note that SCW list input overrides the generic time interval input. Maximum number of SCWs is currently limited to 50: if more than 50 science windows are present in the selected time interval, a random selection of 50 science windows is performed.<br/><img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/Science-Wndow-list-jemx.png" style="height:362px; width:300px"/><br/><img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/Top_oda_2.png" style="height:263px; width:600px"/></li>\n</ol><div class="toc-item-anchor"><a name="toc-4"></a></div><h2 class="toc-headings">IMAGING ANALYSIS</h2><div class="toc-top-links"></div>\n<ol><li>Select "Image" checkbox and enter the energy interval for image extraction. Note that the analysis results are cached and entering "standard" energy bounds (e.g. 3-20 keV) might speed up the analysis because exsiting results would be evoked from cache memory rather than produced from scratch).</li>\n<li>Optionally enter parameters for image and imaging results display: limits for the minimum and maximum significance which define the image color scale and minimal significance of detected source to be displayed in the imaging results catalog.</li>\n<li>Launch imaging analysis by pressing "Submit" button at the bottom of the INTEGRAL JEM-X parameter panel.</li>\n<li>Mosaic image is displayed in the centre of workspace. Inspect the image to check if your source of interest is detected.<br/><img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/image_jemx.png" style="height:497px; width:600px"/></li>\n<li>Click on "catalog" button. If your source of interest is detected in mosaic with significance higher than previously defined significance threshold, the source should appear in the catalog. You also have an option to download the catalog in FITS or ASCII format for further analysis. You can add a source etc. <br/>\n\t </li>\n</ol><div class="toc-item-anchor"><a name="toc-5"></a></div><h2 class="toc-headings">SPECTRAL ANALYSIS</h2><div class="toc-top-links"></div>\n<ol><li>Prepare the catalog for the spectral analysis from an image result. When you check a source, you can make an operation on it, like deleting. You can edit values. The catalog which appears will be used for the analysis when you click on "use catalog". Note that you can also load a catalog, extracted for instance with JEMX. If the source of interest source is weak, you should select FLAG=1 to force the spectral extraction.<br/><img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/catalog_jemx.png" style="height:311px; width:400px"/><img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/catalog_box_0.png" style="height:461px; width:300px"/></li>\n<li>If "Use catalog" is not clicked. the full imaging catalog will be given as input for the spectral analysis, but without "FLAG" selection. Spectra of all sources found in imaging will be generated (processing might take more time in this case). If there sources brighter than your source of interest in the mosaic image it is advised to include at least all the brighter sources in the spectral analysis. Otherwise the spectrum of the source of interest could not be reliable.</li>\n<li>Check the "Spectum" box in INTEGRAL JEM-X parameter field. </li>\n<li>Launch spectral analysis by clicking "Submit" button. Once the analysis is done, a panel with the list of sources for which the spectra were produced displays in the centre of the INTEGRAL JEMX workspace. You could click on "fit" button next to your source of interest to see the results of the analysis. At this stage you can choose the spectral model. Results includes a plot of the spectrum and the result of the spectral model fitting in XSPEC.<br/><img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/fit_jemx.png" style="height:885px; width:850px"/></li>\n<li>You also have a possibility to download the spectrum in FITS format for further analysis.<br/><img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/spectrum_results_jemx.png" style="height:462px; width:300px"/></li>\n</ol><div class="toc-item-anchor"><a name="toc-6"></a></div><h2 class="toc-headings">TIMING ANALYSIS</h2><div class="toc-top-links"></div>\n<ol><li>\n<p>Check the "Lightcurve" checkbox. An additional set of parameters for lightcurve production shows up at the bottom of INTEGRAL JEM-X parameter panel. Enter the width of the time bin for the lightcurve. The Start and end time of the lightcurve are determined by the time limits set in the top multi-instrument panel or by the list of SCWs in the INTEGRAL JEM-X parameter panel. Note that the maximum number of SCWs is 50. There is no maximal length of the time bin in the lightcurve, but it is highly suggested not to exceed one sceince windw typical duration (~2 ks).</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>The selection of sources for the timing analysis is performed identically to the spectral analysis, above.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Launch the lightcurve extraction by pressing "Submit" button. Once the lightcurve is produced, the list of sources is displayed in the center of the workspace. One has to click on "view" to see the light curve together with the result of fitting on constant and linear function. You have a possibility to download the lightcrve in FITS OGIP-compliant format for further analysis.</p>\n<p> <img alt="" src="/cdci/astrooda/sites/default/files/lc_jemx.png" style="height:450px; width:600px"/></p>\n</li>\n</ol><div class="toc-item-anchor"><a name="toc-7"></a></div><h2 class="toc-headings">CAVEATS / KNOWN ISSUES</h2><div class="toc-top-links"></div>\n<p>A) If the source is not detected on single SCW level no empty lightcurve file is produced.</p>\n<p>B) Maximal width of the lightcurve time bin is now one SCW. Enetring longer time bin width would result in generation of SCW-by-SCW lightcurve.</p>\n<p>C) Entering width of the time bin shorter than 10 seconds for the spectral extraction would lead to exceedingly long processing time and finally to the timeout of the session because of the specific of currently used spectral extraction tool, <em>ii_lc_extract</em> (during the testing period). Possibility to choose between <em>ii_lc_extract</em> and an alternative tool, <em>ii_light</em> , is foreseen for the production phase. </p>\n'