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Getting set up

Ian Hakes edited this page Aug 24, 2019 · 20 revisions

Okta's developer documentation (this repo) is built using the VuePress site generator.

There are currently 2 parts to the site: the content and the theming/plugins.


We recommend using one of the package manager options for installation as specified in the installation sites.

Before getting started, open a terminal window and make sure these commands work:

node --version

yarn --version

Local setup

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone (use the Clone or download button on the main repo page)
  3. Install the dependencies with yarn:
cd okta-developer-docs

yarn install

This will install everything you need to build the documentation on your machine.

Previewing the site

With the above steps completed, you can start a preview server by running this command inside the cloned directory:

yarn dev

This starts a preview server on your machine, and watches all files for changes. Open http://localhost:8080/docs/ to view the documentation.

Note: if you try to visit the root, you will get a 404 page. You must visit a path corresponding to a directory under vuepress-site, like /docs/.

The preview server supports hot reloading. Once the server is running on your machine, any changes you make to Markdown content will appear automatically in your browser within a few seconds. Note that changes to page frontmatter or site configuration require you to stop and start the preview server.

Stop the preview server by pressing CTRL+c