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0.886043026 0.892264723 0.904872346 0.924202864 0.95078367 0.985360867 1.028940439 1.082845679 1.148795646 1.229011138 1.326356796 1.44453015 1.588310038 1.763875668 1.979198401 2.244478855 2.572524859 2.978784733 3.480361833 4.092601182 4.820763129 5.643771665 6.490482862 7.22249158 7.657751454 7.657751454 7.22249158 6.490482862 5.643771665 4.820763129 4.092601182 3.480361833 2.978784733 2.572524859 2.244478855 1.979198401 1.763875668 1.588310038 1.44453015 1.326356796 1.229011138 1.148795646 1.082845679 1.028940439 0.985360867 0.95078367 0.924202864 0.904872346 0.892264723 0.886043026