another url shortener
The idea behind this project is to create a fast reliable url shortener that offers access to customizable urls, simple analytics and notifications.
This project has been implemented in Go, because it is amazing, and I choosed Aerospike since it is an amazing Database with low latency.
To install the aerospike server follow these instructions. In order to have a good configuration, we need to change the instructions.
# Start aerospike if not done already
# - generate config files
$ sudo service aerospike start
# Open the configuration
$ vim /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf
namespace kurz {
memory-size 1G # In-memory size
default-ttl 0 # Data will stay for ever
storage-engine memory
# Disk backup
storage-device device {
file /opt/aerospike/data/kurz.dat # Target file
filesize 1G # Backup file size
data-in-memory true # In-memory and on disk
# Close with :wq
# Restart aerospike
$ sudo service aerospike restart
# Create indexes for search
# Open aerospike client
$ aql
# Create email and id index
> CREATE INDEX email ON kurz.users (email) STRING
> CREATE INDEX id ON kurz.users (id) STRING
# Exit
> exit
# Clone the code
$ git clone https://oltdaniel/kurz
$ cd kurz
# Update makefile
$ vim Makefile
# Now change `HOME_DIR` to your home folder
# Then close with :wq
# Install dependencies
$ make util.install
# Generate API secret
$ make util.key
# Link kurz to go project folder
$ make link
# Add nginx configuration
$ make nginx
# Restart nginx
$ sudo service nginx restart
# Start kurz server
$ make run
Documentation can be found here in /doc
Please view the todo list here in
Just do what you'd like to
Daniel Oltmanns - creator