# Tutorials Set of Jupyter Notebooks, along with datafiles, to get started with Scientific Computing in Astronomy *** ## [How to setup Jupyter notebooks](./Jupyter%20Setup#jupyter-setup ) 1. ### [Windows](./Jupyter%20Setup#windows ) 2. ### [MacOS](./Jupyter%20Setup#macos ) 3. ### [Linux distribution (includes Ubuntu)](./Jupyter%20Setup#linux-distribution-includes-ubuntu ) 1. #### [Installing Jupyter - Using Conda or Miniconda](./Jupyter%20Setup#installing-jupyter---using-conda-or-miniconda ) 2. #### [Installing Jupyter - Using python-pip (Try this only if you are comfortable with terminal)](./Jupyter%20Setup#installing-jupyter---using-python-pip-try-this-only-if-you-are-comfortable-with-terminal ) *** ## [How to use Jupyter notebooks](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#using-jupyter-notebooks ) 1. ### [Opening the Notebooks](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#opening-the-notebook ) 2. ### [Jupyter Notebook Dashboard](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#jupyter-notebook-dashboard ) 3. ### [Creating a new notebook document](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#creating-a-new-notebook-document ) 4. ### [Overview of the Notebook UI](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#overview-of-the-notebook-ui ) 5. ### [Cell types](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#cell-types ) 6. ### [Modal Editor](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#modal-editor ) 1. #### [Edit Mode](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#edit-mode ) 2. #### [Command Mode](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#command-mode ) 3. #### [Running Code](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#running-code ) 4. #### [Keyboard Navigation](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#keyboard-navigation ) 5. #### [Mouse Navigation](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#mouse-navigation ) 6. #### [Cheat Sheet](./How%20to%20use%20Jupyter%20Notebooks#cheat-sheet-for-menu-bar-and-tool-bar ) *** ## [Tutorial 1 : Basics of Python](./Tutorial_01) * Basic syntax, and syntax for loops, conditional statements, and opening simple files, (lists, tuples and dictionaries) * Parse a file and make a list containing the number of moons for each planet. *** ## [Tutorial 2 : Introduction to NumPy](./Tutorial_02) * Numpy arrays, indexing, slicing. * Parse file as above using numpy (np.where, for example). * Beehive Cluster. *** ## [Tutorial 3 : Functions in Python](./Tutorial_03) * Defining functions. * Hubble Law, Number density of galaxies. *** ## [Tutorial 4 : Introduction to Matplotlib (Matplotlib I)](./Tutorial_04) * Simple Plotting. Labels, colors, title, grid * GW astronomy *** ## [Tutorial 5 : Introduction to Astropy and FITS format (Astropy I)](./Tutorial_05) * Using Astropy.io to import datafiles, astropy.table. * Take the data from a harder to parse data file. * Introduction to fits files. *** ## [Tutorial 6 : Web Scraping](./Tutorial_06) * Scrape web for some data (try to do this for constellations) * Make an image of the constellation using RA, Dec or Mars in retrograde (simple scatter plot) *** ## [Tutorial 7 : Curve Fitting (SciPy I)](./Tutorial_07) * Curve fitting * Scrape data from Cepheids, and plot Period-Luminosity relation * Frequency vs time inspiral *** ## [Tutorial 8 : Image Reduction](./Tutorial_08) * Using Bias and Flats. * Reducing an image of a popular target. (And further processing) *** ## [Tutorial 9 : Advanced Plotting (Matplotlib II)](./Tutorial_09) * Subplots, and Using Object Oriented approach * Make several HR diagrams, say, with different filters. * Compare features, and observe that UV filters are good at filtering multiple stellar populations. *** ## [Tutorial 10 : Astropy Quantities (Astropy II)](./Tutorial_10) * Using astropy quantities, make a black body spectra. * Using filters (SDSS), find the instrumental magnitude of a star in different bands. * Have a function which returns these values, given the temperature of a star. *** ## [Tutorial 11 : Classes in Python](./Tutorial_11) * Make a class for a star and a filter. * Rewrite the previous codes to make it more adaptable to changes. *** ## [Tutorial 12 : Time Domain Astronomy (SciPy II)](./Tutorial_12) * Time Series analysis. * Find a peak/Periodicity search. *** ## [Tutorial 13 : Coordinate Systems (Astropy III)](./Tutorial_13) * Coordinate Systems and Time. * Convert coordinates. Plot an analemma of the Sun. See how it changes with latitude. *** ## [Tutorial 14 : Differential Equations (SciPy III)](./Tutorial_14) * Differential Equation solving. Scipy.integrate.solve_ivp. * Solve differential equations for some system numerically. ***