Vous ne comprenez pas l'anglais ? vous êtes francophone ? Regardez le LISEZ-MOI français !
Update 02-02-2024: The source code of Omega is on hold until a new version of Phi is released. Meanwhile, contributions will not be accepted/reviewed, so the project is marked as read-only to avoid confusion.
- Check the Upsilon Project ⭐️ for a maintained version of Omega;
- Omega is and will remain available. You can still get official support on Discord.
- Our side projects are still up and maintained (Omega Guide, Omega Website, Omega Community, etc)
Omega is a fork of Numworks' Epsilon, the OS that runs on their calculator, which brings many features to it. Omega is for the people who want to add features to the calculator, but cannot because they have been rejected by Numworks (for reasons that are 100% understandable!). Try it online.
- Adding symbolic calculation back into the calculator
- An app for RPN
- External apps
- A theme engine
- New python features (os module, open method...)
- A periodic table app + all of the molar masses for the elements in the toolbox
- And much more to discover... Complete changelog | Main new features + screenshots.
You can install Omega automatically on our website here in the "install" page.
First of all, follow step 1 here. Then:
Model n0100
(note: you can change the EPSILON_I18N=en
flag to fr
, nl
, pt
, it
, de
, es
or hu
git clone --recursive
cd Omega
make MODEL=n0100 clean
make MODEL=n0100 EPSILON_I18N=en OMEGA_USERNAME="{Your name, max 15 characters}" -j4
make MODEL=n0100 epsilon_flash
Important: Don't forget the --recursive
tag, because Omega relies on submodules.
Also, you can change the number of processes that run in parallel during the build by changing the value of the -j
Model n0110
git clone --recursive
cd Omega
make clean
make OMEGA_USERNAME="{Your name, max 15 characters}" -j4
make epsilon_flash
Important: Don't forget the --recursive
tag, because Omega relies on submodules.
Also, you can change the number of processes that run in parallel during the build by changing the value of the -j
Bin files
These can be used to distribute Omega (so that it can be flashed by anyone with Webdfu_Numworks).
git clone --recursive
cd Omega
make clean
make MODEL=n0100 OMEGA_USERNAME="" -j8
make MODEL=n0100 OMEGA_USERNAME="" binpack -j8
make OMEGA_USERNAME="" -j8
make OMEGA_USERNAME="" binpack -j8
Important: Don't forget the --recursive
tag, because Omega relies on submodules.
Also, you can change the number of processes that run in parallel during the build by changing the value of the -j
Web simulator
First, install emsdk :
git clone
cd emsdk
./emsdk install latest-fastcomp
./emsdk activate latest-fastcomp
Then, compile Omega :
git clone --recursive
cd Omega
make clean
make PLATFORM=simulator TARGET=web OMEGA_USERNAME="{Your name, max 15 characters}" -j4
The simulator is now in output/release/simulator/web/
Important: Don't forget the --recursive
tag, because Omega relies on submodules.
Also, you can change the number of processes that run in parallel during the build by changing the value of the -j
3DS Simulator
You need devkitPro and devkitARM installed and in your path (instructions here)
git clone --recursive
cd Omega
git checkout --recursive omega-dev
make PLATFORM=simulator TARGET=3ds -j
You can then put epsilon.3dsx on a SD card to run it from the HBC or use 3dslink to launch it over the network:
3dslink output/release/simulator/3ds/epsilon.3dsx -a <3DS' IP ADDRESS>
If you need help, you can join our Discord server here :
To contribute, please refer to the Wiki
- Omega Themes
- Omega Website
- Omega RPN
- Omega Atomic
- Omega Design
- Omega Discord Bot
- Omega App Template
- External Apps
Omega is a fork of Epsilon, a high-performance graphing calculator operating system. It includes eight apps that cover the high school mathematics curriculum.
You can try Epsilon straight from your browser in the online simulator.
NumWorks is a registered trademark of NumWorks SAS, 24 Rue Godot de Mauroy, 75009 Paris, France. Nintendo and Nintendo 3DS are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc, 4600 150th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052, USA. NumWorks SAS and Nintendo of America Inc aren't associated in any shape or form with this project.
- NumWorks Epsilon is released under a CC BY-NC-SA License.
- Omega is released under a CC BY-NC-SA License.