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Releases: onc-healthit/onc-certification-g10-test-kit

ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API Test Kit v2.1.0 Release Candidate 1

08 Apr 16:00
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Release 2.1.0.rc1 (#80)

* bump smart test kit version

* bump us core test kit version

* update us core class references

* only require us core v311

* bump version

* update changelog

* fix linting errors

* fix spec

ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API Test Kit v2.0.0

06 Mar 17:58
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The ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API Test Kit is the successor to Inferno Program Edition. This is a major update to underlying infrastructure of the Inferno-based (g)(10) Standardized API certification tests. Since this release will have a larger impact to users of this testing system that previously released versions, Inferno Program Edition v1.9 will remain available for use in the near term. Users should expect Inferno Program Edition software to be retired over the coming months, and all major test updates to the Inferno-based (g)(10) Standardized API tests to occur here.

Test behavior changes between ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API Test Kit v2.0 and Inferno Program Edition v1.9 are intended to be minimal. However, underlying components of Inferno have been substantially modernized to improve flexibility and maintainability of the test system, and to enable better support for testing new or updated Implementation Guides. Given the scope of this effort there may be some unintended changes to test results for systems between v1.9 and v2.0. Please report any discrepancies in GitHub Issues section of the (g)(10) Standardized API Test Kit repository so they can be documented, and if necessary fixed.

Known test updates from Inferno Program Edition v1.9 that may cause previously passing systems under test to fail:

  • Scopes granted to refreshed tokens are now expected to match those of the original access token, as described in the SMART App Launch Guide. Previous versions of these tests allowed for the granted scope of the refreshed token to be a strict subset of the scopes granted to the original access token.
  • For systems that use the optional Medication resource type, terminology in instances of those resources is now validated in a similar manner to other resources. Previous versions of these tests did not validate terminology for the optional Medication resource type.
  • For SMART App Launch discovery, tests now ensure that all SMART related fields match between the .well-known endpoint and the CapabilityStatement. Previously, only required fields were checked for equality. See #53

Test updates from Inferno Program Edition v1.9 that provide additional flexibility for systems under test:

  • Allows use of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) during OAuth 2.0 authorization.
  • Allows use of the "requiresAccessToken" field to enable alternate access control schemes besides OAuth 2.0 for file downloads as specified in Bulk Data Implementation Guide.

This release also includes the following updates to the testing software from Inferno Program Edition v1.9 that will impact the tester experience but should not affect testing behavior:

  • Renames from "Inferno Program Edition" to "ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API Test Kit" to accurately describe the scope of this test kit.
  • Reusable components have been extracted into the Inferno Framework, and tests have been rewritten as needed to use this shared testing infrastructure.
  • Test identifiers have changed. A mapping between the old test identifiers and the new identifiers are attached to this release.
  • User interface has changed substantially from Inferno Program Edition v1.9. However, the test organization and general workflow remains the same.