.PHONY: default _default install install-api help clean server srs_ingest_hls librtmp utest _prepare_dir # install prefix. SRS_PREFIX=/usr/local/srs __REAL_INSTALL=$(DESTDIR)$(SRS_PREFIX) default: $(MAKE) _default _default: server srs_ingest_hls librtmp utest @bash objs/_srs_build_summary.sh help: @echo "Usage: make <help>|<clean>|<server>|<srs_ingest_hls>|<librtmp>|<utest>|<install>|<install-api>|<uninstall>" @echo " help display this help menu" @echo " clean cleanup project" @echo " server build the srs(simple rtmp server) over st(state-threads)" @echo " srs_ingest_hls build the hls ingest tool of srs." @echo " librtmp build the client publish/play library, and samples" @echo " utest build the utest for srs" @echo " install install srs to the prefix path" @echo " install-api install srs and api-server to the prefix path" @echo " uninstall uninstall srs from prefix path" @echo "@remark all modules will auto genearted and build" @echo "For example:" @echo " make" @echo " make help" clean: (cd objs && rm -rf srs srs_utest ) (cd objs && rm -rf src include lib) (cd objs/utest && rm -rf *.o *.a) (cd research/librtmp && make clean) (cd research/api-server/static-dir && rm -rf crossdomain.xml forward live players) server: _prepare_dir @echo "donot build the srs(simple rtmp server) for srs-librtmp" srs_ingest_hls: _prepare_dir @echo "donot build the srs_ingest_hls for srs-librtmp" uninstall: @echo "disable uninstall for srs-librtmp" install-api: @echo "disable install-api for srs-librtmp" install: @echo "disable install for srs-librtmp" librtmp: server @echo "build the client publish/play library." $(MAKE) -f objs/Makefile librtmp @echo "build the srs-librtmp sample" (cd research/librtmp; $(MAKE) nossl) utest: server @echo "utest is disabled, ignore" # the ./configure will generate it. _prepare_dir: @mkdir -p objs @mkdir -p objs/src/core @mkdir -p objs/src/kernel @mkdir -p objs/src/protocol @mkdir -p objs/src/libs @mkdir -p objs/include @mkdir -p objs/lib