To deploy Kubernetes on Google cloud, ignore all of the resource requesting and kubespray/terraform/ansible instructions. Public cloud providers make spinning up Kubernetes clusters comparatively simple. You can # for free and get $300USD free credit to play with. Download the gcloud CLI. You can do this on Linux/Mac with:
curl | bash
Once installed, log in and update it:
gcloud auth login
gcloud components update
Then deploy a kubernetes cluster with the following command:
gcloud container clusters create gke-us-east1 \
--zone=us-east1-b --scopes "cloud-platform"
Double check that the cluster is actually there:
gcloud container clusters list
Check that your kubernetes cluster appears in your kubeconfig:
kubectl config get-clusters
You should see it listed in the output from that command.
Just like that, you now have a kubernetes cluster. It almost seems like cheating. Now you can just deploy away.