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File metadata and controls

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ULL Pipeline Execution

Pipeline is executed by ull-cli script responsible for parsing configuration file. It executes each pipeline component specified in JSON configuration file. There are several pipeline components available for now:

  • text-parser - component responsible for tokenizing and parsing text files (only Link Grammar parser is implemented in the current version of the library);
  • grammar-learner - component which takes parses as input and produces grammar dictionaries in Link Grammar format;
  • grammar-tester - takes previously induced grammar and produces parsing metrics while parsing input corpus and comparing the outcome with well defined parses of the same corpus.
  • dash-board - dash board component responsible for depicting tabular pipeline results.
  • path-creator - pseudo component used to create directory structure.

The above list will be extended with further versions of the library.

ull-cli Script

ull-cli parses each componet configuration and runs it either sequentialy or simultaneously in a separate process. You should supply properly compiled JSON configuration file when running the script.

ull-cli -C <config.json> [-p <number-of-processes>]

    config.json             - Pipeline configuration file.
    number-of-processes     - Integer value, specifying the number of processes the pipeline can derive.

JSON Configuration File

Before making your own configuration file make sure you have studied sample configuration files in . For POC-Turtle-GL-GT-DB.json make sure you have changed line 37 to match the path of language-learning directory on your computer.

Each pipeline configuration file must consist of the list of available component configuration dictionaries. Each component dictionary section should have the following parameters:

  • component
  • common-parameters (may be ommited)
  • specific-parameters

component is the string name of one of the available pipeline components. This parameter is mandatory.

specific-parameters is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies unique configuration of the specified component. Pipeline script executes specified component as many times as the number of dictionaries in the list.

common-parameters is a dictionary of zero or many parameters common for all configurations of the specified component. It may be ommitted if unnecessary.

Each component code is executed as many times as the length of specific-parameters list. Each successive component followes the execution path of the previous one. If the previous component has multiple execution paths specified by the specific-parameters section, each path is folloed by the successive component unless explicitly specified by follow_exec_path=false parameter.

type is a string parameter that can be either "dynamic" or "static". Static components should be declared in the very beginning of JSON configuration file. They are created once and live until the end of pipeline execution. Dynamic components are created and destroyed on the fly. If type is not specified "dynamic" is used by default.

Currently Available Components

Component Type Description
text-parser dynamic Text Parser component
grammar-learner dynamic Grammar Learner component
grammar-tester dynamic Grammar Tester component
dash-board static Dash-board component
path-creator static Path Creator component

Built-in Variables

Variable Description
%ROOT Pipeline root directory
%LEAF Absolute target path based on %ROOT and 'specific-parameters'
%RLEAF Target path relative to %ROOT based on 'specific-parameters'
%PREV[.var] Reference to previous component scope variable. When .var is not specified %PREV.LEAF is used.
%RPREV Relative target path of the previous component scope.
%RUN_COUNT Sequential component run count number starting from 1 and incrementing with every single configuration defined in 'specific-parameters' section.

You can refer any previously defined parameter of the current scope simply by specifying '%' followed by parameter name e.g. %input_grammar. To refer any variable of the previous scope one can specify '%PREV.' followed by parameter name e.g. %PREV.input_grammar.

pre_exec_req and post_exec_req

In some cases you may need to do something before or after the component is executed. For example you may need to create some directory or put some value into a dashboard. In order for that you can specify pre component execution and/or post component execution events.

Both pre-exec-req and post-exec-req are lists of dictionaries. Each dictionary defines a single static component request. The only mandatory parameter of each dictonary is obj which specifies the name of the object instance and requested method separated by period e.g. "post-exec-req": [{"obj": "stat.set", "row": "1", "col": "2", "val": "{F1}"}].

Configuration Options Available For grammar-tester

Parameter Type Meaning Values
input_grammar string Path to .dict file to be tested Any valid path
input_corpus string Path to corpus file or directory Any valid path
template_path string Path to a valid Link Grammar dictionary to be used as a template when creating new dictionary with generated .dict file Any valid path
grammar_root string Path to a directory new dictionary will be created in Any valid path
output_path string Path to store output parse and statistics files Any valid path
ref_path string Path to a single reference file, or directory Any valid path
parse_format string Type of parse output ull, diagram, postscript, constituent_tree
linkage_limit integer Maximum number of linkages for Link Grammar to generate 1-10000
rm_grammar_dir boolean Force grammar tester to remove existing grammar dictionary directory if it already exists. true/false
use_link_parser boolean Force grammar tester to use link-parser executable in a separate process as a parser. true/false
ull_input boolean Tells grammar tester that .ull file is used as an input corpus. When set to true lines starting with a digit are filtered out. true/false
ignore_left_wall boolean If set to true LEFT-WALL and period links are ignored when parse statistics is estimated. true/false
ignore_period boolean Force grammar tester to ignore period when parse statistics is estimated. true/false
calc_parse_quality boolean If set to true parse quality is calculated. true/false
keep_caps boolean Capitalized tokens are left untouched if set to true, lowered otherwise. true/false
keep_rwall boolean Keep RIGHT-WALL if set to true true/false
strip_suffix boolean Strip off token suffix if set to true. true/false
dup_dict_path boolean Duplicate subdirectory structure of input_grammar directory if set to true. true/false
separate_stat boolean Produce separate statistics file for each corpus file if set to true. true/false
store_dict_localy boolean Create dictionary subdirectory in the same subdirectory where output files are stored. true/false
no_left_wall_in_ull boolean Do not write LEFT-WALL links to .ull output file. true/false

Configuring File Dashboard

File dashboard is defined by TextFileDashboard class and responsible for representation of parsing result statistics in a single table.

In the current version of the library dashboard is only available when using the script with -C option.

File dashboard configuration is defined in .json configuration file and only available when using grammar-tester script with -C option.

Here is the list of configurable parameters:

row_count - Numeric value representing the number of rows, including headers, in the dashboard.

col_count - Numeric value representing the number of columns in the dashboard.

row_key - Format string used as a dictionary key when searching for row index number. Key format strings are explained later in this document.

col_key - Format string, used as a dictionary key when searching for column index number. Key format strings are explained later in this document.

value_keys - List of format string parameters where each element defines format string for corresponding data cell in the dashboard table.

col_headers - List of header string parameters. Because table header may consist of multiple rows, each element of the list defines corresponding header row. Each row is definded by one or many named parameters. In a simpliest case only title parameter may be specified. Header definition is explained later in this document.

row_indexes - dictionary with row key values and lists of corresponding row index numbers.

col_indexes - dictionary with column key values and lists of corresponding column indexes.

How it works

Each dashboard class implements on_statistics() event handler which is invoked by the GrammarTester class instance every time the grammar file test against the given corpus is complete. There are several parameters supplied when calling the handler: list of graph nodes (dictionary path subdirectories) given in reverse order i.e. /home/alex/data/AGI-2018 is passed as ["AGI-2018", "data", "alex", "home"], parseability and parse quality data structures. The event handler makes up row and column key strings using row_key and col_key configuration parameters, finds corresponding row and column indexes, makes up value string using value_key format string and fills corresponding cell(s) of the table with the value string.

General Steps For File Dashboard Configuration

  1. Define dashboard table structure.
  2. Analyse graph (directory) structure and find out dashboard dimentions and graph nodes responsible for row/column positioning inside the dashboard.
  3. Define row/column key value format strings.
  4. Define row/column key string/numeric row/column index relations.
  5. Define headers structure.

Key Format Parameters

row_key, col_key are Python format strings needed to make up strings used as dictionary keys to find corresponding row and column numbers.

value_keys is a list of format strings for each cell value in a table row.

As in any Python format string {0} represents variable index.

For row_key and col_key numeric value in curly braces represents graph (path) node index starting from zero. Because the number of nodes may vary, the nodes are passed in reverse order.

For value_keys format strings use named variables within curly braces. Here is the list of available variables nodes (used with index), parseability, parsequality, PQA.

Row And Column Search Definitions

There are two dictionaries created when TextFileDashboard class instance is initialized. One of them defines a relation between graph (path) nodes and row index(s), another one defines a relation between graph (path) nodes and column index(s). Row and column indexes are represented by lists of numeric values because one graph node value may influence multiple rows/columns in the dashboard. Both dictionaries are initialized with corresponding row_indexes and col_indexes configuration parameters. Key string in each of the above mentioned parameters must correspond row_key/col_key format template.

Column Headers

As soon as table header may have complex structure, parameter col_headers is represented by list of headers where each header is a list of columns. Each column is a dictionary. While each column header definition may consist of multiple named entries, only title is mandatory and should be assigned a text string. HTMLFileDashboard class instances may handle col_span and row_span attributes.