ESRI Land Cover data is available from a public bucket, although it's not publically queryable. The data is documented here and here.
We've created a list of the available tiles here.
There is a script to index the data, which is described below.
An ODC product definition for ESRI Land Cover data is inluded in this repo. You can this to datacube using the following command, but the indexing tool will do this automatically for you:
datacube product add products/esri_land_cover.yaml
Install the scripts required by following the instructions here like this:
pip install --extra-index-url="" odc_apps_dc_tools
To index all 700 scenes, you can run the command below. Excluded the --add-product
if you
already added the product in the previous step.
esri-lc-to-dc --add-product
To plot the data, you can use this code to set up the same colour ramp as ESRI use:
import datacube
from matplotlib import colors as mcolours
import numpy as np
dc = datacube.Datacube()
product = "esri_land_cover"
# This is a point in Hobart
lat, lon = -42.822771, 147.234277
buf = 0.25
lons = (lon - buf, lon + buf)
lats = (lat - buf, lat + buf)
# Load the data at 10 m resolution
ds = dc.load(
resolution=(-10, 10),
# Colour it like the ESRI colour map
cmap = mcolours.ListedColormap([
np.array([0, 0, 0]) / 255,
np.array([65, 155, 223]) / 255,
np.array([57, 125, 73]) / 255,
np.array([136, 176, 83]) / 255,
np.array([122, 135, 198]) / 255,
np.array([228, 150, 53]) / 255,
np.array([223, 195, 90]) / 255,
np.array([196 ,40, 27]) / 255,
np.array([165, 155, 143]) / 255,
np.array([168, 235, 255]) / 255,
np.array([97, 97, 97]) / 255
norm = mcolours.BoundaryNorm(np.array(bounds), cmap.N)
ds.isel(time=0).classification.plot.imshow(cmap=cmap, norm=norm, size=10)