- Within eighteen months of the effective date of this chapter, the department shall submit a compliance plan to the mayor and the council and shall make such plan available to the public on the web portal. Each agency shall cooperate with the department in its preparation of such plan. The plan shall include a summary description of public data sets under the control of each agency on or after the effective date of this chapter, and shall prioritize such public data sets for inclusion on the single web portal on or before YYYY-MM-DD in accordance with the standards promulgated by the department pursuant to section 23-505 and shall create a timeline for their inclusion on the single web portal. If a public data set or sets cannot be made available on the single web portal on or before XXX, the plan shall state the reasons why such set or sets cannot be made available, and, to the extent practicable, the date by which the agency that owns the data believes that it will be available on the single web portal. (Add PRA Language ... add 6 Month Status, add every 180 day status report to Rule Committee ... Good Faith Effort as early as possible)
- For purposes of prioritizing public data sets, agencies shall consider whether information embodied in the public data set: (1) can be used to increase agency accountability and responsiveness; (2) improves public knowledge of the agency and its operations; (3) furthers the mission of the agency; (4) creates economic opportunity; or (5) responds to a need or demand identified by public consultation.
- No later than YYYY-MM-DD and every MM-DD thereafter, the department shall submit and post on the web portal an update of the compliance plan to the mayor and the council until all public data sets have been made available through a single web portal in compliance with this chapter. Such update shall include the specific measures undertaken to make public data sets available on the single web portal since the immediately preceding update, specific measures that will be undertaken prior to the next update, an update to the list of public data sets, if necessary, any changes to the prioritization of public data sets and an update to the timeline for the inclusion of data sets on the single web portal, if necessary. If a public data set cannot be made available on the single web portal on or before YYYY-MM-DD, the update shall state the reasons why it cannot and, to the extent practicable, the date by which the agency believes that such public data set will be available on the single web portal.
CDO Will assist Non-Mayoral Departments in efforts to comply with this policy.