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Open Cultuur Data API install notes


The Open Cultuur Data API is easily installed using Docker Compose.

  1. Clone the OCD git repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd open-cultuur-data/docker

(optional) If you're developing then uncomment the Development and comment the Production sections in docker/nginx/conf.d/default.conf and conf/supervisor.conf. You will then use Flask's development webserver instead of uWSGI, which is useful because changes to the code are automatically reloaded. You can also remove the lines restart: always from docker/docker-compose.yml otherwise the containers will automatically start when you start your machine. (optional) In docker/docker-compose.yml you might want to remove the line containing - nginx-load-balancer listed in the networks section of the c-ocd-nginx service as well as the last three lines (shown below) as they are specific to our setup and not needed for general usage:

    name: docker_nginx-load-balancer
  1. Build and run the image using (only use this once unless you want to rebuild stuff):

    $ sudo docker-compose up -d

On reboots, the docker containers should automatically restart again. If you removed the restart: always lines from docker/docker-compose.yml, then you can start the containers as follows:

$ cd open-cultuur-data/docker
$ sudo docker-compose start

Running an OCD extractor

  1. Make the necessary changes to the 'sources' settings file (ocd_backend/sources.json). For example, fill out your API key for retrieving data from the Rijksmuseum.

  2. Enter the container:

    $ sudo docker exec -it docker_c-ocd-app_1 bash
  3. Start the extraction process for a specific source, in this case openbeelden:

    $ ./ extract start openbeelden

You can get an overview of the available sources by running ./ extract list_sources.

Useful commands

Restart the OCD API:

$ cd open-cultuur-data/docker
$ sudo docker-compose restart

Code that is updated in production can be reloaded by restarting UWSGi as follows:

$ cd open-cultuur-data
$ touch uwsgi-touch-reload

List all indices:

$ sudo docker exec -it docker_c-ocd-app_1 bash
$ curl ''

Remove a source, in this case collectie_gelderland:

$ sudo docker exec -it docker_c-ocd-app_1 bash
# Delete the source index
# Find the exact index name using the 'list all indices' commands above, in this case 'ocd_collectie_gelderland_20161208001124'
$ curl -XDELETE ''
# Delete the source entries from the combined_index, in this case 'collectie_gelderland'
$ curl -XDELETE '' -d '{"query": {"match": {"meta.source_id": "collectie_gelderland"}}}'


Here are some useful tips for development besides the development instructions in the 'Install' section.

After changing code in the backend, enter the container and kill celery to reload the code (supervisor will automatically restart celery):

$ sudo docker exec -it docker_c-ocd-app_1 bash
$ kill -9 `ps aux | grep celery | awk '{print $2}'`

Make sure to check open-cultuur-data/log/celery.err when extracting a new source. This log file will most likely contain useful information if anything goes wrong.

Backup and restore

Some commands on how to backup and restore Elasticsearch indices.

The following commands are assumed to be executed in the Docker container. You can enter the container using this command (exit it using CTRL+d):

$ sudo docker exec -it docker_c-ocd-app_1 bash

Create a new backup location in the root directory of the OCD repository (do this on the machine which should be backupped AND the machine where you want to restore the backup) and make sure Elasticsearch can write to it, e.g.:

$ mkdir backups
$ chown 102 backups
$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_backup' -d '{"type": "fs", "settings": {"location": "/opt/ocd/backups"}}'

Save all indices/cluster with a snapshot:

$ curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_backup/ocd_backup"

Copy the backups directory containing the snapshot into the open-cultuur-data directory on the other machine (on this other machine, make sure you created a backup location as described above). Restore the permissions to make sure that it is still reacheable by Elasticsearch:

$ chown 102 backups

Close any indices with the same name which are already present on the new machine. On a new install these are ocd_resolver and ocd_usage_logs:

$ curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/ocd_resolver/_close'
$ curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/ocd_usage_logs/_close'

Restore the snapshot:

$ curl -XPOST "localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_backup/ocd_backup/_restore"

Besides the Elasticsearch indices, don't forget to backup the log directory and data directory containing the cache, dumps and static files.