From 728f295b82524b072a38d27075c03a631edb7e74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: HIHIA <> Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2022 14:07:25 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] proposal of yurtadm join refactoring Signed-off-by: HIHIA <> --- .../ | 234 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 234 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/proposals/ diff --git a/docs/proposals/ b/docs/proposals/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5be826d20aa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/proposals/ @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +--- +title: Yurtadm Join Refactoring +authors: + - "@YTGhost" +reviewers: + - "@rambohe-ch" +creation-date: 2022-11-08 +last-updated: 2022-11-08 +status: provisional +--- + +# Yurtadm Join Refactoring + + + +## Table of Contents + +- [Title](#title) + - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) + - [Summary](#summary) + - [Motivation](#motivation) + - [Goals](#goals) + - [Non-Goals/Future Work](#non-goalsfuture-work) + - [Proposal](#proposal) + - [User Stories](#user-stories) + - [Implementation Details](#implementation-details) + - [Yurtadm join analysis](#yurtadm-join-analysis) + - [prepare phase](#prepare-phase) + - [preflight phase](#preflight-phase) + - [joinnode phase](#joinnode-phase) + - [postcheck phase](#postcheck-phase) + - [Kubeadm join analysis](#kubeadm-join-analysis) + - [preflight phase](#preflight-phase) + - [kubelet-start phase](#kubelet-start-phase) + - [The difference between the two processes](#the-difference-between-the-two-processes) + - [The refactored process](#the-refactored-process) + - [init joindata phase](#init-joindata-phase) + - [prepare phase](#prepare-phase) + - [joinnode phase](#joinnode-phase) + - [postcheck phase](#postcheck-phase) + +## Summary + +`yurtadm join` references `` dependencies, especially ``. It should be refactor to remove the dependencies. This proposal wants to import `kubeadm` binary file to replace the code that was imported. + +## Motivation + +Compare to import code, using `kubeadm` binary directly has the following advantages: + +- It's very easy to follow K8s to update kubeadm version, do not need to maintain the code of `kubeadm join` in OpenYurt. +- reduce the complexity of `yurtadm join` + +### Goals + +- After refactoring, the original join functionality can be maintained by calling `kubeadm join` and some of custom operations required by openyurt. +- Make the code subsequent maintainability and expandability more guaranteed. + +### Non-Goals/Future Work + +- Abstract the interface, kubeadm join as one of the implementations. +- Refactor `yurtadm reset` and so on. + +## Proposal + +### User Stories + +As a developer, I can understand the `yurtadm join` process more clearly due to the reduced complexity of the `yurtadm join` part of the code + +### Implementation Details + +#### Yurtadm join analysis + +The process of yurtadm join is divided into five phases: + +1. init joindata + +2. prepare + +3. preflight + +4. joinnode + +5. postcheck + +##### init joindata phase + +- Initializes the join data + +- Call `RetrieveBootstrapConfig` and change the server address to the master IP address + +##### prepare phase + +This phase focuses on initializing the system's environment in `/pkg/yurtadm/cmd/join/phases/prepare.go`, with the following actions: + +1. Clean up the `/etc/kubernetes/manifests` folder, i.e. clean up the static Pod manifest folder +2. Turn on packet forwarding (SetIpv4Forward) +3. Turn on `bridge-nf-call-iptables` (SetBridgeSetting) +4. Turn off SELinux (SetSELinux) +5. Check if Kubelet and cni-plugin are installed, if not, they will be installed (CheckAndInstallKubelet) +6. Configure the kubelet service, i.e. configure `/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service` (SetKubeletService) +7. Configure the kubelet startup parameters, i.e., configure `/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf` (SetKubeletUnitConfig) +8. Change the connection address to the yurthub listener address ( i.e. configure `/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf` (SetKubeletConfigForNode) +9. Configure `/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt` (SetKubeletCaCert) + +##### preflight phase + +This phase is mainly for preflight checks, which include checking some files, folders and environment configuration work. The relevant code for the checks is a direct call to the `RunJoinNodeChecks` function in the kubeadm source code. + +##### joinnode phase + +The main thing to do in this phase is to start the kubelet, as follows: + +1. Get the kubelet configuration from the control plane node, parse it and write it to `/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml` +2. configure `/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env` +3. Generate the yaml file `/etc/kubernetes/manifests/yurthub.yaml` for the YurtHub static Pod to start YurtHub when the kubelet starts +4. Try to start the kubelet + +##### postcheck phase + +The main thing to do in this phase is to check the health of the components launched on the node, mainly including: + +1. the health status of the kubelet +2. the health status of the YurtHub static Pod +3. adding Annotation to the node: `` + +#### Kubeadm join analysis + +The kubeadm join process is divided into the following phases: + +1. preflight + +2. kubelet-start + +##### preflight phase + +This phase mainly performs some preflash checks logic, mainly including. + +1. basic checks, i.e. `RunJoinNodeChecks` +2. Get the `InitCfg`, which also includes a call to `RetrieveBootstrapConfig`, which will be used in the `kubelet-start` phase + +##### kubelet-start phase + +This phase will mainly start the kubelet, the main process is. + +1. Write the configuration of `tlsBootstrapCfg` to `/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf` +2. Take the `CertificateAuthorityData` from `tlsBootstrapCfg` and write it to `/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt`. +3. Check if there is a node in the cluster with the same name as the node you want to join and in Ready state (the note says that an error will occur if there is a control-plane node with the same name) +4. Try to stop the kubelet +5. Configure `/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml` +6. Configure `/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env` +7. Try to start the kubelet +8. Convert `/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf` to `/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf`. +9. Add Annotation to the node: `` +10. Delete `/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf`. + +#### The difference between the two processes + +1. Yurtadm will do some operations to initialize the system environment, such as turning on packet forwarding, etc. +2. Yurtadm will change the connection address in `/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf` to the yurthub listener address ``. +3. Preflight checks will additionally ignore `FileAvailable--etc-kubernetes-kubelet.conf` and `FileAvailable--etc-kubernetes-pki-ca.crt` errors +4. Configure `/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env` with some additional parameters, such as setting `--rotate-certificates` to `false`, etc. +5. Generate the yaml file `/etc/kubernetes/manifests/yurthub.yaml` for the YurtHub static Pod +6. Additionally check the health status of YurtHub +7. Modified the Server address when calling `RetrieveBootstrapConfig`. + +#### The refactored process + +According to the above analysis, it can be divided into four phases as follows. + +1. init joindata: mainly to initialize the data needed for the later stages +2. prepare: mainly to initialize the system environment +3. joinnode: mainly to call kubeadm join, before the call you need to determine whether the current environment has kubeadm, if not, you need to download +4. postcheck: check the health status of the startup component + +##### init joindata phase + +Consistent with yurtadm join + +##### prepare phase + +1. Clean up the `/etc/kubernetes/manifests` folder, i.e. clean up the static Pod manifest folder +2. Turn on packet forwarding (SetIpv4Forward) +3. Turn on `bridge-nf-call-iptables` (SetBridgeSetting) +4. Turn off SELinux (SetSELinux) +5. Check if Kubelet and cni-plugin are installed, if not, they will be installed (CheckAndInstallKubelet) +6. Configure the kubelet service, i.e. configure `/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service` (SetKubeletService) +7. Configure the kubelet startup parameters, i.e., configure `/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf` (SetKubeletUnitConfig) +8. Change the connection address to the yurthub listening address ( i.e. configure `/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf` (SetKubeletConfigForNode) +9. Configure `/var/lib/kubelet/discovery.conf` for configuring `discovery` +10. Configure `/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-join.conf` to configure additional required `KubeletExtraArgs`, the path to `discovery.conf` will also be added to it + +##### joinnode phase + +Use `kubeadm join` and read `/var/lib/kubeadm-join.conf` with `--config` to configure the additional required `KubeletExtraArgs` and `discovery` + +`kubeadm-join.conf` example: + +```yaml +apiVersion: +kind: JoinConfiguration +discovery: + file: + kubeConfigPath: /var/lib/kubelet/discovery.conf + tlsBootstrapToken: xfn7gd.0ztozki1f5cif7h1 +nodeRegistration: + ignorePreflightErrors: + - FileAvailable--etc-kubernetes-kubelet.conf + kubeletExtraArgs: + rotate-certificates: "false" + pod-infra-container-image: + node-labels: + network-plugin: cni +``` + +`discovery.conf` example: + +```yaml +apiVersion: v1 +clusters: +- cluster: + certificate-authority-data: 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 + server: https://apiserver.cluster.local:6443 + name: "" +contexts: null +current-context: "" +kind: Config +preferences: {} +users: null +``` + +##### postcheck phase + +1. Check the health status of kubelet +2. Check the health status of YurtHub static Pods