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Contributing to the Linera protocol


We use GitHub issues to track planned improvements, feature requests, and bug reports.

  • If you plan to contribute a new feature, please discuss the feature in an issue beforehand to ensure that your contributions will be accepted.

  • If you send a bug report, please ensure that your description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.

Pull Requests (PRs)

To make a contribution to the code after discussing it in a GitHub issue,

  1. Fork the repo and create your branch from main.
  2. If you've added code that should be tested, add tests.
  3. If you've changed APIs, update the documentation.
  4. Ensure the test suite passes with cargo test && cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features.
  5. Run cargo +nightly fmt to automatically format your changes (CI will let you know if you missed this).
  6. Repeat step 4 and 5 for Wasm examples if needed (see the section on Wasm below for the options to cargo test).

This repository enforces a linear commit history. To remove merge commits, consider using git filter-branch as explained here.

Editing a clean commit history with git rebase -i and git push -f your_PR_branch is encouraged to help the work of reviewers. Commits that land on the main branch without being squashed should compile correctly and contain the PR number.

Only commits in a PR accepted by at least one team member should be pushed to the main branch.

Please also make yourself familiar with the rest of the guidelines below.

Naming conventions

As usual in Rust, type names (struct, enum, traits) are compound words in camel case, e.g. GarageDoorOption.

In general, local variables should try to mirror the name of their type except that

  1. they are in snake case instead of camel case: garage_door_option

  2. we make them shorter by keeping the main part (at the end in English) when there is no ambiguity let option = GarageDoorOption::default().

Accepted abbreviations in the entire codebase should only concern a very small number of English words (e.g. database -> db). Abbreviations are never a single letter.

However, single letter variables i, x, n are accepted for short-lived integer types (e.g. a for-loop).

Prefer plural names for collections of objects: let values = vec![1, 2, 3];.

API coding guidelines

Contributions should generally follow the Rust API guidelines whenever possible.

Additional code style guidelines

  • Type annotations (such as let x : t = ...;, Vec::<usize>::new()) should be present only when required by the compiler.

  • Re-exports (pub use foo = bar::foo) should be limited to definitions that would be private otherwise.

Formatting and linting

Make sure to fix the lint errors reported by

cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features

and format the code with

cargo +nightly fmt

(The nightly build is required notably for rust-lang/rustfmt#4991.)

Command-line tools and services

  • All executables should use clap_derive. When tools call each other, the --version is checked and must match the package version of the caller. This means that all executables should include a command(version = linera_version::VersionInfo::default_clap_str()) annotation.

  • Only structured data should be printed to the standard output, preferably as newline-separated JSON values.

  • The preferred way to output to the standard error is to use the logging crate tracing. See existing main functions for the necessary boilerplate.

Managing cargo features and dependencies between crates

  • Crates xxx which define the test feature must include linera-xxx = { path = ".", features = ["test"] } in the section [dev-dependencies] instead of repeating the dependencies already declared by the feature test.

  • A few crates define the features wasmtime and wasmer. For conveniency, these crates also define a default feature. As a consequence, these crates must always be included with the flag no-default-features = true. (This also applies to the self-dependencies of the previous rule.)

Besides the verification above with clippy, the following steps will verify that most combinations of features compile for each crate:

cargo install --git --branch workspace_metadata

cargo check-all-features --all-targets

Snapshot tests

Several crates (linera-rpc, linera-views-derive, and others) use insta to manage snapshot tests and ensure output or RPC formats don't unintentially change. If you've deliberately changed the output of one of these crates, and the test fails, you can use cargo insta review to update the staged snapshot, or manually move the file into place. See the insta documentation for more information.

Wasm support

The support of Wasm is controlled by the features wasmer and the wasmtime, and currently defaults to wasmer only.

Wasm tests can be executed with:

cd examples
cargo test

Some tests require the application examples from examples to be compiled. If needed, this can be done manually with

cd examples
cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

The Rust flags are suggested to reduce the size of the Wasm bytecodes.

Platform-specific features

Features that compile only on specific platforms are currently addressed using a variant of the winit convention.

Let's look at an example: imagine our crate has a feature metrics that only works on UNIX platforms.

We use cfg_aliases in for our crate to define an alias with_metrics that also includes the supported platform(s):

fn main() {
    cfg_aliases::cfg_aliases! {
        with_metrics: { all(feature = "metrics", target_family = "unix") },

Now, when we conditionally compile the feature in our code, we use cfg(with_metrics) instead of cfg(feature = "metrics"). This has the effect that the feature is disabled both if it isn't requested and if it is unsupported on the current target platform, allowing us to test --all-targets with impunity.

Debugging techniques

The debugging of tests can be complicated and some tools can help this.

Runtime limitation

A test that goes into an infinite loop will never finish which besides being difficult to resolve makes it impossible to see the print statements of your code. A useful tool for that is to use the crates ntest with the following command added just before the line declaring the test


If the test lasts longer than the fixed time then it fails. The unit of time is millisecond, so the 600000 corresponds to 600 seconds and so to 10 minutes.

Tracking simultaneous threads in tokio

The running of what is going on in tokio based programs can be difficult. The tokio-console crates allows to see the different threads going on. See documentation of the user interface of tokio-console for more details.

A simple way to use this on a laptop is the following:

  1. First of all install the program tokio-console via cargo install --locked tokio-console.
  2. Replace tokio = "1.25.0" by tokio = { version = "1.25.0", features = ["full", "tracing"] } in Cargo.toml
  3. Add tokio-console = "0.1.9" and console-subscriber = "0.1.10" to Cargo.toml
  4. Add console-subscriber.workspace = true to the relevant Cargo.toml subspace
  5. For the asynchronous tests in question, they have to be of the form #[tokio::test]. Tests of the form #[test_log::test(tokio::test)] are using a different instrumentation and we can use only one instrumentation at a time. The error is at runtime.
  6. For the test in question add the line console_subscriber::init(); at the first line of the test.
  7. Run the test in question as usual.
  8. Then on a separate terminal, run the program tokio-console (which will listen to

For example if the test blocks, it will show the line in question with block_on. See the documentation of tokio-console for more details.

Tracking metrics

The prometheus system is used for keeping track of the validators in a Kubernetes setting. However, this can also be used locally to run test case and then get metrics to work on. This is a little bit more indirect than having runtimes in log file, but works fine. The steps are the following:

  1. The list of the metric service ports can be seen in the validator logs with the entries "Starting to serve metrics".
  2. The list of nodes served if 4 validators are used is with XXXXX being 11000, 11001, 11100, 11101, 11200, 11201, 11300, 11301.
  3. Create a prometheus.yml file that contains the source of data. Each one of the ports has to be present. One example for querying every second is
  scrape_interval:     1s
  evaluation_interval: 1s

  # - "first.rules"
  # - "second.rules"

  - job_name: linera_test_11000
      - targets: ['']
  - job_name: prometheus
      - targets: ['localhost:9090']
  1. The Web app on http://localhost:9090 provides a way to access to the metrics. Another way is to use the API as indicated below and the process the results.
  2. The list of available metrics is available by looking at http://localhost:9090/api/v1/label/__name__/values
  3. The instantaneous value of a metric over all sources is accessed via http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=up with up the metric sought.
  4. The values of metrics over an interval over all sources is accessed via http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query_range?query=up&start=2023-01-04T12:00:00Z&end=2023-01-04T16:00:00Z&step=1s.

Adding dependencies to third-party crates

Given the nature of the project, every dependency will be eventually tracked and audited. Please be mindful about adding new dependencies to crates that are large and/or unlikely to be already vetted by the Rust community.

License and copyright

By contributing to linera-protocol, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the terms of the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

New files should be copyrighted by "Zefchain Labs, Inc" (the legal entity behind the Linera project) using this header:

// Copyright (c) Zefchain Labs, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Reviewer Checklist

  • The title and the summary of the PR are short and descriptive.
  • The proposed solution achieves the goals stated in the PR.
  • The test plan is reproducible and provides sufficient coverage.
  • The release plan is adequate.
  • The commits correspond to distinct logical changes.
  • The code follows the coding guidelines.
  • The proposed changes look correct.
  • The CI is passing.