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Getting Started

Akshay edited this page Aug 4, 2020 · 5 revisions

On running dijo at the command line, you are presented with a blank screen. This is the DAY mode, analogous to the NORMAL mode in Vim. In this mode, you may view stats for every day of the current month.

To start tracking habits, enter the command mode with :. Use the add command to add a habit to begin tracking.

Say, I would like to track the number of French lessons I took on Duolingo, and I aim to do 5 lessons each day:

:add french  5
       |    |
       `----|----- habit name
             `---- goal (optional)

Go ahead and add a couple more habits the same way:

:add lifting 1   <-- a yes/no kind of habit (represented by a dot grid)
:add water       <-- no goal provided

To track your progress for the day:

  • focus the habit you want to track, (the focused habit is highlighted in bright white).
  • Hit Enter on the keyboard to increase the value, or Backspace to reduce it.
  • Once you reach your daily goal, the day is marked in green and the habit name is struck through with a line.

Check your weekly progress for a given habit by pressing v on the keyboard, this is WEEK mode, and press esc to go back to DAY mode. Shift-v is a shortcut to display weekly progress for every habit. The current mode is indicated on the status line.

Review your progress for previous months by pressing [ on the keyboard, sift through months with [ and ].

Further reading