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Authorization plugins

Vladimir Kotal edited this page Sep 3, 2019 · 22 revisions

The authorization framework would be useless without set of plugins. OpenGrok ships with basic set of plugins that allow for definition of flexible authorization stacks.

Generic plugins



LDAP plugins

LDAP setup

All LDAP plugins can use distinct LDAP server configuration. The configuration is put info effect by using the setup property, for example:

        <void property="setup">
            <void method="put">

and the ldap-plugin-config-corp.xml file can have these contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<java version="1.8.0_65" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder">
        <object class="opengrok.auth.plugin.configuration.Configuration">
                <void property="interval">
                <void property="searchBase">
                <void property="webHooks">
                 <object class="opengrok.auth.plugin.util.WebHooks">
                  <void property="fail">
                   <object class="opengrok.auth.plugin.util.WebHook">
                    <void property="URI">
                    <void property="content">                                                 
                     <string>{ "tags": [ "main" ], "cssClass": "class", "text": "corporate LDAP failed", "duration": "PT10M" }</string>
                <void property="countLimit">
                <void property="connectTimeout">
                <void property="searchTimeout">
                <void property="servers">
                        <void method="add">
                                <object class="opengrok.auth.plugin.ldap.LdapServer">
                                        <void property="name">
                                        <void property="connectTimeout">

Here is the list of properties: XXX

The handy thing about the setup is that it can be placed right underneath the pluginStack definition, so that it can be shared by all LDAP plugins.


