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Newman S Lanier Newman5
Life long learner Friend to the Stars
Hein Kristiansen heinkristiansen
A seasoned technologist with more than 25 years of hands-on experience. All ideas, opinions and damns given are personal.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Oslo, Norway

We are a group of Cardano Project Owners, Cardano Enthusiast and Developers. CETF is the Governance token for our DAO


@hBk-ɱʒ hBk-m3

Student & Developer & Worker @hBk *Everywhere*

CryptoCanada CryptoCanada
Just a Canadian into Crypto and decentralization.


Adrian Gora adagora
Material science engineer based in Poland


Karl Ruoff geohotspots

Celera St. Louis, MO

Z Zagita21
For a Humane Tech

Z Earth

Tucker Triggs tuckpuck
Website developer | Cardano developer | Digital nomad

Tucker Triggs Development

Giancarlo Pablo gpablo6
Data Engineer | ML Enthusiast | Python, Typescript, and Go | GCP & AWS | Rust newbie

El Salvador

Daniel F. Rodriguez deliciosodani
IT professional with over 25 years of experience in software analysis and development, with emphasis on Microsoft tools, and Crypto enthusiast.

Breakpoint_341 Rosario

tinyelm tinyelm
just a blue dot interested in decentralization.
Dan Choon choon
Eurasian technology enthusiast - impact investments in Europe and Asia.

Cycle Group Luxembourg

mearaf mearafGitHub
Computer Science B.Sc. WEB3, DApps APIs, Smart-Contracts APIs GraphQL Lang: Python, Solidity, JavaScript, Java, Kotlin

Open for Work Addis Ababa

Todd Cleckner ClecknerT

9 RESE' LLC Albuquerque, NM

Yuri de Abreu yurigba
Machine Learning Engineer and Aerospace Engineer. Back end developer for blockchain software.

Stefanini Brazil

KlarkC klarkc
PureScript, Haskell and FP in general


Current status: functional

Dave Lindberg Marketing & Design Lebanon NH

Chao Liu abapChaoLiu

Free Lancer Chicago, IL

Mike Tallent abigdreamer

Objectwheel - Webdbf - FoxTow Pleasanton, Ca