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Saketh vegesna SakethGG
I’m a mechanical engineer with a knack for creating, building, and overthinking. I love turning ideas into cool stuff with my hands!
Sri Anumakonda srianumakonda
Jamming out in the self-driving space!

Austin, Texas, United States

Arush Gupta arush-gupta

London, United Kingdom

Cindy Woo cindy-woo
Mechanical Engineering & Robotics @carnegie Mellon University
Brian Zhang atomicapple0

@modularml Redmond, WA

Joel Gonzalez b-joel-gonzalez
ECE PhD @ CMU 🌞 CS + Robotics @ UPenn (Class of 2020) 🌚 Love talking all things engineering + music + gaming!

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA