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Amy Heather amyheather
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Exeter

University of Exeter

Sandra Aravind Areekal sa-areekal
Post-doctoral fellow

University of Exeter United Kingdom

Ousmane Diop ousmanediop08
Data scientist, startupper and web developer passionate about innovation, health research, and AI technologies.

Dakar, Senegal

Luke C. Pilling lcpilling
Genetic epidemiologist, University of Exeter (UK). Member of @AGEexeter, @GEMINI-multimorbidity, and @ExeterGenetics.

University of Exeter Exeter, UK

Miaoqing Yang Miaoqing0813
I'm a health economist working on early economic evaluations of diagnostic technologies.
Lizzie Remfry LizRem
PhD student at Queen Mary University of London

Queen Mary University of London London

John Dennis johnmdennis
Epidemiologist / Statistician. University of Exeter Research Fellow

Exeter. UK

Alexandra Gillett alexgillett
Doctor of statistical genetics at King's College London. Work includes risk prediction using finite mixture models and summary statistics.

King's College London London

Tomas Lasys tomaslasys

Utrecht University Utrecht