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Myna dmyna
Software Engineer and Neuroscience Student.
Daisy.js princess-of-the-backrooms
Howdy! 💁My name is Daisyzinha! 💻I love to program! ✨ I'm a pround Javascript dev! ✝️ Jesus is life.
Tiago Ryan tiagoryandev
FullStack Developer JavaScript

Santarém/PA - Brasil

André Lucas euandrelucas
Full Stack Developer with a passion for building web apps, specializing in backend technologies and scalable solutions.

@warlockstech Brazil

WinG4merBR WinG4merBR
TypeScript & Kotlin Developer ᗜˬᗜ

@CakeyFox Brazil

SnumpusGx SnumpusGx
Hello! 👋


Luís Felipe xyluis
Software Engineer / Node / React / React Native / CEO @hinspirestudio

@hinspirestudio Brazil