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Arjun Sunil Kumar arjunsk
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

@aws Sunnyvale, CA

S.Akshaya Akshayadeveloper
Software developer with experience in python and Java. Strong knowledge of HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. Proficient in SQL, bash.


Yang Min Youl alpoxdev
Keep it simple, stupid.

@fuseble Seoul GwangJin

Benjamin Hyo-keun Oh benjioh5
Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Security (pwn, reversing) @oopartians & @HYU-ICEWALL & @SCV-Soft

@SCV-Soft Seoul, South Korea

Damin Lee Damin-Lee

Republic of Korea

Paul Pierre paulpierre
ai, data eng., hacker, some claim i'm cto.


KiHyun Kim HaruHuey
⛓ Blockchain ⛓

@HAECHI-LABS @sullivanproject @aurora-bridge Seoul, Republic of Korea

ByungTak tak8997
Mobile Engineer

Krust Korea, Yong-In, Jukjeon

Brett Henderson bretth18
software engineer & musician. computerdata.eth


Junhui Kim hihiboss
A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough.

@Korea-Digital-Asset Seoul, South Korea