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Varun Doshi varun-doshi
Lead Blockchain Engineer @Chainrisk-Cloud | Rust and Cryptography

Chainrisk Labs

Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States

Quincy quincy120

Madhouse Wallet Philadelphia, PA

Anatolii Maltsev chemyl
Busy hands - Happy heart

V=(° °)=V

Velizar Zlatev VZlatev2002

University of Bristol

Kosta Prosenikov KostaProsenikov
Angular 16 Dev, TypeScript, Vanilla JS, React, Node.js
Pavel Borisov PavelSBorisov
💻DevOps Engineer 🔮Blockchain & Web3


malik malik672
extremely noob dev
Galen Sprout augyg
Live Laugh Love, Functionally

Ace Talent Community

working on
Atanas Atanasov ata-nas
Hi! I am а Blockchain Developer!

@LimeChain @hashgraph Bulgaria

Jacob D. Castro jacobdcastro
Shipping Typescript, Solidity, and Rust 🚢

Santa Maria, California

Deyvid.R Devbearking
Web Developer

Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia Bobadilla sofiabobadilla
PhD student at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

KTH Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden

Daniel Radoslavov WyzaXX
Programming is the art of doing one thing at a time.


Nikita Lebedev thenswan
Destination: K N O W H E R E; 420 a.u. — 69 jumps ❤️
Petar Tonev petreze

@LimeChain @hashgraph @hiero-ledger Bulgaria

Eloi Manuel eloi010
Cybersecurity and Blockchain enthusiast.


Javed Khan tuxcanfly
Core Developer

@bcoin-org @handshake-org Remote

Bozhidar Atanasov Bobi-Wan
Backend developer: Go, Rust, Java

SAP Sofia, Bulgaria

Michael W. Hanna LocalLegend517
From Dreams To Reality

The FDTR Project 50/50 100 Mason Mi 48854

Majid Shobeiri shobeirimajid
Software Developer. Fluent in C#, Javascript and Solidity.

@majid.shobeiri Germany

t MuhtasimTanmoy
🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨

Buet Earth

Seth Landry Setland34
Super Global Administrator South Central United States

Nevena nevizaf
Part of the @LimeChain team | Passionate about Blockchain & Web3 Innovation


Maintainer.eth BrianMillsJr
R⟠Ð Scientist

SciΞntist-at-Large; do g∞d!

Jun JunsikChoi
Co-Founder of @Yallmon

@Yallmon Seoul, Korea

Pavel Atanasov reo101
- Teaching Functional Programming at Sofia University - Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI)

@Limechain Sofia, Bulgaria