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Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Tab Ours chaosfixx
Full stack development, Machine Learning, AI and and Cloud Computing. Part time gamer fascinated with technology and efficiencies.

Arizona, USA


Tempe, Arizona

Dr. med. Jan Schiefer janschiefer
Neprologist with a passion for open-source development.


Mikel Calvo MikelCalvo
Building LawActive

Basque Country

G_Host/M.Yass Raddy58
just a regular old Aaron
CyberAstraa CyberAstraa
Learner new here,Future Pentester
MayADevBe MayADevBe
I'm a student. I want to learn.
4p0lly0n B4MNsec
the founder of BAMNsec. Interested in most all things info sec.

By Any Means Neccessary Security Philadelphia, US

Alex Lynd AlexLynd
Hardware Hacker, Product Developer, Founder. @LyndLabs @DevKitty-io
